So with the full list of Terror Skins not yet available, I think the time has come to speculate what they may be (and hopefully influence their final appearance).
For those who don’t know, these Terror Skins are essentially alternative versions of the character’s Color 9, altered to give the character a spooky, Halloween (or pop culture) inspired costume.
The ones revealed so far are Fulgore, Riptor, and Mira.
Now, I don’t know who exactly on the team we’d have to run these ideas by (I vaguely remember @TotalJimkata might be in charge of colors, but if that’s incorrect I apologize for the mistag) but I think that with these cool premium skins heading our way we should put in our input as fans to make sure they turn out as awesome as possible!
Here are the ideas I’ve spun up so far for respinning Color 9’s into Terror Skins:
Jago: Replace his white colors with deep red or burgundy. Think Red Tiger Camo from MW2.

Sabrewulf: The natural colors of a grey wolf and some black pants. Since this is based on the Color 9, he will be covered in scars, and his pupiless red eyes should be replaced with a more natural (but more importantly, more festive) pumpkin orange glow. (Top Priority of mine)
*updated this one to also include my own mediocre scribbles

Glacius: His Color 9 features a glowing blue core with transparent extremities. Let’s go with an orange core and black extremities.
Thunder: His Color 9 has a unique paint pattern in the shape of a red eagle or crow. Making it black/purple/both would add an edge of spookiness.
Sadira: --Black and Orange Lace with a fiery redhead set of locks.-
Edit: Or, black and white Venom style
Orchid: Like Jago: Replace the whites in her outfit with dark reds.
Spinal: Replace his red glow with another color. Perhaps make him close to the gross, rotting green color on his retro.
Shadow Jago: Invert the Colors.
Maya: Simply replace the white coloration with black, and you’ve got a Goth Maya.
Omen: Omen would actually need a color 9, but a simple Black color would do nice.
Hisako: Goth or Halloween Hisako. Black and Purple, or Purple and Orange with pale or grey skin.
Cinder: Sort of a reverse of Glacius; a dark core with pumpkin orange flames.
ARIA: Something reminiscent of Shodan from System Shock
Arbiter: Let’s make him red!
Tusk: Black Metal corpse paint. Give him some black and white clothes and some white paint to go along with what he’s already got, and this costume is pretty well done. Bonus points if we can get spikey arm bracers. (Also Top priority of mine)
These are a few ideas of mine. Hoping beyond hope my dreams for Sabrewulf and Tusk get an opporunity to come true. These are some styles I’ve always wanted for these characters.
So what do you guys want to see for Terror skins? Any ideas?