started new job site. people runnin the show there are in my age group, lot of younger folks and some boomers. everyone was very nice, different atmosphere for sure and in a good way. as for work load, holy ■■■■ its really light. idk wtf im gonna do, all i ever knew was being overwhelmed and under constant pressure. all thats over, less stress is always good
Can I ask what you do?
I.T. work mainly, its demanding down here since we’re within the top 10 poorest counties. so all our gear is so ■■■■■■■ outdated its ridiculous. its like the zombie PC is made from a zombie that was already dead and re-risen from the grave. ive seen a server that still had ■■■■■■■ windows 98 LOLLLL
Talk about out dated stuff.
yeah, i live in backwater territory. i think a major factor causing this areas growth to be stunted is small town politics and other BS thats typical of places like this. it is what it is
It’s alright. Expectations were a bit higher is all. Honestly most of the important stuff we have planned to get we still can. Besides, it’s not nearly as bad a situation as last year. Long story short, my daughter threw away some mail that ended up costing us $6,000. I think it’s fair to say I was beyond furious.
Ouch. Poor girl.
So I take it that she didn’t know any better then?
My company recommended its employees to work from home due to Coronavirus safety measures to avoid unnecessary travel.
For some strange reason I think I will complete a few unfinished games over the next few weeks.
sounds like you’ll be doing well.
So I finally got an Xbox One X and a 4k TV as well. It’s a Samsung QLED, in case anyone wants to know. So for it seems pretty spiffy. Didn’t get a chance to do much with it yet. I did play a bit of KI as well as play a level of DOOM (4). Definitely a decent upgrade, that’s for sure.
Main reason why I upgraded though is the 3d TV I’ve had for 10 years now is starting to have issues. It’s not bad enough that it’s dead, but definitely enough to assume it could be on its last leg.
I also got a few 4k Blu-ray movies, namely all 6 live action Transformers movies. Shakespeare they are not, but I remember when I first got the original on HD DVD (literally a week before the HD DVD format was declared dead) the upscale in quality was especially noticeable due to all the moving parts on the bots.
And hey, maybe now that I have 2 Xbox Ones maybe I can play Halo 5 4-player with my wife and kids…oh wait.
I used to play video games, but now my life and soul belongs to this beast…
He’s already MUCH bigger, but I can’t keep him still long enough to take a photo!
His name is Shadow…
He’s sleeping on my mom, who has been puppy sitting for me while I’m at work.
heres a few tips that i received from a family friend involved with medical field. stock up on food and water (pretty sure you have) and buy plenty of duct tape. you can apply it to to your windows and doors, you can also turn regular clothes into a stage 2 ppe suit if you also got a mask with n95 rated filters. glove up too.
idk how it is over there, but take care man. last night bro and i saw that NJPW will be cancelling all events until march 15th. man, once i hear we got infected here in town i am not goin to work lol
Living well is the best revenge.
There’s no reason, at all, to duct tape your doors and windows. Viruses don’t come into your home through the doors and windows, or cracks in the walls.
There’s a lot more panicking going on than people getting sick.
I got my 3rd paycheck and wound up having use a majority of it to pay
rent, a freezer, and 2TB SSD drives.
That’s true, Even when the virus was becoming a thing in America, the Flu is still the bigger threat. That being said we should cautious. The steps you take to prevent the flu should prevent the cornovirus.
Is there a Fan-Art Thread in this Forum? Because I’d like to share Fan Portrait Collages with you all
That would be in AND under the “Artwork & Videos” section
Thank You