The KI Life Thread (what's going on in your daily lives)

Hello all. Glad to see that this thread is still up and running.

I graduated from school again back in August and while I’ve been looking for work that’s related to my degree the current job I have at the moment is REALLY good. So I feel like I have the advantage of being picky with what jobs I apply for. To be honest it is going to take something extraordinary for me to outright quit my current job. I would rather keep my current job part time and go to work full time at another job that’s related to my degree.

But other than that I am still dabbling in games. I’m still playing KI for brief periods at a time but I’ve actually put Rainbow Six Siege to the side for a moment as I’ve been more into Call of Duty. On my days off from work I’ve been playing a ton of Magic the Gathering with friends. It has been a lot of fun.

I hope everyone is doing well! Best wishes to everyone in the year 2020! :sunglasses::+1:


more drama at work, apparently ive got a target on my back. our county is the ■■■■■■■ worst, compadre system in action and morons in charge. either way, my spot is secure and out of spite im staying while producing results. nothin stops this train baby, rocking and rolling everyday like always

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me at work, ■■■■ em:

which led to a change in my situation but on our terms. its a very favorable one too, this also leads to a lighter work load

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Happy Valentimes Day Everyone !!! :heart:


More like Stupid AND Overcommercialized Valentine’s Day if you ask me to which this pointless, meaningless, hallow, and superficial holiday should be remove AND permanently ban from calendars :-1: :roll_eyes: :expressionless: :unamused:

I sense alil bit of Heart Break there… :thinking:

No heartbreak at all as I’ve been single my ENTIRE life now. I just happened to developed a rather cynical view for that particular holiday and above all on relationships, it’s all.

Well in that case… Happy February 14 to you !!! :wink:

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My wife and I went out to eat yesterday. Mostly because I had to work tonight, but we also went out yesterday to avoid the V-day crouds. I never did really care for V-day much myself…not because I don’t like doing nice things for my wife, but because I don’t particularly care for society forcing us into making a grand show of affection on one certain date. We show affection to each other all the time, but if we’re not feeling it on V-day, we’re uncaring ■■■■■■■■…or more specifically I’m an uncaring ■■■■■■■.
*sigh *

In other news, I learned something new today. Apparently on federal income taxes kids stop being considered children when they turn 17, making them ineligible for the child tax credit.
…I had plans for that money…


We need to clean up all of the various age issues in the US. Age of consent, age of eligibility for military, age where you can purchase restricted items etc. Its absurd all the different ways you can simultaneously be both an adult and a child under the law. I would say more but I don’t want to get political.

Sorry about your tax return.

As far as Valentines Day, I don’t really understand why people get so upset about it. It’s a “just for fun” holiday that requires nothing of anyone. If your spouse or significant other makes demands of you, that’s between you and them. If you are single and don’t like it, then burning down Valentines Day isn’t going to get you a date. It’s just a bitter, sour grapes reaction along the lines of “no one should be allowed to celebrate because I can’t.” Of all the things to rebel against, Valentines Day seems pretty much like the bottom of the list to me.

For myself, the wife and I say “Happy Valentines Day” and that’s about it. We buy the kids heart shaped chocolate boxes. I used to send her flowers at work but she asked me to stop because too many of the other teachers got jealous - which seems absurd. One year a couple of years after we got married and before the kids came along I surprised her by showing up outside her workplace (in Manhattan at the time) and took her a nice dinner and then to see The Lion King on Broadway. It was a nice surprise - and didn’t harm anyone in any way. :man_shrugging:

my valentines was VERY fun hahaha. then i had a nice steak dinner. medium rare, nice and bloody. im not much of a fan for this holiday myself, but i still have a great time anyway. life is short, gotta enjoy it while we are still young


Saw the sonic movie. It was AWESOME!


A. Low expectations?
B. Better than what you expected it to be?

It was better than what I expected it to be. I was skeptical about Jim Carry as Robotnik at first, but he actully did a good job. I even thought about it and realized Robotnik has had multiple versions of himself throughout the years.

I also have my own favorite part in the movie, but I won’t mention it to avoid spoling it. Good film overall.

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Was Sonic the Movie funny too (of course)? :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, my favorite scene was the funniest in that movie.

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i want to go see that movie to at least support the folks who put their studio into bankruptcy just to fix the mess that was sonic’s appearance. if its actually great, then that is definitely a bonus! you arent the only one saying its good, ive been seeing around the web that people are having positive opinions. also apparently jim carrey had a return to form with his old school comedic ability from the 1990s

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He pulled it off too. Again I was skeptical as the choice for him. but when you consider versions that are different games like The sonic SatAM Robotnik, the AoSTH Robotnik. They did a great job with it.

Also I just updated Chaos’s fur for the fan made fight animation Jeff and I have been doing. We haven’t been able to do much due to our job. But I’m getting the hand of the scheduled and starting squeeze more time into doing projects.

and as a side project.



ive been so busy myself, i havent had the time to prep my car for track days coming up in march all the way into the summer. this is a good problem to have for me imo, what im doing is going to be worth it for my future and that is somethin you cant really beat


Making the best of it is one way to go about it. I’ve also been liking the job I’ve been doing too. All that work ethic I’ve been building up is paying off too. It’s a seasonal job though, so I’m not sure how long they will have me working. but I’m hoping it’s nine months/