Taunting & Tea-bagging

No Robert Lewandowski? I am ashamed for you, as a Bayern Munich fan. :yum:

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it seems fairly childish especially when the opponent barely pulls out a win. then there’s double ultras in ranked. wouldn’t you rather hurry up to your next match? you’re literally wasting your own time too.

Whether the character pulls off a close win or not, the characters are going to automatically taunt you before the round, and at the end of the round.

Giving the player the ability to do it manually is cool too. If it’s childish, then let the kids enjoy themselves.

Time wasting is a totally different thing.

I thought that you could press start or something after the announcer says “Winner!” and just move on. Is this not the case?

Nah - you’re at the mercy of your opponent’s Ultra if they should decide to let the whole thing rock or reprise it. It’s not ideal but I cope with it by taking the opportunity to drink water or vape, etc.

Ouch haha, well, that’s a more valid issue to me than taunting / tea-bagging.

But that has nothing to do with hitting the taunt button, or repeatedly hitting down.

Plus it takes a bit of skill, multiple Ultra Combos, and, is there a point reward or something for hitting higher combos / more hits? If so then you have all rights to try it.

I’m honestly not sure - I end about 95% of my Ultras immediately after activation.

That has its own weight and swagger, IMO

“QCB+3K xx GTFO”

My favorite, especially with the One Inch Punch Ender.
(Six for Kim lol)

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No, you don’t get any points for extended ultras. I believe you DO earn extra experience for each Ultra you start, so doing a double ultra can help you level your characters. But it’s not particularly effective use of time. The best thing to do is start the ultra and immediately end it if you are grinding for XP.

EDIT: In theory if you really want the extra 500 XP you could ultra, immediately instinct cancel into Ultra the. Ender. But I have never seen anyone actually do this.

No I think you get extra XP for the first ultra and that’s it.

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I think I’m going to start doing this just because. :upside_down:


There were times that I became so mad after someone tea-bagged or decimated me that I ended up shutting my Xbox down.


I alt-tab and surf the internet.

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You know, I had a guy tonight do a full meters double Ultra on me tonight with Jago, and while I was a tad annoyed having to wait, I was also thinking to myself: you know what? Good for him. it’s not often in a ranked match on the higher tiers that you actually end a fight with full shadow & instinct
if he’s going to go all out more power to him
I’d be doing the same if I had the meter for it.

I mean, aside from that one round out of the 5 we played together he got his ■■■ stomped
but still, good for him.

That’s another good point, if you didn’t have to use your intinct to beat the person, turn on the style.

I do this often
kind of like a styling Ultra.
Ultra- cancel- Ultra- Ender. BAM!


I have no time for style.

I’d rather be playing.


Again, to summarize, two way interaction is the hallmark of this game, except during multiple ultras and taunts/teabags between rounds. This could be fixed easily by the devs (in the case of the latter) and add even more excitement to the game (in the former) by making you earn each ultra. The fact that it hasn’t been, and won’t be, is because Iron Galaxy and the Microsoft go-betweens, for all their skills, seem to feel that a course of behavior that would get them hurt in real life is okay to encourage and promote online, even when it goes against the stated, driving mantra of Killer Instinct. They do so because they, unlike the troglodytes on this board, are sensitive.

You see, some people get no joy from life, or women or men, or work or legitimate achievement. The only thing they look forward to, the only ray of sunshine in their otherwise pointless lives, is to rub their scrotums on and flog the corpses of those unable to fight back. They can’t help their crippling addiction. Yet we will rise above it as a community. We will love them for who they are, not for who they should be. Let’s move on and enjoy this masterpiece of modern sensibility - it goes out of its way not only to not offend Native Americans or women, but also to encourage and enable the overlooked and mournful. Those who can only become sexually aroused by the actions of their proxy characters in video games against helpless strangers, and then blaming those strangers for their failure to “get good.”

Here’s to you, you poor, impotent men. IG has your back.

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Dude. Mind games.

IMHO honestly teabagging and taunting are poor psychological warfare. Odds are whoever you play against you don’t know them and won’t speak to them, and even if you do, you possibly won’t be matched up with them again anytime soon

anyway my point is anything done pretty much will only effect the current set you are playing on, but since you don’t know how the person on the other end responds to “disrespect”, the results would be about as random as if you did nothing. You don’t know if they’re just going to shrug it off, if they don’t understand, if getting angry helps them focus their attention better, or if they will turn into the junk-throwing rage monster you’re hoping for. But the odds are stacked against teabaggers. That being said, I don’t let them get to me. I just see it as playful ribbing between fellow players.

Dude, you have no idea how many times I taunted with Rash and meatied the opponent and it hits the majority of the time. Mix it up with a low and overhead mix up woth some throws and the opponent can eaisly get salty.