Taunting & Tea-bagging

Idk why but lately this past week I’ve only encountered the saltiest of people that only teabag and insult me via message for either winning or losing. It was funny at first but now it’s kind of annoying, like what happened to all the respectable players? Did they all leave without telling me and left me with all the douchebags?

That is the weirdest energy sword…oh…



Depends on the rank of the player, and their age.
Kids around 15 are some of the worst. That is why Cod is so bad. Older players don’t usually do that unless it is done to them first.

Alot.of people come back the first of every month when a new character comes out. Also Doom put a big dent into the amount of players

I am fairly certain you don’t actually understand the context of my post. The entirety of your reply is based on your interpretation of what is “upsetting” on a mature and obscene manner. None of which is anything remotely close to the point I was attempting to convey.

If you need clarification, you can always ask.

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killers and gold players mostly, haven’t met a single person that sounds young. Idk i guess its just bad luck but the amount of salty douches for me have been increasing lately.

LMAO!! Oh i didnt get it at first but now I do…You mean Arbiters sword??? LOL!!!

Well, yeah…if you look at the negative space in Halo’s energy swords…


LOL awesome!!!

I found that pic on the KI facebook page.

When/if I have a kid this is parenting goals affffffff.

I too have done this when someone TBs my 5 year old. Once he even said on the mic, “hey Im 5 years old” and the opponent Rage quit once he saw he was about to loose.

Other times when they TBd or taunted excessively I took the controller and pulled out the win…and times I didnt win because it was too far gone.

It’s an infection of sorts. It’s really a landslide and each player starts doing it to another and they take that salt to the next match.

Ranked is worst

I’m conflicted. My friend (who just started playing not too long ago) and I were getting a lobby together. While I was joining he was already in a match with another Qualifier who turned out to be a tea bagging/taunting idiot. So I retaliated when it was my turn to play him with my best character and just being merciless followed by lots of taunting and tea bagging him.

I’ve always said taunting/tea bagging has no place in this game but to defend a friend of mine I felt like it was a fitting punishment. I guess I should change my name to BubbRubb4RealHypocrite. Lol

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Don’t worry - we all have moments of weakness. I TB’d the CRAP out of an obnoxious wulf recently. But not until the very end of the match, and only because they saw fit to spend half of the match being a jerk and getting smacked in the head for it.

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Funny enough all the douchebags were on exhibition. I just started playing ranked again and everybody I’ve fought there was cool beans. As for now I’ve stopped being faced up against disrespectful players in exhibition I guess they all moved on to someone else.

I’ll take a teabagging over sitting through a triple-ultra any day.


This thread is still going strong. Hmmm should I be impressed?

Abso-freaking-lutely not.

Just wanted to make sure.

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It won’t end, and I have no idea how to unsub!

Anybody feel like they’re facing more people who just don’t do anything and let you win the game? I love letting the time run out when that happens…