Survey Says: The Return of the Textual Stream!

We’re still trying to work out the cadence, but Textual Streams are definitely back.


What I wanna know is do all characters have unlockable skins in SL mode?

Or are the Gargos aligned characters exempt. >__<

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I dunno. Over 100 is a little vague and seems on the low side considering there’s 26 characters (23 without the guests). I hope the replayability has the possibility of future unlocks being added.

I’m guessing the majority of those are in-game SL items. Consumables, Guardians and Artifacts certainly are. The only things that you can use outside of the mode that I’m seeing are the skins and the Astral plane stage.

Early access? Sign me up! I would be more than willing to be a labrat for the new SL mode…you know…for science.


Does the training mode ever get fixed or improved?

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Yeah, I know. They kept responding with “S3 is finished.” But Shago wasn’t considered S1, nor was Omen considered S2, right?

Sometimes the vaguery in those responses was a little bummersome.

We should start responding to their questions like they respond to ours.

IG: “Which character is the most fun to play?”

Us: “They’re all fun in their own way.”

IG: “Are you guys interested in playing after S3 if we add new characters?”

Us: “We’re hopeful.”

IG: “How did many of you decide to pick Jago as your main?”

Us: “He’s just awesome!”

IG: “What do you guys think of the new Shadow Lords mode?”

Us: “It’s a great idea when you read about it.”


Yeah, all they said about the bonus character is “S3 is finished.” A bonus character could still totally be in the works.

In fact, probably so, because they didn’t explicitly deconfirm it.

Well except for season 2 when they in fact showed nine silhouettes in the trailer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok. Great. Now one question. When we say a new skin, do we mean that we have two skins right now (normal and retro) and it will be a third one (mimic) ? Or will it be an extra option to the normal skin?

I think they’re just colors.

I’m really looking forward to Shadow Lords, been playing a lot of roquelikes and loving the idea of elements in SL, also the similarities to x-com looks really nice. And since I’m a 90% offline player it will be right up my alley.

I’m sure I expressed my excitement for the mode in other posts, but since I’m not a big poster, I’d just like to just once more say just how much I’m LOOKING FORWARD TO SL.

…I also just happen to be off from work till early september, so I will have plenty of time for…whatever… :wink:

…too obvious? :sunglasses:

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Aw none of my questions got answered…and apparently nobody else asked about the S3 soundtrack, since it was not even mentioned in the textual stream :frowning:

Oh well, it was a somewhat reassuring read, regarding the future in KI in particular! I especially enjoyed this part: "The future is what you make it! If I were to tell you there was a master plan, I would be lying. We’re in the business of making stuff people play. If you play, then it’s more likely for us to keep making it. It really is that simple."
Let me say this then: I’M PLAYING GUYS! Oh and most importantly, I’M PLAYING ON THIS CURRENT SYSTEM, XBOX ONE! You know, just to make things clear :wink:

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I really, really, really, really, reeeeeaaaalllly hope there are mimic skins for my main men Eyedol and Shago. >.>

Thanks for the reply!

I’m really hyped about Shadow Lords, if there is an option of trying it sooner, count me in!

I’m looking forward to the new cosmetics. I can’t wait for SL to release, and I hope everyone gets a new skin/color (whatever these are I dunno). Really want to see Wulf’s, Glacius’, Cinder’s, RAAM’s, Aganos’, and Arby’s.

And to add on, I feel like everyone would get one for the sake of fairness. They could be rewards for beating SL with those characters. That way guests/bosses don’t miss out because it seems unfitting for them to get “shadow” skins.

Eh, the textual stream is mostly just PR. So of course they’re going to make sure it has a positive spin on it, as well as avoid or deflect any meaty topics that they can’t reveal or could cause controversy.

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I believe is great that they released Eyedol early. Probably he was 50% done when they released the survey. You have to think in the real Eyedol fans, they wouldnt want to wait more time until Eyedols release and a season 4 is not something sure to happen.

Eyedol was almost finished when we released the survey! :slight_smile:


Oppyz666 – Will some KI character appear in Divekick? Maybe one day!

Hmm, just leaving this here in case anyone hasn’t seen this yet…