So we’re all moved into our new house and almost done unpacking/settling in. The sale of our old house is going well and closes at the end of the month. We got asking price + 15k
. Excited to use the proceeds to pay about 85% of the principal of the new house, then refinance to get a monthly we don’t have to stress about.
Panic buying hasn’t been too bad around here. A few specific items have been knocked out, but the impact to us has been minimal. Worked from home for the first day yesterday (Intel is recommending it heavily), and it actually feels like a vacation, even though I was pretty productive. It’s nice to see the family throughout the day.
Baby Code has been sleep trained, which has been a huge improvement on our lives. He’s also been getting really good at eating solids unbelievably quickly. He’s started getting into sitting by himself, and he’s doing a little bit of crawling and cruising. He babbles well too.
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I heavily advise looking into Konflikt 47 and Kings of War. Feel free to PM me to discuss if you want.
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You can blame part of this on the media. That’s for darn sure.
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Been stuck on XCOM: Enemy within. Decided I wanted to give Xcom another shot since I never finished it, and I am having a blast with it!
glad to see everyone is doing fine out there, also happy we all have our heads on straight too lol. my brother and i were outside havin a smoke and he tells me some lady bought 30 gallons of milk. lmao what in the hell is someone gonna do with all that ■■■■. thats gonna spoil in a week and couldve gone to others haha
past few days been at home, gaming it up and catching sleep. got oil changed for both cars, had lunch, played octopath traveler today so its been relaxing. i took a spin round town, the stores are still flooded with people buying groceries and hoardin up out of fear or to resell local/online. the lines stretched outside and around the buildings, wtf lol.
so far i wont be working from home, i am gonna keep going in as usual since my town has no cases. i suspect that may be changing pretty soon tho as things get cancelled. ppl are spooked as it is for many reasons and also cuz we are on the border, so we see lots of travelers from everywhere. even places with confirmed cases
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I’ve heard that tt eh higher ups where I work were thinking about keeping me and others working for longer than expected. It’s not 100% confirmed but my supervisor asked me if I would love to keep working past the intended lay off date. I did say yes.
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i played xcom 2 alot, and i dont miss those moments where i have 90% to hit, my soldiers shotgun is literally clipping into a targets model…“shot went wide” and then i lose half my team haha
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Yeah, I’m enjoying it.
I hate Chryssalids so much lol
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Lol. I feel like that happens a LOT less in XCOM2 as compared to older entries in the series. Early game soldiers are so bad that their hit percentage is never that high to begin with, and as they level up they mostly seem to do better. Definitely still have some “welp, there goes the mission” misses, but overall it’s a lot better than it used to be 
Lol. They’re super annoying in Enemy Within. They’re the enemy that really made me start having great point characters with shotguns :-p
No kidding. Especially with Terror Missions, as soon as I see one, I have the whole team beeline for them to kill them. I’m not dealing with Zombies and then the eventual baby Chryssalid lol.
I have two Assault Classes on my team, but I don’t know if that is a good thing, since I don’t know team comp too much. I heard 2 supports is really good in a squad of 6.
So thanks to what’s going on globally, I got laid off from my job very early.
On a positive note, I’m on my third and (hopefully) final playthrough of Persona 5. Collecting all the trophies since I enjoy the game that much.
oh god chrysalids. yup i just run everybody up to him and then i start blasting idgaf. especially if your guys arent good on armor yet, theyll get 1 shotted or close to death. i think i might reinstall this game now, but i got doom preloadin atm and i know for sure im gonna get wasted and play that one all day
Day off today and ended up winning my first ever online tournament in any fighting game. I joined a SamSho weekly tournament. Not the highest level of play as most strong players were duking it out in the lower bracket, I felt my path was a bit easier. Ended up dropping only one round in and that was during the finals.
Coronavirus is impacting life here too but panic is long gone and store supplies are readily available again. Usually, one doesn’t have to wait long in case a certain product runs out of stock.
Stay safe everyone.
Congrats on winning your tournament - that’s awesome!
And sorry to hear about your job @TheSkullAddict - hope everything manages to work out for you.
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still here at home, got the call im not goin to work next week. so ill be here just chilling out and playing more doom on nightmare. this game is so ■■■■ good, im loving every minute of it. the amount of chaos and total carnage on display is god tier lol.
nightmare is seriously the only way to play this beast for that good intense immersion and demons going ham throwing nothing but hail marys and the kitchen sink
Amazing what you can do while half listening to a conference call…
I hope you’re all muddling through okay.
I’m on my bed in my pajamas waiting to join a conference call myself in about an hour but I’m really scared that I’ll fall asleep and miss the entire thing. So ready to fall asleep 
The new normal is a relaxed standard for video conferences. As everyone roams their house looking for places to escape kids and working spouses. I now know what just about everyone in my office has for a headboard.
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Quarantine Day 9:
Also, my daughter just ran up to me and said “Hey Dad! Are crabs real?”