The KI Life Thread (what's going on in your daily lives)

Yikes! That’s the digital equivalent of wandering off in the woods at night with no coat, no water, no compass and not telling anyone you’re leaving. I feel your pain - it has to be frustrating to watch.


Wow, just wow. How is it that people asusme that a hacked account has to with a computer as a whole. It’s as crqazy as someone aksing if facebook has internet features. Heck facebook is a website, you need to be connected to it to the internet.


Yeah, I know. Sad thing is a lot of older people I deal with on a regular basis (usually 50-70+) are like this. And trying to explain the internet to them is like trying to explain traffic laws to someone whose primary source of transportation for their entire life has been by horse.

Anyway, my wife told me this morning that overnight my in-laws had thought about what they had done and finally decided to let me undo the damage the scammers did. I can’t say it wasn’t without a bit of exaggeration of potetional outcomes on my part.

I may have said these scammers could potentially leave them homeless and penniless via identity theft. The more likely outcome is they just take the money and nothing else happens…maybe come sniffing back around in a few months. But the way I see it right now, if my in-laws are going to be ignorant of how all of this works, I guess it’d be better to be ignorant in a way that doesn’t let them get scammed out of nearly a grand than it would otherwise. *shrug *
In the meantime maybe I’ll be able to better educate them on how to avoid crap like this.


I’m not sure I would say you are exaggerating - just offering a true worst case scenario. I know people who have had to deal with identity theft and it 1. Takes a long time to resolve, and 2. If there is any evidence that you cooperated with the fraudster they immediately treat it as if you are attempting to defraud the insurance/bank and investigate you thoroughly. The cases I’ve seen have been happily resolved, but I have a feeling a claims investigator would be very focused on how your father in law called them up and gave them access to his computer.

Point being - you did the right thing.


I got my in-laws’ computer back in order. I just wiped the drive and cloned their old one back onto it. Had a bit of trouble getting the restored drive to boot up. It wasn’t reading the primary partition as the C drive, and it took me a while to figure out how to change the drive lettering when it was only booting up just the BIOS and some windows recovery options. I finally found that you could access the command prompt to change the drive letter. So everything’s back to normal.


hopefully he got some education from you about computers too


I Remade Diablo: the Evil Flame Thrower! He just needs a tongue and to be rigged and he will be finished.

Jeff already did more clips of our the slashfang vs chaos animation and this model is just one of the others.

As far as the series goes we have made all 7 + slashfang. Only one model left to make. and it will be a doozy.


Tomorrow my daughter is graduating. I know it’s cliche but it doesn’t seem like she should be this old. They’re supposed to be doing a kind of drive-in theater sort of setup. 1 vehicle per graduate, and everyone stays in their vehicles while they get called up one at a time to get their diplomas. For everyone else, the local tv provider is going to be recording it and streaming it online. Whatever works, right?
Aside from that, I’ve been messing with some new gadgets, one being a Galaxy smartwatch, and the other a Raspberry Pi 4. They’re both pretty neat. I’m also supposed to be getting some Valve Index controllers…and I guess Half-Life Alyx is supposed to come with them too. I should probably be thrilled to be able to have actual hand tracking in VR, but honestly I think I’m more looking forward to having analog sticks instead of the 2 giant track pads on my Vive controllers.
Games like Skyrim and DOOM VFR will be so much easier to play now.


Here’s the Diablo renders

and now the Sauron Renders


I’m checking out a video regarding Them’s Fightin’ Herds on YouTube. It’s quite interesting.


status on our current project


So along with all the other crazy stuff I’ve had going on lately, today’s my birthday. I finally hit the big 4-0 this year.
It’s weird… I feel like I should still be in my mid 20s (mentally anyway), yet I have a kid that’s going to be starting college this fall. Just…weird.


happy bday


I know I am late, but Happy Birthday!


My bro just got maneater.


Here’s hoping that next year will be better than this year…

Did this two days ago for the Cove. It’s still a work in progress.


Hey, I’ve been MIA here, so I thought I’d write something a little more thoughtful.

Our refinancing after moving the old house’s sale proceeds over is all done, so our costs are quite low again, which is nice in these uncertain times. We’re slowly making the new house our own with improvements.

My company offers 8 weeks of bonding leave when you have a kid, so I’m taking the last of it for my baby son, coming into my last week. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family: playing with the kids, taking family walks, cooking all sorts of things. It’s been nice. There’s a lot of unrest in the world right now, but my little spot in it has been very quiet and peaceful.

I spent my 20s living a very frugal and austere existence, and those closest to me always pushed me to “live my life” more. I had some almost-regret about that, that nagging “maybe I should’ve done things differently” doubt. However, seeing what all those years building resources allowed me to provide my family, I think I can put all that to rest. My kids got/get to spend their first couple years all day with their mom, they have room to run around and play inside and outside, etc etc.

I’ve had to help the wife out with the kids a lot, but I’m making my way back into playing KI, so see you around in Ranked/Exhibition :+1:


Congratulations. Building financial security for yourself and your family is not recognized enough. Enjoy it.


been a minute since i posted up. 1st round of classes done, got straight As across board even though i was innebriated most of the time since COVID blues had us stuck at home. we started to go back to work a bit more but still on call. pretty hyped, now starting the next round of courses of programming torture. i fix things that are broken, or make things faster. i cant make computers talk for ■■■■. i hope everyone has been doing well besides our friend a couple posts up, grats dude