Took a break on Sauron’s to work on the Tomb
Update: (As of this post 12:15 AM)
Now if you excuse me as of this time. I gotta get some sleep. See ya’ll tommarrow.
Took a break on Sauron’s to work on the Tomb
Update: (As of this post 12:15 AM)
Now if you excuse me as of this time. I gotta get some sleep. See ya’ll tommarrow.
Been playing KI a again with some friends and teaching people how to play Kim. It’s been fun to play with everyone again!
Also thinking about learning Maya to cover some of Kim’s bad matchups because Maya is cool.
ive been messing around on trying new characters myself. ive been trying shago, eyedol with his butt whoopin stick, and kan ra again. i am terrible with all 3 but im having a ton of fun while struggling to not run to hisako lol
You play Fulgore?
I honestly don’t know what other character pick.
I tried Shago, Fulgore, Gargos, Riptor, Glacius but I’m not having fun
Honestly no idea who to pick. I do feel like Glacius might be good. Specially against Thunder,Raam, Shin, maybe Gargos…You know, many bad matchups for my main.
Try the Night Guard Sisters
I would like a cheaper character, not hard to pick up :I
Maybe Orchid? You are just looking for another character to cover bad matchups right?
Pretty much yes. I’ve seen Orchid doing good va Thunder. Still not sure
I’ve been working my way to Killer rank again with only Maya so I can get some experience with her. The stuff she does is really cool but I haven’t gotten the hang of all of her juggles yet.
Orchid is indeed one of Thunder’s few bad MUs
yeah i been playing alot with fulgore. basically you’ll want to use counter breakers a good amount when you start doing your fierce auto doubles. lot of people just guess break, or wait for that. if you do heavy lazer linker, also bluff on that with counter break. what i tend to do is go in, and stage 3 plasma bolt ender to set up them up for fulgore’s teleport mix ups because its hard knockdown. when you teleport behind them, you have a big choice in options to open them up for another combo again.
but just so you know, when they have instinct and you do this ender i can guarantee you if the match is looking like it could go either way they will pop it. so instead of porting behind them…just port to the side you’re in already. if you time it right, you could hit them with a stagger using his FP lazer, THEN you teleport to their side and start ruining them. just be aware some guys might read you, so they’ll do a shadow special move that goes through projectiles, while being able to reach you for combo. hope this helps you
one last thing, if you want 50% reactor spin on demand. you do fulgore’s new juggle start up, which is foot sweep > FP > then do a fierce dragon punch immediately after. it all combos together but cant be broken. land it twice, and you’re at maximum spin. its a handy trick man, especially for people who dont check their legs
So I haven’t had a lot going on. Mostly staying home trying not to get sick, and doing some little things here and there to keep myself busy. Probably my main focus lately has been my new treadmill. Well, new to me. So my wife and kids have been wanting to get another cat. I told them fine, but I wanted to have a treadmill so I could get some more excercise. So my wife managed to find a free one, though used. When we got it home, the incline doesn’t work, it was dirty, and made a sort of grinding noise when it ran, but otherwise seemed to function well. We cleaned it up, I ordered some lubricant, and opened it up to see what all was wrong on the inside. Turns out the “grinding nosie” was just a paper with the electric diagrams rubbing up against the tread. It runs whisper quiet.
So yeah, that’s what I’ve been up to.
A preview so far! Once it’s finished i’ll post it in the off topic.
not much going on here, got the call to stay at home until further notice and work from home again. the days again became a blur, so i tried to keep busy. cases rose pretty hard, so people again are hoarding toilet paper. this apocalypse sucks lol, so im gonna get drunk and laugh when i catch a break
Goodness man, you’d think people would learn not to do that. But I guess the spiked also happened from other cases as well. I hope your safe.
yeah all is well, just here at home dug in.
has anybody been able to fight on killer instinct
Searching is currently busted. I made a thread about it here:
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omg lol after busting head open and thinking my fix didnt work. thank god it aint just me