Taunting & Tea-bagging

Since my post is so high up and it has very little chance of being read by newcomers I felt it was necessary to repost my reply, considering all the negative comments as to why people are offended by teabagging & taunting.


What I feel about teabagging and tauntingā€¦neutral, sure I will get mad at the player for unsportsmanship but I also get mad at how I would play against the person when I watch my replays. I would feel like "aw I shouldnā€™t have done that and dang it why didnā€™t I do that instead of doing this and then after watching my replays I would go to the lab and practice some more combos so I can have muscle memory and know how trap someone in a corner without getting combo breakered or shadow counter. This game me want to get good and love this game with a passion, so what I am trying to say people is that this game is by far the greatest fighting game I have ever played.

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Let me try some therapy. * Takes out notebook and doodles some K.I. logos. *

Players are simply walking over your character, and pushing down repeatedly, to affect you mentally.

The Killer Instinct characters arenā€™t actually, ā€˜tea-baggingā€™ you.

You are simply imagining, that somehow, some kind of a-sexual contact (LOL) is being made, and this upsets you.

Your adult imagination is running away with you.
An innocent mind sees a character ducking.
You envision an unspeakable act.
If Granny knew, she might tell you to get your mind out of the gutter, haha.

You, help to empower players, who, at certain times, position their characters in certain ways, and press the down button in a certain frequency.

Upsetting yourself is a serious issue. Upset, means upset. Nothing good happens under his ā€˜debuffā€™ hahaha.
It simply gives these players remote control over you. They now have the ability to break your concentration, access to easier wins andā€¦ okay, let me stop here.
Trying to stay out of trouble. :joy:

I personally do not like it. So I donā€™t do it to them.

But when Ig et Tea bagged I just learn to brush it off and when I get the chance, I can show them what the cost is of Tea-Bagging as shown here.


Most teabaggers are soft and are in shock when you donā€™t leave the lobby. Just stay in there and start dominating them ( this is why I prefer exhibition and lobbies). They are mentally weak players. In almost every case. They will leave the lobby before you do.

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My boss: ā€œYou got those reports ready?ā€

Me: "Nah man, 8f lag LOLZ :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: "


I agreeā€¦most Tea bag and then leave. They fear the repercussion of said Tea bag. Guys that Double ultra do this as well.

Soft like a Kleenex. Same type that Rage Quit when they get eviscerated. They got no heart. I get so many of these dudes rage quitting after I scrape them, that I donā€™t even record it anymore. Itā€™s like breathing air. I can feel it coming when theyā€™ve got about a quarter of life bar left. I have never Rage Quit in a fighting game, ever. And I never will. Iā€™m also not the type to teabag opponents unless they ask for it.

The closest I come to tea bagging is my show of respect single crouch after a 1st to 5 or 1st to 10, as seen in my videos.


Thatā€™s why when yu get them with a 100 hit ultra it makes it satisfying.

I donā€™t know. I find that the people that do triple Ultras are the teabaggers. And once they do the triple then they normally leave. And thatā€™s after one close round. I normally just beat their a$$ and then rush in to the next round. I know theyā€™re going to leave at the results screen. Especially when they see me jump into ready because Iā€™m ready to give them some more. I love it.

Iā€™ve never understood the appeal of the triple Ultra. Everybody has seen them thousands of times and your opponent is not in control when they are getting destroyed. That does nothing for me. I want the controller in your hand and you to feel every blow, especially if youā€™re a teabagger. Iā€™ll end the ultra quick, and rush into round 2 or 3 or 4ā€¦

I have rage quit through a triple Ultra beforeā€¦ but its was like the 4th time they triple ultrad meā€¦So I left
But never mid matchā€¦never!

I donā€™t always do a triple Ultra, but I never Tea bag after that. Most of the time when I beat I cancel the ultra and then I back away from them out of respect.

Now this is what iā€™m talking about! A common-sense approach.

ā€˜Tea-baggingā€™ is some weak $hit.

ā€˜Tea-baggersā€™ prey upon the mentally weak. I mean no disrespect to anyone, let me make that clear.

Allowing yourself to be thrown off your game by having a dirty mind, wellā€¦ it is what it is.

Iā€™ve stated it on here before, but I really donā€™t have a problem with Tea-bagging, at the most it provokes an ā€œAw nowā€¦see, now Iā€™ve gotta beat youā€ response from me. But that being said I had to share.

So my oldest son (11) was playing tonight, and he came across a player that tea-baggged him and managed to pull off a winā€¦so when he was matched up with him again, we had a little fun with himā€¦he gave me the controller. I destroyed him. It was probably not the most sportsman-like thing to do, but we got a kick out of it.


Almost by definition, tea-bagging isnā€™t sportsman either. Turn about; fair play.

OH that is very hilarious man. Good job on that. as far a sI can tell, the jerk didnā€™t deserve the sportsmanship. Still it was a great way to get back at them.


I play with Kim a lot and sheā€™s so low to the ground a lot of times I wonder if the opponent thinks Iā€™m teabagging.

I just learned how to ultra instinct cancel so its kinda fun

Im just gonna leave this here LOL!



Could you move to the left? Lol

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