It’s tough for me not to sound like I’m speaking out of both sides of my mouth here, but on one hand, I want to see Street Fighter’s character designs evolve. Ryu, Chun Li, Cammy, Vega and Bison look virtually identical to how they’ve appeared since Super Street Fighter 2. I mean c’mon, you can’t update someone’s character design for 20 years and however many games they’ve appeared in?
But then on the other hand, they did update Ken… Who looks awful to me. Maybe he’d look better if they used a different art style for the game, which I think is too similar to SF4, which I also didn’t like, with the giant, cartoony bulging muscles and plastic hair… Seriously, Ken looks like he’s smuggling bananas on top of his head.
All the men look like Dragon Ball Z characters. Heck, Necalli looks like he ACTUALLY goes super saiyan when he uses his V-Trigger.
I guess I’d just like to see them try some new ideas when it comes to existing characters. Keep their core move set and evolve it, sure. Capcom does a solid job with that, for the most part. But character design has been a sticking point for me for a while now.
If you want to bring back some nostalgia with SF4, I can get behind that idea and respect the characters looking like they used to back in the day, but even that’s stretching it a bit given that most of these characters haven’t changed much since they were first introduced.
Cammy is still military, yet still wears what looks like a green, one piece bathing suit. Which I’m sure is standard issue for her unit. The Pool Party Brigade. Birdie still looks like a punk-ish 80’s / early 90’s video game t-h-u-g (seriously? Can’t say that word?), which makes sense since that’s what he began as many years ago. Chun Li’s still on the “leg size inversely proportional to head size” train, so she still looks ridiculous to me.
I dunno, I’m probably nitpicking and I probably come off like I hate this game. I don’t. I just wish that the older character designs were brought up to date a bit and that the newer designs looked better. You can have classic outfits as alts. MK has been doing that for a while now.
I also wish that they were a bit more imaginative in their designs in general, leaning more toward something that would look cool and interesting, as opposed to something that looks a bit crazy, outlandish or just plain weird. If that works for some people, it’s cool. I’m sure it does. More power to them. I’m just not that sold by many of the designs.