Hisako has a taunt-based setup.
Just sayin’
Hisako has a taunt-based setup.
Just sayin’
This is from days ago but I spit my drink in laughter at this.
“Ah, Qe’ci’yew’yew.” Drags nuts slowly.
I don’t know if anyone has thought of it, but fixing teabagging outside of actual gameplay is as easy as disabling the down button in between rounds, and after a character is K.O. and has fallen…
I try to help all sides of the argument involved.
Either way, Until then, I guess we have a manual taunt.
You guys who get upset at it, I think that you actually made it a thing. Rofl.
An exerpt from a hilariously salty and literally pointless rant a few posts up.
Confirmed, and solved though, haha… it’s the bad ones that take a virtual loss so hard, that walking over their character and tapping the down button is enough to trigger some kind of negative emotion in them.
As for the actual taunt in the command list, you can’t complain about something that’s put in the game, for the purpose of taunting your opponent.
Fighting games across the board have taunts.
How are you virtually throwing punches to the face, kicks to the nuts, chops and lacerations to the head and extremeties, and complaining about getting ‘tea-bagged’?
This thread must be the developers’ go-to for a decent, recent comic strip.
Just to play devil’s advocate here, while something like that may not affect you in any way, it’s not to say someone else isn’t going to have an adverse reaction. Making fun of them isn’t exactly doing any favors either. Some people like Batman vs Superman. I don’t ridicule them as a person, but I don’t exactly trust their opinion or trust them with my belongings. Okay, bad example.
The point is, a community is only as good as those that represent it. Unfortunately, that’s everybody. Look at League of Legends. I know people who wont go near that game because it’s community has a reputation of being a haven for the scum of the earth. A friend of mine refuses to play any MOBA because of this which is unfortunate because MOBA games can be fun.
I can agree that if something bothers you, get over it or remove yourself from the situation. But for some it’s difficult to remove themselves when they take something personally. Yes, even in games this happens.
You know, you’ve got a point.
Every time you get teabagged, just remind yourself how lucky you are to be into FGs instead of MOBAs or MMORPGs.
Things don’t usually get THIS intense in Ranked or Exhibition:
I’m just going to have to leave it out here in saying that orchid has the best taunt animation ever still .
Sorry about it.
Guile putting his shades on is far more disrespectful than any taunt in KI.
That’s a term people are running away from here.
The point of a taunt is to be disrespectful.
This isn’t Shao-Lin kun-fu, players don’t bow to each other before the match as a sign of respect.
Even when they do, Kung-Fu has the funniest most disrespectful taunts and poses around!
I think the author should change the title of this post to: “Put Some Respeck On My Name”
Which would basically, sum this thread up in a nutshell…
An acceptable compromise on taunts might be to consider having the character locked into the animation so you have to consider the risk vs reward of trying to throw your opponent off. That way the people who want to use them still have that option but there is more risk involved in throwing them out in the middle of a match since they can no longer be cancelled at any time.
As for the tea bagging, nothing can be done in between rounds unless they want to disable crouch. I can’t immediately think of a negative by doing this since movement between rounds does not require the ability to crouch unless someone can correct me on a legitimate need for it.
As for after round concerns, I think that the best choice is returning to a simpler format. People want to move into the next match quicker, they also do not enjoy viewing multiple ultras. This will only become more tiresome if the game continues to grow. Instead of having players turned off by it why not use the aforementioned “simpler format ending.” What do I mean by that? Allow me to explain.
Ultras are a core part of KI and it’s identity. I do not necessarily agree with the sentiment that they should be removed from multiplayer, or from just ranked matches. It’s a nice celebration, and fun to watch for the most part until they start become double and triple ultras. Solution? You can trigger an Ultra just as you always would, at this point you can either let it rock or your given the option to input the ultra ender command. That’s it, all other control of your character is locked. That means we eliminate the extension of ultras and still keep the option to end it earlier for people who wish to do so. It also allows people to still enjoy full Ultras if they want to but without the unwanted extension of double and triple ultras. This also completely takes tea bagging out of the equation. While fun for some it’s obvious it can be a turn off to a lot of player and why would we not want to expand the community?
The offline KI community is some of the friendliest and helpful people you will ever meet. There are so many players that have come to play KI because of that, it felt like a community that didn’t isolate people but welcomed them. Why wouldn’t you want that to extend to online interactions as well? I don’t want a potential new player to watch some online matches and instantly be turned off because of childish behaviors from some of the players. It’s not a good look for the game or for a community looking to expand further. I’d also be lying if I didn’t say I was disappointed to see some of the developers defending things that ultimately are toxic for growth. The same developers who so adamantly wanted to do a culturally sensitive redesign of Thunder and stronger female representations (which was something I found very admirable.) It’s confusing to say the least.
I’d also like to add that I don’t mean completely eliminate ultra extensions. I love watching what the community comes up with in single player matches and practice mode to extend ultras and compete for the most hits. It has no place in online outside of arbitrarily extending matches and slowing down the experience of online play.
Just my two cents on the matter. If you have read this far thank you for taking the time, even if you do not agree with my stance.
Honestly, in older fighting games i’ve played, taunts that were un-cancellable were the pits.
Also, these K.I. taunts are longer than a taunt usually is on average too, and the ability to cancel them makes them good for baiting, which is exactly what a taunt should be for.
This isn’t WWE, where some idiot has his back turned and the other guy wakes up 5 minutes later and come and catches him off guard, hahaha!
Please do not try to make a parallel between pre/post match game animations and deliberate actions of players.
Tusk looking a bit shocked he straight up murdered a 12 ton golem and looking introspective about it? Not-deliberate.
Tusk dragging his huge hairy nut sack across the golems face after every hard knockdown? Deliberate.
Also the concept of using it as mind games is childish at best and scrubby at worst. If you want mind games learn some actual mix ups, get some decent footsies, download your opponent, change playstyles mid match.
You know, actual mind games.
Hmm. How would you know it is hairy? Well it can work as mind games. If it works it works. Also what about taunts for timing? As Rash,I taunt and I can cancel it as early as possible and that gives me a solid meaty. Plus it fustrates the opponent. If that works,why not use it?
I agree, plus those kind of mind games are actually pretty fun to watch. I had a match-up the other day where I was playing a guy that seemed like he was really good, probably actually better than me, & he won the first game. The second game I made some good reads, mix-ups, a couple of very punishing counter-breakers & barely squeaked by on the second game, but apparently I got in his head. The third game, he was throwing junk left & right and I just tore into him with some really unsafe stuff and he just let me do it. It was the first time I had ever got into someone’s head that badly…it was pretty fun.
It`s funny how in MKX character taunts opponent after winning first match automatically and its okay, in KI it creates salt volcanos.
I dont justify it, I get pissed too.
When I get taunted, I take back at my opponent by cancelling taunt into taunt mid fight, trying to beat record of taunts in a match XD
That’s a very, very good point too.
These nay-sayers in this thread are simply unable to cope with a decent fighting game and it’s ‘antics’.
There, I came right out and said it. You guys are just crying, you’re not even crying foul… just crying.
Further more…
I wasn’t even thinking of tea-bagging DURING a match on a hard knockdown, but it IS possible and can be done.
You can’t stop that.
Developers can’t stop that.
If someone chooses to do it, and be a ‘tea-bagger’, rofl, and you choose to cry over it, then you cried over it. That’s all.
Taunting animations were carefully designed, then placed automatically at the beginning and end of every match. Press start to skip the ones at the beginning of the match.
Players can also taunt when they feel like. Punish them if you can.
Players find different ways to taunt. Deal with it.
1, 2, 3 and it’s broken.
You know, this thread was actually going good for a while, and now people are getting insulted.
How lovely.
Refrain from flaming other users. This is a warning.
Funny thing is, tea-bagging can cost you dearly if your foe keeps their cool. Take it from me. I made someone pay for tea-bagging by making them sit through an ultra. and boy was revenge sweet
MKX has that stuff programmed automatically so ti cannot be done.
players can choose to taunt in KI
MKX has that stuff programmed automatically so ti cannot be done.
players can choose to taunt in KI