Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

I just played AE and I enjoyed it! Sakura is cool! I played SF1 Arace mode and it was fun. I also won a ranked set for 1000 FM and the mission Special move for 5000 FM. Just set you rounds in VS cpu to 5 rounds on Kanzuka stage and knock the hanging ninjas down. Easy money!

I am dowloading the update now.

Saw Codyā€™s Haggar costume. Thatā€™s hilarious to me! XD
I think the only reason G is getting a Q costume is because people have been conspiring about them being the same character since Season 3 was revealed, even though they look absolutely nothing alike. Seriously, people only think this because they both have a one letter nameā€¦ and thatā€™s it, thatā€™s their only reasoning. Absolutely moronic! G looks nothing like Q at all.

Itā€™s a 5 hour update. Lol

Mine only took 30 minutes.
Itā€™s done now.

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These remixes are amazing (especially SFA and SF3).

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I feel the Q costume for G will have may have small ties to Q but I donā€™t think it means Q is G

Just based on design G being Q is way to far fetched mainly because it seems G not as tall as Q. Think of it like how Karin has an Ingrid costume

The update and Sakura are a lot of fun along with the New V-Triggers, having a lot of fun with M.Bison, Zangief and Chun-li

The arcade modes are cool and the ending panels are neat (M.Bisonā€™s SFV one has one of the funniest/ best images of Bison ever)ā€¦Also BEWARE SHIN AKUMA!!!

I honestly donā€™t care about AA jabs. I just want to be able to play the game online without being frustrated by teleporting opponents.

It does look really pretty on PC


What is that Blanka costume!?!?

Some sort of pokemon?

Seeing this plushie,

and how its a story mode costumes, I can only imagine this is young Blanka.

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Majestic Bison


Iā€™ve been playing through all the different arcade modes with Ryuā€¦not bad.

Should have been in since day 1, but not bad.

Also, I havenā€™t really been keeping track of SFVā€¦has Abigailā€™s theme music always been death metal?? That was a pleasant surprise.

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Been playing Sakura. She is very fun. I may have found my shoto character.

Man seeing fang new v trigger just makes me more sad he wasnā€™t a timer based command throw poison assasin. A v skill command grab that does a chunk of damage after a few seconds would have been so cool instead of rewarding throwing his dank snowballs.

When I first saw him and his intro I thought he was going to play like a sadira with a bunch of poison that activate like a timer bomb or something. If his ultra combo was based on the Asian fighting movie the kiss of the dragon.

Ah yes, the floatiesā€¦

Yes its been DM from the startā€¦I was surprised too. Not bad!


Itā€™s funny because itā€™s true.