The KI Life Thread (what's going on in your daily lives)

No problem :slight_smile:

The in-game art is also pretty neat so I might go for this design. I just don’t have an extra stick to use it on lol


I know I shouldn’t bring this up, but I don’t see how a bikini top is really the best design they could come up with for this character…

Yeah, I would have preferred a traditional Japanese Archer type of outfit myself.


i bought alot of food and water ahead of time, which is all ive done to prepare just in case. everybody bought all the masks out here, and bout 15min away we got potential infected seeing as they came back from san antonios north star mall which was contaminated. i wont be stuck without supplies and restroom items so im good if and when ppl start bum rushing the markets

super late edit: yep. just as i foresaw people raided the sams club and other markets. my lady friend threw me a text sayin ALL the water got bought out. everywhere. and toilet paper lmao

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nevermind fighting for oil and gas to keep our fuel injected suicide machines running rofl


just leave the toilet paper and walk away. put an end to the horror


Lol, if lack of toilet paper becomes too widespread of an issue, maybe bidets will make a serious comeback.

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I’m complaining on Twitter because yesterday I had one super busy day at work and therefore couldn’t play videogames :laughing: what a life!


been pretty slow at work for me lol. i felt a range day was in order so i went over to the academy to grab some 5.56 and maybe some 12ga. ppl hit up the ammo too -_- im guessing land owners or ranchers

For the exact same reason: The (now) coronavirus pandemic outbreak, I presumed? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue:

yup. everyones first thought out here is “lets hide out at a ranch”. very sure the people who own them will not be letting a bunch of strangers outside their families in


People watch too many movies and don’t use their heads.


I blame the media. People turn on the news to hear about stuff going on around the world and they’re bombarded with newscasters that don’t know what they’re talking about trying to use scare tactics to hook people into watching news channel A and relying on them for info instead of news channel B so that channel A will gain more ad revenue.

…ok, maybe a bit of hyperbole there, but you get my point.

But I mean, when you constantly have stuff thrown in your face like that, it’s easy to just go with the rest of the sheeple and panic.

Here is what has taken over my life for the past 3.5 years: Commander!

I don’t have a problem…
I don’t have a problem…
I don’t have a problem…
I don’t have a problem…
I don’t have a problem…
I don’t have a problem…


yup. while everyones panicking like fools ill be playing videogames and having taco night every night lol. ill prolly even make enchiladas to last a few days, and eat real nice. give em a kick too while im at it with habanero, mmmm mmm ■■■■■ haha


Spend the remainder of the day teaching my brother abit more on Zbrush.

ive had a pleasant weekend, been wanting to take a cruise in my fast ride but ppl have been driving like maniacs out there. so ive stayed put, got studying done, ate a nice dinner, played some switch


The schools announced they are closed, and effectively with Spring Break this means the kids are home for four weeks. The kids are ecstatic. My son told his friend on Xbox last night “Coronavirus is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Our trip to LA looks like it will probably need to be cancelled, since everything fun there is shutting down.

We have tons of supplies - without doing any panic shopping. A couple of years ago I installed some shelves in the laundry room that my wife immediately started calling our “prepper shelves.” These are about 10 feet long and five feet high and well stocked with all kinds of non-perishables (yes, including toilet paper lol).

My boss decided we should all work from home for the next two weeks. This is easy to do because of the nature of our work And saves me about 3 hours a day. My international travel for March is cancelled and it looks like April will be as well.

With my extra 3 hours a day I have a huge backlog of miniatures and models to paint. The 3D printer is running well (knock wood) churning out gaming terrain, and I’m eyeing a lot of games that I haven’t had a chance to try out let alone finish.

No one is sick. Whole thing seems like a cozy respite. Hope you all are doing just as well.


My older bro and I went to grab some stuff that was needed at wal-mart. But when we got to the isle with milk, eggs, and tea nearly the entire yogurt shelf was gone. Even most of the snack cakes where gone in the snack isles. I chuckled for abit then asked myself why am I laughing.? I cou;dn’t even tell if it was in disbelief or something else.

So far we had 2 positive cases but nothing was found here in my town. So I can still head to work for the 2 in a half weeks I have left there.

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The stores here are restocking pretty frequently. If people would calm down and stop trying to buy ten months worth of stuff at a time, it would be fine.