Taunting & Tea-bagging

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You are a good person.

See you in another thread!

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I hate posting on my phone. Trying this one more time.

How do you guys feel about a “love tap?”

Also reading some of these is kind of scary. Almost fear touching the down button at all in the case it becomes misconstrued as a “teabag.”

So after playing for enough time to have really considered the topic of this thread, I’d like to revisit my answer.

Teabagging (while I do not really do it except for friends and obviously silly voice chat lobbies) bothers me far less in KI than in any other fighting game I’ve ever played. It might be because a lot of characters have that smarmy little attitude surrounding them (especially cinder, spinal, rash, etc…). Teabag me all you want, I don’t care.

Taunting. Ahh, yes, taunting. I will taunt 10 times out of 9 times I take a lifebar from you. Not as a show of disrespect, but as a celebration of my minor (and often short lived) victory. In fact, I wish fighting games that didn’t have taunt buttons had taunt buttons (Looking at you, MKX). But again, mostly between rounds because I have other things to do during a hard knockdown than pet my glow tiger or thrust my frog junk around.

I’m bothered much, much more by the full on double/triple/quad ultra at the end of a ranked match. Not so much in lobbies or exhibition, but in ranked. And I know, they won and I probably taunted them when I was in danger and they had a full red life bar so I deserve it and blah blah, I get it. But COME ONNNNNNNNNNNN it’s ranked and we gotta get them games in! That being said, I won’t rage quit during one or anything like that, I’ll take it like a man.

My useless thoughts revised. Have a wonderful day everybody! :slight_smile:

I’ve never taunted really playing formally Wulf and currently Arby. But with Gargos I might have to break that rule, that taunt is awesome. Like it as almost as much as Rash’s taunt.

So instead of complaining about tea-bagging and whatever else, I had an idea.

For a long time, hitting grounded characters (with down attacks) post-KO in Virtua Fighter was (and still is) highly disrespectful. Fast forward to their latest iteration of VF, you can’t hit your opponent when they’re on the ground post-KO. This doesn’t include other types of KOs where you can juggle the opponent.

Street Fighter 4 did the same thing, because 3S players would usually KO a character with a move they could cancel into a super, or a launcher that allowed for juggling post-KO. So in SFIV, the developers completely removed the hitbox.

Tekken Tag 2 does replays literally after the KO, so you the player can’t disrespect the opponent.

There are a few other games that follow this concept (UMvC3, Injustice, etc.), mainly due to the fact that Japanese players (and others throughout the world) typically view certain acts like this as highly disrespectful.

This is for the @developers. Is there any way for this tea-bagging fiasco to either mitigated or completely eradicated with some slight programming? Something like prevent characters from stepping over the grounded opponent, lock out controls, or even increase the character collision box so that it prevents true tea-bagging? I personally don’t care about tea-bagging or taunting, but for those that do (and considering this is seemingly bigger than say character nerfs vs buffs, increasing activity in character threads with the least activity, etc) I pose this question.

Anyone here is welcomed to post their thoughts/feelings about these suggestions, and I will gladly discuss, debate, and/or respond accordingly and with civility.

There’s already taunting, taunt cancels, ultras, double/triple ultras, custom combos in between ultras, etc… Would removing the possibility for tea-bagging be feasible???

My immediate thought is simply that it really isn’t that deep. There is no “teabagging fiasco” with the game. It gets some people really, really, mad though, which is why these threads can go on and on and on. But end of the day, it just really isn’t that deep.

Humbly submitted, I think these two things might be correlated. :smile:


I agree, it’s not as deep as it is. I say “fiasco” (and I meant to put "s on my last post but didn’t #OhWell), simply because there’s tons of people who complain about it, when it’s not as serious as it sounds, but this is my totally subjective view… Granted, everyone is entitled to their opinion and it shall be respected, but not necessarily agreed with. If the common populace has agreed upon something though, should something be done about it? I mean it worked for Kan-Ra nerfs, Omen buffs, classic KI voice, why not tea-bagging?

Based on my personal experiences in dealing with situations like this, “tea-bagging”, “post-KO combos”, “post-KO down attacks”, etc pose a big problem, and it can (and has) make people quit the game for good. It’s no different than getting hate mail whether you won or lost. Now, certain things can’t be completely dealt with, but some things can be handled to a degree…

I’m simply inquiring as to whether or not this is either a possibility and something the devs are looking into, or if it’s really no big to them and the “tea-baggees” should “L2P so they don’t get tea-bagged or whatever else in the future”…

Thank you for sharing your opinion. Let’s further this discussion.

Why would you be scared? Who cares what the other player thinks?
If they’re so easily triggered by a bit of crouching they should stop using the internet and find themselves a cushy safe space to die in.

Hell, I think the even the AI should teabag once in a while.


My Shadow Kan-Ra teabags, lol… I find it quite hilarious…

Lol! I have been teabagged by an AI before. To me it was hilarious. It was Fulgore I believe.

I was speaking about the general consensus from the human aspeact. You fat finger a button or something its ,“OMG they just teabagged me, triple ultra!” Crazy.

@STORM179 they most certainly are XD

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My fun fact for the day is actually that the post-match beating in 3D fighters is considered disrespectful. I completely and utterly never knew that. The more you know :open_mouth:

KI is a touch unique in that between rounds the players are allowed to jockey for position. This in and of itself makes it somewhat difficult to eliminate teabagging, as “teabagging” is simply a (repeated) motion, and even if you were to somehow lock it down in these instances, you could do nothing to get rid of it within the match itself. Were I so inclined, I could dash up and teabag furiously during every hard knockdown I get, and there is no practical way eliminate this behavior.

And that’s why I think an effort to somehow eliminate teabagging would be not only a waste of limited time and resources, but it would ultimately be pointless and ineffective. I’d much prefer the devs to spend their time fixing actual gameplay related issues, like Hisako not being able to possession a staggered or wall-splat state opponent. That’s the kind of stuff that actually matters, because if affects in-game outcomes and can actually be fixed.

If the goal is to have some sort of forced level of mutual respect thrust upon the players, then taunts would also need to be removed. Some players (myself included) find a taunt just as disrespectful as the furious pressing of :arrow_down: But again, it really isn’t that deep - I consider taunts disrespectful, but I don’t care to see them removed from the game either. They’re a part of fighters, and I deal with them without undue stress.

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This is just me saying, I can’t really speak for the devs, but from what I’ve seen they’re fine with taunting and teabagging. They seem to view them as friendly banter instead of hostile insults. I mean why else would they give Rash the taunts he has despite threads like this showing them how some people interpret T&T as insulting?


I get it. If you press down even to start a setup, some people think you are t bagging.

Now years ago during SF2 days, my friends and I would end a match with what we called “the bi1ch slap” :slight_smile: . Now what we did for the B slap was end the match with a light punch to the face. :smile: the reason we used a light punch was because it showed you had no life left and were weak.

The combo system in KI makes this move a lot harder to do, but we make it work.

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Exactly! Lol! :smiley: I’m still new to quarter circle commands. There have been quite a few times my inputs came off as a “teabag.”

*shrug * I do this all the time. If you see me crouching randomly on your prone form in between a knockdown, you can rest assured I’m simply buffering a special with which to meaty you. :thumbsup:


You can taunt and teabag me all day everyday and I won’t bat an eye, but the super long quadruple ultras get annoying, especially if it’s done more than once lol like I just saw you do it last time you won, do you really need to waste both of our time doing it over and over again?


I have a bulletproof method to avoid the salty of being t-bagged or taunted: Not caring about it at all

Seriously, It’s the healthiest manner to face it.

Every time I finish a match against anybody(Especially a +3 fights sets in exibition), I send a “GG dude, nice (Insert one of the opponent best qualities here, like spacing, his character, his antiairing…)”. Even if they tea-bag me or constantly taunt. If they do that, I also say: Also, don’t teabag dude! It’s rude! Be a gentleman!"

I almost always recieve the same reply: An apology. People usually get ashamed of a bad habit if you point it politely.

It’s a videogame. The objective it’s having fun. Getting angry because you lost a match it’s ridiculous!


I have done this and received an apology almost every time as well. I think send them the link to the forums and infills guide.