The Overwatch "Issue"

Winston is real! He can walk in real life!

@MandrillManiac @anon39655210


I love this gif

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Lol blizzard, they went and did the opposite of what the cry babies wanted. Hahahahahaha

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Pre-ordered it not too long ago, now it is just sitting there on my dashboard
mocking me.

Over watch is gonna be premade group heavy, you’ll have teams coordinating on voice comms pub stomping randoms. any of you boys get it on same platform I suggest you all group. Going it alone is gonna be frustrating after a while. Incoming steam rolling lol

The new pose pretty much still shows what people originally wanted to get rid of. No complainants here but I wonder if they know exactly what they are doing or if it was just a coincidence.

Joining the conversation!
I think tracer and black widow have odd unrealistic accents- it’s those voice actors who aren’t naturally British or Asian or Russian that mimic what they think should be the inflections

Tracer has a nice style but it is an annoying ‘only do good/ why are you bad trope’ which is just for others.

I love hanzo? I think and looking forward to maybe playing overwatch, however, I don’t know if they have a 3rd person view like smite cause I am not a fan of those games where you only see the hands and arms of the person you are controlling. Dead island/ doom etc

Omg I’ve always wanted to play Tera but it never came to game system, DCUO I play as well on Ps4 glad it made it to the new system, I was able to make orchid, Storm, Psylocke, all my favorites

It’s a bit far away so I’m watching the development but my next game will probably be guilty gear revelator

Wow! The new short ‘dragons’ is top tier animation


I heard about this issue when I was playing the beta. I would have found it funny too if I didn’t think the pose that they gave her was SOOO MUCH better than the one they replaced. And I found it really interesting that it wasn’t people saying it was “too sexy” that people wanted the change, but that it was “out of character”. What’s even more interesting is that the people at Blizzard actually agreed with this and changed the pose. There’s a video I came across that covers all of this and I think you guys should watch it too.

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Interesting Video! I guess I kinda see they ultimately reason they changed it.

That’s a bit of an oversimplification. I admit that I didn’t watch the video you linked because I detest that person’s content, so if he mentions all this I apologize for wasting everyone’s time.

The original battlenet post about Tracer’s pose said “It’s not fun, it’s not silly, it has nothing to do with being a fast elite killer. It just reduces Tracer to another bland female sex symbol.” Later in the same post she states her belief that “This pose says to the player base, oh we’ve got all these cool diverse characters, but at any point we’re willing to reduce them to sex symbols to help boost our investment game.”

In response, a lead developer on the project apologized and promised the team would “try to do better.” Later that same developer confirmed “[t]hat the pose had been called into question from an appropriateness standpoint by players in our community did help influence our decision.”

This was over an image of a cartoon woman in yoga pants facing away from the camera.

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That’s pretty much the whole video. Oversimplify characters, make their personality 2 dimensional.

I highly think this wouldn’t have been an issue had it not been an online response where multitudes of people are viewing the outcome. Hearsay can sink a ship-

If this were an old school letter sent to the company the correspondence would have probably been a huge F U letter

This was damage control as they were preparing to nationally release this game

This issue has been dealt with. There’s nothing to really focus on anymore.

Except for hilarious scrub whining. Overwatch is being hit with a Tsunami of scrub mentality and it’s kind of amusing to watch as a FG player.

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Well that’s too be expected. You have gamers who play CoD jump into overwatch? I expect nothing but
confusion for a while.

But - so is like, war - doesn’t make it right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s just human nature.

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Still funny to watch, at least to me. Some of the stuff they say is pretty out-there.