What if… she became the protagonist of Season 4? A wondering nomadic mother, and former watchman trying to come to grips that her son is a shadow of his former self. Wonder what the creators would think of this whole concept.
Only thing I worry about with Kelvin (or Meltdown, as I really wish they’d call him), is that if he’s one of Glacius comrades, will he really look all that unique? Shago looks unique because of the little details they were able to give him like a different looking sword, mask, etc. But Glacius doesn’t have clothes or weapons. How do you make a different version exactly?
FWIW though, I think this could be a cool character. Maybe he can extend his arm to pull people in ala KI Gold? That’d be sweet.
I think Human Sabrewulf makes a ton of sense. For one thing, it’s the entire goal of Sabrewulf’s story. I think it’d be nice to see him finally accomplish his goal.
As for his look? I think that it could be a mixture of the two ideas you had. Wolverine’s claws plus a sort of mad scientist vibe. Maybe throwing potions that affect the opponent in different ways could be part of it. Maybe he has some unique claw moves as well. I’d be shocked if they couldn’t recycle animations here and there from other characters to cobble together a very unique fighter without having to add a ton of new stuff in that defeats the whole idea of him being a “bonus character.”
Ah yes!! This is definitely one of my favorites too. Just calling him Ben Farris, and have him being this military guy with an attitude and a bunch of gadgets that can be refashioned from what other characters have… I think he could be a TON of fun if done properly. I’d take him and Human Sabrewulf over Ent Aganos, Shark TJ and virtually any other bonus version of existing characters. Either one would be awesome!
I could see a shadow version that uses old Orchid’s lasaken projectile, but I tend to struggle a bit in terms of imagining what else she might do. Still, I see Jago having this type of rival. It seems to only make sense that the leading female in the game should have one as well. I’m sure IG would knock it out of the park too. So yeah, I wouldn’t have a problem with this character.
Adam Isgreen also mentioned Shadow Maya and Shadow Kim Wu as possibilities… Shadow Maya doesn’t really make sense to me as she already has a sort of evil doppelganger in Mira, but Kim Wu would make a ton of sense given that she’s the chosen one. It’d be kinda cool if there was an evil chose one too. Maybe Shadow Kim uses a trifold staff, is more quiet, her hair covering half of her face, and she’s more of a master of her craft… Basically everything Kim’s not. I could see a character like this working depending on her move set.
Two bonus characters? I certainly wouldn’t mind two bonus characters. The more, the merrier. But if you think that season 3 not getting one either entitles us to two in the next season or somehow makes the idea more of a possibility, I’d say that you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. I’d love to see a bonus character, I’d love to see two or three or four for that matter. But hey, if it happens, cool. If not, I’m sure we’ll get some other great stuff.
Well one thing they mentioned about Glacius in his bios is that his race isn’t just a bunch of ice people…they can manipulate virtually any environmental matter they choose, which is why Glacius can be icy but Cinder, whose using his DNA, is fire. So essentially another “glacius” could be made up of about anything… carbon for example…which would be awesome considering how many forms carbon can take from graphite to armor to diamonds.
Oh RIGHT! I totally forgot about that. Because actual Glacius isn’t ice at all, it’s the environmental matter. Good call there. Thanks for reminding me. I’d hope that it’d be something totally different from Glacius. They already have a sand guy, a fire guy, and ice guy and rock guy though… Diamond could be cool, but that might look too similar to Glacius.
Yeah… That’s a tough one. They could make him look like anything and I’m totally drawing a blank lol.
Not diamond…carbon. I know there isn’t much of a distinction there, but carbon can take on all kinds of shapes & designs besides just diamond. I mean they could throw in a few diamond moves that would basically mimic Galcius’s moves, but from there they have plenty of options.
So essentially, Glacius’ people are elemental beings. If that’s the case then…
I thought of an interesting theory. Could it be that Aganos is from Glacius’ planet? He seems to be quite a noble character and as one of Glacius’ playercard taunts states: My people are not violent.
Funny you mentioned that, before Eyedol got announced ,I originally thought S3 would go
(For Guests)
Joanna (Rareware Heroes)
General RAAM
Arbiter (Microsoft Villains/Anti Heroes)
Sorta as a subtle reference of all those times people claimed “RARE is the good guy, and Microsoft is the bad guy” kinda thing. But obviously that didn’t really play out as described… still would have been a neat easter egg, I must admit.
Retro is all wrong, has to be the tomboy look from PD1.
(Or at least with the N64’s graphics she looked like Hank Hill)
Spawn could be awesome that’s my vote would be sick
Potential idea for her trailer…
(On Devil’s Landing)
“Many centuries ago, we were told to guard the portal between worlds. I along with many warriors, delayed the power of the madman Gargos, but it seems time has repeated itself.”
Omen lands in front of her.
Omen: "Your kind will fall before our master"
Eyedol’s mom: “I’ve stopped him before, and I can do it again!”
Then she fights Mira, Sadira, Spinal, then Gargos (Specifically evil or neutral characters)
(In the Astral Plane)
Eyedol: "Mother"
Eyedol’s mom: “Billy…”
Cthulhu-esque, pin-up girl, Mind Flayer temptress…
Her Ultra Combo ends with something that rhymes with “beat cranes…” haha
Not that you should beat cranes… Animal rights yo… S’not cool…
… … … … …
Seriously though I’m giggity with Shadow Orchid. Shago plays differently enough from Capt. Shooty-Healy-McDouble-Dutch-FireBawler that I could see an Evil version of Orchid being pretty cool. Maybe make her psycho like Iori from KoF or Juri from SF? S’all good.
Shatter puts glasses back on to look cool. It’s night time and he’s alone in his apartment… Shatter cries