whats up all, just been here at home lol. went in to work a few hours and fixed a couple things, then came home. something was telling me to take advantage and use the other car, but i took the daily instead. im regretting it as we got the stay home order soooooo…im stuck here. i have things to keep me amused though. since having gotten outta work ive been trashed everyday because im so bored. plenty of bourbon and whiskey left too, wheeeeeee
Just remember cirrhosis is still a thing so don’t overdo it.
My son and I just finished LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Wow, what a huge leap from the older LEGO Star Wars games. There’s still lots of stuff to collect so we will probably go back and spend more time with this one.
ill be good man, lol. today was pretty relaxing again, i got fahkumram on tekken 7, hes pretty fun to play. did a bunch of matches, and got owned hard which is the norm learning a new fighter. i also noticed im running out of smokes. tomorrows another day couped up here
“after the night when i wake up/ill see what tomorrow brings”
I’ve did some editing for the next Primal Rage Battle.
-Redid the Sky texture for the settings
-Revised the fur for Chaos and Slashfang
-Worked on new models for the other gods as well.
So far we have all but Diablo done.
got the word im on call indefinitely, but i may be called upon to go work some job in a ■■■■■■■■ town several miles out. if im chosen, i will be earning hazard pay seeing as how cases are rising here. i dont mind the money, i could always use it, but im not lookin forward to goin out there. ppl out there suck
2 cases of positive testing here in my town. in my local hospital.
Things have been pretty dull for me. Social distancing hasn’t really bothered me much, what with having social anxiety and all. You could say I’ve pretty well been practicing for this for the past couple of years, all things considered. Still trying to find meds that agree with me.
Other than that, been playing a lot of Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing. Still been enjoying my new TV, especially since it’s the only screen in my house that plays games at 120fps. Now that I got a taste of that, I need to get a new center monitor for my computer. My pc monitors only do 60.
It’s funny though, but frames, like resolution, seems to be one of those things that when you first see the improvement it seems like such a minor thing, until you go back to a lower setting and see what a drastic improvement it was.
another week, another day at home. my area has 70 cases and rising, with 5 of those being here in town. so im basically staying put as usual and keeping myself amused best i can. but im not gonna lie, i miss my friends, a girl i been havin a great time with is stuck out of state, and works been quiet. im not crawling off the walls yet, but another couple weeks of this i might be lol.
i did take the race car out for a spin around town the other day, that felt so good. blasted some dark synth and enjoyed the ride before heading home, i couldnt stay out long else i would potentially eat a 1k fine and you all know how cops feel about fast red cars
No question it’s a strain on everyone. We are social animals and connecting with other people is important for our mental health. There’s no substitute for real face to face interactions but even having online chats with your Xbox friends is better than nothing.
Hang in there.
I know how everyone feels. We had to cancel atleast 2 or more weeks of hangouts with a friend of mine I’ve known sense 2nd grade. Basically watching a Godzilla movie every week.
But Safety is important. Deaths form the virus is very low for some and while most seem to recover from the virus it does not change the fact that you don’t want to get sick period.
Till then I’m making some skyboxes for the future project. Haven’t gotten to Diablo yet.
Funny though, I really like listening to Max’ twitch stream these days. No ads… hearing him enjoy or curse at a game for hours…very much like a very looking podcast. Almost seems like nothing’s wrong in the world hearing Max in the background.
It’s the juxtaposition of mostly fine people with the 15% that require hospitalization that is making it difficult for people to understand -including me for quite some time. The media keep reporting death percentages, which are obviously of legitimate concern, but the real number that matter is the number of survivors who rely on hospital care in order to survive. And this is quite high.
Indeed, most folks seem to get sick and turn out okay afterwards. Some need the hospital to survive, but we do know that now. It’s going to be some time before this blows over.
The numbers are going to become high and people are going to feel worse and worse, emotionally, even though most of us are healthy and unaffected. It’s impossible to overestimate how big a mental health issue it is going to be for everyone let alone people who already struggle with mental health issues.
Don’t stare at the tv all day listening to the same stories. Don’t fixate on the numbers and how they are going up and up. DO follow the advice of national health authorities. But try to stay occupied with things other than coronavirus news.
Thats why I was also listening to videos form doctors. Heck I always look at the knowledge of experts when it comes anything really.
Welp! my brother and I have to isolate from work till April 12th.
So far jeff and I aren’t feeling sick. We’ve been listening carefully to symptoms so were still okay. We’re going to get tested soon.
Did someone test positive or did your work just catch up with the rest of the country?
We had 3 positive cases over the past 2 weeks. Some believe I and many others may have been in close proximity. How close is uncertain. But what I do know, is that they told us it is precaution. It’s entirely possible that We may not have the virus. As far as I know I’ve been practicing the social distancing, washing my hands ect. I even sanitized my desk as well.
All I know is that they are taking precaution. My county in Oklahoma only has 27 cases. All I know is orders are orders and I just need to wait and see what happens. For all we know we are not likely to get sick.
@BigBadAndy thanks man, my gearhead friends and i tried a group vid call on fb messenger. we had a blast, it was much needed too. it surely broke up the monotny
@justathereptile i hope you guys turn out okay over there, wish you the best
on the topic of numbers, we will be seeing it rise but i believe thats due to tests being more readily available. it shouldnt be seen as the virus being out of control or cause for panic. im hearing also theyre adding deaths to it from ppl having prior issues causing death, but they were infected and so theyre added to the tally
Well to give any update, Jeff and I can’t get tested because we aren’t showing nay symptoms. So were still going to be stuck with till april 14th. So far we’ve been keeping ourselves busy.
Jeff just learned how to rig a snake in blender.