The future of Fighting Games on XB1

Where??? I can’t find his tweeted!

Backward compatibility is great, and I know we’ll see some awesome Xbox 360 fighters on XB1 eventually, so I don’t want to discard that outright, but that’s not really the type of response I’d expect from MS in terms of this specific instance of SFV going Sony exclusive.

I mean, that could be used for any type of exclusive Sony gets in any genre. It’s not exactly fighting game specific. Though in saying that, I don’t mean to diminish the significance of backward compatibility. I think it’s awesome! :smile:

I would just expect more of a response of “we’ve signed a contract with Sega to bring Virtua Fighter 6 exclusively to Xbox One” or something along those lines. That’s more of the apples to apples comparison I guess I thought of when he said that they’d make it up to Xbox One owners.

He tweeted that out back when SFV was first announced. I can’t find those tweets, but there are articles siting them from both Gamespot and Cinemablend. I think Polygon had a story about it as well. Anyways, here’s the one form Cinemablend:

Cinemablend Article

I mean, he mentions “franchise bartering” so maybe Rise of the Tomb Raider and Scalebound were responses to SFV. Tomb Raider is getting awesome reviews and will be on my X-mas list and I’m very intrigued by Scalebound, but as a fighting game fan, it’d still be awesome to hear that they secured a fighting game response to the exclusive fighting game that Sony got (ie Virtua Fighter 6 or Soul Calibur 6 or something along those lines).

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Well I have both systems but I don’t pay for PS4’s onlineservice so…
And next year Nintendos next system might hit.

I can see it now.


Haha! Take that Sony/Capcom!


(plz microsoft plz :smile:)



Make xb1 the home for 3D fighters, or Namco fighters…etc. and of course, put millions into KI.

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Exclusives suck for the consumer, though. Always have and always will. Sometimes they are needed for IP reasons, but if they aren’t, then being an exclusive sucks.


My sentiments exactly, Infil. Unless the console manufacturer in question owns the IP and MAYBE if they provide the funds for development, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me to have exclusive content. It’s always a bummer to see a game’s audience be limited by which over priced plastic box you bought to play it. It makes me a lot less perceptive of games I’d potentially like to play, but can’t because I can’t play it . Granted, its also saved me from a lot of games I thought were over hyped, and was proven right about (cough Order 1886 cough)

I agree with you guys. It hurts us as gamers to have to separate each other from something. Like Street Fighter. We as Xbox One Gamers, are divided, and it’s sad to be on the non-exclusive side. I can imagine the same for Playstation and Our Halo games. One day. Just One. I’d like games to be cross-platform play, through ALL Consoles and PC. That way, we might not ever have to worry about exclusives. But I have intel that this wont be considered until the year 3248. Companies always want to be one step ahead of its competitors.

LOL It looked cool at least. I can give it that…

I dunno. Do we know for certain that SFV would’ve been made at all had Sony not ponied up the cash? Did MS put up any money for Lost Odyssey or Alan Wake or Quantum Break or Scalebound or ReCore?

I don’t know how much MS or Sony dollars help make certain games happen, if any. But if they do help, then I’m okay with losing some exclusives. I’d rather see SFV on PS4 than not at all and I say that as someone that only has an XB1.

I would however like to see MS land a big fish of their own in this regard, and by that I mean if money makes Virtua Fighter 6 or Soul Calibur 6 or maybe something smaller like giving Primal Rage 3 or Eternal Champions 2 or Mace: The Dark Age 2 happen where it otherwise might not have been possible, then I’d really like to see them go for it.

Its really tough to say what the overall impact of exclusivity is without knowing how the game would turn out if it didn’t have support from one console manufacturer. But it is more than fair to say that exclusives are aggravating for consumers and the number of people playing the game (which is important for the FGC) will always be lower for exclusive games.

I am neutral on the idea of Xbox exclusive fighters. I’m more concerned with making sure that the machine has as many fighting games as possible. I have a 360 and a PS3. My 360 is packed up and I rarely touch my PS3, mostly due to habit and the particulars of my home set up. But I sold most of my 360 library and I went to look yesterday at what I had decided to keep. It’s pretty much all fighting games. SSF IV, SF x Tekken, Tekken 6, VF 5, MK9, MvC3, Injustice. I also have the 360 digital downloads for pretty much everything - SF3, Marvel Origins, Datkstalkers and probably a few I’m leaving out. This is a huge library of fighting games, many of which are still relevant. Because fighters are multiplayer they have more value to me to dust off when someone comes over or even to revisit online. This would represent huge value to me if MS could get them up and running through backwards compatibility.

As far as future fighters, I don’t care so much if they are exclusive so long as they come to X1. That’s where I want to play them, even though I have a serviceable PC and will probably get a PS4 at some point. If MS can resurrect another franchise (Primal Rage) like they did with KI, then even better.

Something to consider when pondering the future of FG’s… The “king” needed a bailout to even have this conversation.

KI was “dead” and all but forgotten before E3’13, now some are worried about the game that was dead because its developer didn’t know how to run their IP.

I will stick to games where I can feel the passion, ie, KI :smiley:

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I don’t want to see Primal Rage rebooted on the XBox One.

I wouldn’t mind seeing an Eternal Champions reboot though. :wink:

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THAT’S what I wanna see!

It’s time to bring back old classic fighting games into XBOX One!

But why? Xbox One need more fighting games!

We need Divekick 2 in our lives. :slight_smile:

I can here it now. To celebrate Divekick 2’s announcement,we are annoucning kick as a guest character for Killer Instinct for Season 4.

Well, we have TJ with Kick’s outfit…

Hahahaha! NO THANK YOU.

Why not. A one hit kill divekick would be awesome in KI:P