The Official "Let's Make Top 32" Thread

Also, as noted in another thread, points seem to have been tweaked. Hard to say so early but it might have an effect where top spot might not be in the 15k - 20k point ranges anymore. Also not sure if they adjusted the values you earn for beating a top 50 or so player.

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Sorry for the late reply

I managed to get into the top 32 in May. These are my advices:

1- Play only if you are confident. One day, I lost 8 fights in a row, dropping from the 14th to the 25. I stopped playing, and came the next day, with new energies. The next day, my balance was 15 victories and 2 loses, winning against all the opponents who beat me the previous day.

2-The key is not winning a lot: Is winning against people who are above you, and never lose. By my math, you need around 75%-80% win ratio against similar players(placed very close, or under you in the leaderboards) to get around the top 32. playing 5-10 fights per day(which is not much, to be fair). Much less if you win against players with better position.

3-Play 2 fights in exibition when you play for the first time in the day. Sometimes we make stupid errors on our first fights of the day. Get used to the game in 2 fights, and go for it. Donā€™t play more, or maybe you will get exausted for later. If you fight against people who are good, you are going to make a lot of choices in very few time. Donā€™t overload yourself prior fighting in ranked


You made it? Now I need to as well :frowning: Usually I start off well in the first week. Then after that,I just lose intrerest and stop going for the top 32.


I was Top 21 first weekā€¦ and then the bottom fell out

Go for it later in the month. You donā€™t have to work as hard if youā€™re able to grab several hundred or a thousand points in a single match.


I think this is key. I was at about 110 yesterday and faced both Carnitas and Hologram (twice) where I lost convincingly. I was incredibly discouraged that I insisted on playing a different character where I went on a 5 game losing streak. I honestly only wanted one win so I could just call it a night and go to bed, but my greed got the best of me since my heart wasnā€™t in it and I just played without any drive or thought. Hurt even worse when I faced an old rival who was in Gold which dropped my rank even more.

Tonight I will go back to attempt to get at least 10-20 wins if possible managing no more than five losses. Hopefully, I will be able to put myself within the 80-60ā€™s range by tonight at the very best so I can feel comfortable enough to repeat the process.

My biggest concern is facing opponents already at the helm of top 32 who have frequently attained their stars. These are the players that make my efforts futile as no matter how much I try to adapt, their level of expertise and knowledge of the matchup leave me well behind. I do fairly well against most people within my range, but once I start getting up the ranks, I struggle tremendously.

This may seem trivial, but is there a specific time you prefered playing on, mostly face opponents within equal levels opposed to pro-star players, how many matches up ended up winning/losing? That sort of thing.

Edit: On the bright side, I havenā€™t been teabag by a pro or player higher amongst the ranks, which is a nice change of pace. Maybe because I donā€™t play the same that tend to annoy players or simply just luck.

Yeah that sucks. Iā€™ve been there done that. I was frustrated yesterday and then won against Squarebinisā€™ Spinal twice and then lost my third set. I ended up netting nearly a grand in points though. :smiley:

Nice! Where are you sitting at now?

When I played in my timezone morning, I faced mostly european opponents, some of them hard to defeat(Deltarayquazza, Itamaster), but now that you mention it, probably there were less ā€œmonstersā€ to face than, say, at my timezone evening, where I got some famous players in front of me

Iā€™m speaking out of my head, but I believe I ended winning 500 matches, and lost around 150, which was a 70% win ratio. Anyway, the important part is WHO you win. Raven was just one spot over me, and he had something like 150 wins/35 defeats, so he just won against people who were high in the leaderboards

Itā€™s super important to avoid this. I used a rule for myself: Once I lose 5 games, stop playing ranked. There were days where I got a 15-5, 20-5, and they were great. Others, 5-5, I saw I was struggling, so stopped and came back later, maybe scoring a 20-5 later that day.

This is the attitude. I challenged myself every day. ā€œIā€™m 45, I should be 32 before going to bedā€. ā€œIā€™m 30, I should be 15 before going to bed, so I will awake 28-30ā€, and so on

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Yeah those guys are scary. I mean i can beat carnitas but heā€™s REALLY leveled up.

I was just making so many bad decisions and allowing myself to play his game opposed to forcing his weaknesses. I kept jumping in on hail, not baiting his wakeup, not AAing his jumping normals, etc. He wasnā€™t necessarily dominating the matchup as much as I let his knowledge of my pressure and patience control the pace of the match.

Hologram I had no freaking idea what to do, I just kind of gave up in the second set after I knew there was just no way.

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Me when ever I have the ā€œpleasureā€ of fighting him lol

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hologram is beatable. I beat him plenty times before. Heā€™s just got crazy set play that is EXCLUSIVE to how he plays thunder. you get hit because YOU DONā€™T KNOW, and thatā€™s ok.

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I beat him a few weeks ago too. He won the set but I won a match and damn near won the other 2. I dont think he likes to fight Omen much. lol

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He doesnā€™t. We play sets so blame me for giving him match up knowledge3 :joy:

Gotta say the thunder nerfs are pretty noticable. Before it felt like those thunder players were gatekeepers to the top 32, now they just feel like regular matches.

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Even more so with Gargos, though I do feel like he got hit hard when I can do too much despite being knowledgeable of the Jago matchup.

Gatekeepers is a strong word but i see your point. The toughest time i had with pro stars was REALLY good players.

Just want to point out the top 32 have an unusually low amount of points this month, three days left and you only need 8000 points? Iā€™ve only played for two days and Iā€™m sitting at 28th. Kind of doesnā€™t feel like an accomplishment this month.

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I dunno, i think it feels the same. Maybe more so now that as a Killer, the bulk of your points are going to come from either beating other Killers (+50 or more) rather than from Golds (+18) and Silvers (+10 i think).