Tekken 7

Anybody make any cool costumes? I’ve been trying to recreate whatever original outfits I could make so far.

also, Leo is one of the few (only?) “female” characters in Tekken that doesn’t get like, swimsuits and stuff like that. their top half is also built much more male in 7, and their voice for their new recorded lines is like, twice as deep as their regular voice. and a little moustache item!

honestly? i think whether or not they intended to or not, Leo is a nonbinary/agender character at the VERY least, transgender man at the most. which i think is f’n awesome, i don’t know if i can think of many other fighting games that have characters who surf a more nonbinary line, except like, KOF. and Leo is done is a really good way where they don’t really “reveal” their gender and just let them be themselves… i like it. i would like to see more characters like that in fighting games & i have a feeling other people would too.

not yet, mostly been making goofy stuff… i’m kinda waiting to see if new customization items get added into the game later. kinda like how the arcade version patched in new stuff to customize. that would be killer, and it would also give me a little more hype for playing the game.

I’ve made Alisa look as close as possible to ARIA’s gold/silver skin. I main both of them, mother and daughter. I’ll post a screenshot later.


So no Jun Kazama in Tekken 7. Guess she’ll reappear again next game to save both Jin & Kazuya.

Pretty much lol

I don’t understand how to play Tekken. Can someone help me out?

Anything specific you want help on? Movement is important for one thing.

I don’t really understand how waking up works. Also I’m not sure when to sidestep or dash in. This is my first Tekken so I don’t really know where to start.

Recording Tekken Suck’s it mutes when recording with the Xbox. is anyone having this problem and if so how do you fix it?

This is useful for waking up:


i have the same problem & from what i can tell other people do too. i’m not entirely sure why it’s happening either, the PS4 version doesn’t have the same problem. it must be an unfortunate bug that slipped through release. hopefully a fix is coming with the netcode fixes. i don’t wanna have to set up my PC for streaming my XB1 every time i want to stream tekken :frowning:

Left Katarina spamming 3’s all night in Treasure Battle using AHK. Now she’s dan 21 and unlocked a whole load of stuff for me. Thanks, Kat!

Poor Kenny…

Honestly though, the Story Mode in Tekken 7 is pretty disappointing. We didn’t even get a conclusion on the whole Heihachi/Kazuya/Jin thing, which was the main premise of this game. And the individual character stories are so ridiculous.

Of course, story was never the main focus of the Tekken series, but when putting effort into making a Story Mode, at least make it decent.


Harada earned a small ire from me over Eddy Gordo’s ending as well as Lucky Chloe’s.

They made him look like a joke in comparison to his serious side.

I also hate that cliffhanger we got after the bonus chapter as well. I’m really hoping Namco doesn’t add story mode content as DLC. Just give us a YouTube series based on the actual endings and those bullcrap character endings. No movies.

So I just started playing the game.

There doesn’t seem to be a tutorial and these combos/inputs are really hard.



I actually liked the story mode. Not Nethertealms status, or anything, but when ever has tekken put this much effort into their story mode?

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I can’t say the same for their “Character Story Mode”. It’s a cringeworthy decision to separate those awful cutscenes and not add them to Arcade mode.

Hell I just tweeted Harada about the garbage that is Eddy’s character ending. $90 damn near robbed.

YouTube “Avoidingthepuddle” practice back dashing, or you’ll always feel like you’re stuck in front of your opponent, with no room to attack. Don’t get overwhelmed by the command list.Find your bread and butter ones, and let the rest come some other time, as you experiment…

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All of the character endings or just certain ones besides Eddy Gordo and Lucky Chloe? Including Paul Phoenix, Marshall AND Forest Law, and Steve Fox as well as Heihachi Mishima, Kuma, and Panda for that particular matter?