Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Hehe, like I said… it’s NOT good! XD
But thought it was cool you got to fight Cammy in it. :3

Anyone want to help me with this game? Been playing a bit recently and am just so garbage lol

So I saw this the other day…don’t know if anybody’s said anything about it yet:

Looks like SFV may be getting an arcade mode after all:


KI devs, when’s our turn?

I was thinking for a while of making my own tier list for the lore of street fighter

So i had a bit of time and this is what i came up with as a result (check it out) wanting to hear feedback as well as this was a first attempt based on the lore:

.Based on strength, skill, abilities etc. of the characters
.Everybody rankings based on an roguh average throughout the series for character placement (e.g. Juri F.S engine or Bison’s psycho power)
.Character like eagle or maki had almost no idea as they barely ever were in the games
.Only playable characters

I havent played SF5 in months. i need to check it out now that everything has been added in.



Oh really! I’m glad! That’s cool!

I’m hype, but the joking part of me still wanted Capcom to say, “Nah, He’s fighting the Mishima Zaibatsu right now.” :joy:

…and we thought he was taking a vacation in another fighting game.

How did you come to the conclusions you did?

Like why is Alex where he is? Why are characters like Honda, Yun, and Yang so low?

For Alex its because he has been shown to have massive potential (Dhalsim makes note of this) as well as the fact that he did Defeat Gill (That’s why gill takes interest in him afterwards, Similar with how Bison took interest in Ryu after he Defeated Sagat)…He is also very strong as he does defeat Honda and Hakan in an instant (despite them being clones) as well as a Young Chun, Birdie and Young Ryu…I suppose that is why i put him that high mainly for what he can achieve i guess :slight_smile:

With Yun, Yang and Honda…Its more an issue of space and i couldn’t put them any higher since they are very minor characters and don’t really have much going for them (However Honda and Hakan are considered equal)…The gap between Honda and the bottom is supposed to be higher but i didn’t have any space XD…I guess with Yun and Yang they are not high up is because they are very young and they havn’t accomplised any sort of notable feat so far but thats just because they have little story

(The characters in the lower portion are the less focused bunch and the higher ups are the ones i put more focus into but please share your thoughts :slight_smile: )

Looking at your list, it just makes me remember that there is a bunch I don’t know/remember about the lore of SF. I can’t really comment on Q, or whoever the blonde dude is next to Gill, or whoever the white haired dude is next to Gen is.

Of the ones I do know though…

  1. I’m not sure I’d put Goken that high as though he is a master, he is definitely below Bison, especially when Bison is being powered by his Psycho Drive.
  2. I would put Rose higher as she is completely equal to Bison. The only reason Bison CAN BE stronger is his Psycho Drive, or black moons of SFV.
  3. By the end of SFV, I’d put Ryu up where he is, but through the series he ran even with most of the cast.
  4. Dahlsim, as according to SFV and other outside media, is/was always higher than Ryu by some margin in terms of power and knowledge. SFV made Sim out to be almost sage-like, some order of magnitude below Oro, but he has the potential to be that if he wanted to.
  5. I probably would put Seth higher, but he is one of those chartacters that I know I have gaps in my info about.
  6. Juri with her Feng Shu engine might need to be higher, but honestly since you put Seth where he is, and Chun and Cammy where they are, she looks alright.

Anyway, those are the ones that stuck out to me who are near the top of the list, overall though, I would really need to bone up on my SF lore to get more into the minutia.

P.S. - How did you make that chart? I would like to do something like that for KI, and maybe MK as well.

Also, you should check out my Mortal Kombat Power Levels Chart!

I’m in the beginning stages of making a power level chart for KI as well, though I have sort of put that on hold for the time being.

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

.The Blonde person next to Gill is Cody (without his cuffs)
.The white haired dude next to Gen is Akuma (that is his SF5 artwork)

With Q i kinda only put him that high for minor reasons:

. He is a Secret Boss and they tend to always be strong characters in street fighter (e.g. Shin Akuma, Oni, Gouken, Bison II in the EX games and Evil Ryu)
. His rival Battle is Akuma (this one pretty much is meaningless but its better than nothing i guess) :smile:

  1. With Gouken I always pictured him as someone on akuma’s level or a bit stronger, Gouken has defeated Akuma (possibly a second time based on the outcome of street fighter 4) but Akuma has done the same…I think Bison would have been stronger with at least 2 of the 6 or 7 black moons active but I think Gouken would be stronger than Regular Bison and Possibly Alpha Bison due to more experience and being more on Akuma’s level which I think Bison is not on (but he is not far off either)

  2. Yeah i think i was a bit harsh on Rose to…She has beaten Bison, but he has beaten her as well…I think i would still put Bison above her as he does have technology like the Psycho drive and Black moons on his side but i think default Bison would be a tad stronger just because he is more ruthless and destructive than Rose which can help him as well as possibly experience as a fighter but that i am not 100% sure about that :slight_smile:

  3. Yeah I agree, only when Ryu became his Denjin self he became a lot stronger than the other street fighters (But Ken i think still can give him a good fight even at this point)

  4. Dhalsim is a very strange one for me…Until street fighter 5 i believed him to be just a yogi who was as strong with the rest of the world warriors…However in SF5 he is like super strong…I wouldn’t mind putting him higher as well, but i don’t think he is Oro level since Oro is something else XD…Dhalsim did fight Necalli but when the fight was over (despite playing as sim) both seemed to have stalemated (at lease that is how i see it)

  5. Seth confuses me…In the ties that Bind movie he BODIES Ryu effortlessly (untill he goes Denjin), but apparently its non canon which sucks becuase seth seemed way cooler in that than in the game…All i know is that #15 (a.k.a Real seth) was defeated and killed by either Ryu, Bison, Juri or Viper (it implies it was more likely Bison or Juri)…I think he is very strong but he never really proved any of his abilities in game or defeated anyone note worthy (him being beaten by Bison or Juri isn’t very surprising to be honest)

  6. The Juri i put here is a mix of her Sf4 and SF5 self, I would have put her much higher to if it was just her SF4 self and put her maybe where Nash or Gief is personally (maybe higher than that)…However she sadly got her eye tore out by Bison in SF5 and has to use the weaker Engine which put her more on the level or Vega (if it was her SF5 position she would be tied with Vega or slightly above IMO)

.I made the chart by getting a typical tier chart template and then on word just cropped out each character and layered it above the chart (sound kinda lame i know XD)…But it would be awesome if you did one for KI or MK :smile:

. I checked your MK chart and its very good but i still have some questions of my own :slight_smile:

  1. I would have thought Liu kang would be a bit higher since he beat Kahn (i think Kahn was restricted in his powers right or something like that)
  2. With Cassie and Johnny are their green powers accounted for or is this just their regular selves
  3. I am so Happy you put Ermac that high since he is SUPER POWERFUL but none of my Friends believe me based on his portrayal in MKX :frowning:
  4. I would put Kotal higher since he did beat Goro

thats really it…keep it up, and thanks for the feedback again :slight_smile:

Ok. I was thinking it might be Cody, but I wouldn’t put Cody that high so I wasn’t sure. Even though Cody is one of my favorite Capcom characters (me and him go way back, lol) I think I’d put him in the mid-high portion of the pack even with his cuffs off. In the Udon Comic Cody took Ryu to task, and it took Ryu to tap into the Dark Hado to beat him. But yeah, I don’t think Cody would be able to do much if anything to current Ryu, Bison, or any of the other heavy hitters.

Even though the Udon comic MAY NOT be canon, they really are all we can go one with characters like Cody as they haven’t really done much in the SF universe proper.

Yeah, Gouken with the 'Power of Nothingness" can stand up to Shin Akuma, but I don’t think he can beat him. When they squared off at the beginning of the series, Gouken lost…

…and at the end of SF4 they might have fought again, but I’m not sure what canonically happened after that fight.

While I don’t think Ryu has surpassed the master yet, I think they are pretty close in power and skill now with Ryu’s ascension in SFV. Gouken is of course still more powerful, but he isn’t on Oro’s level quite yet.

I agree that base Bison may be a tad stronger just based on his evil nature, but for all intents and purposes, they are equal.

Nah. Ken has been left in the dust now. Ken, while still an amazing, world-class fighter, doesn’t have the drive that Ryu does. I think in one of the ending in SF3 Ryu was seen beating Ken, and the text saying as much.

Yeah, Dahlsim is obviously stronger than most of the run of the mill fighters, but he is still far from the top of the heap. He is somewhere between Bison an Ryu, probably around the same tier as Gouken.

I think Seth lost to Bison in SF4. And yeah, from what I’ve gathered, the ties that bind video is non-canon.

I put Seth right behind Bison in terms of power. Since Seth was a boss, he is obviously above the regular guys in terms of power, but he is below the man. I hope we get some clarification as time goes on though.

I forgot she lost her eye. So yeah, without her engine, she is probably right in the thick of things with characters like Chun and Cammy.

When I get time I may have to try and do it! :smile:

  1. In terms of power, Liu Kang is above many, but still in the thick of things. One of the main rules in MK is that during the tournament, all the god-like characters are brought down to mortal levels in terms of power by decree of the Elder Gods. For example, a character like Raiden would become a high-tier meta-human rather than a full gone god. Liu Kang has found so much success because his is one of / the most still tournament fighter, but wholly lacks the power that characters like Raiden, or Shao Kahn, wield.

  2. Cassie and Johnny’s placement reflect their place without the use of their green glow mode. With it, IMO, they would be in the high meta-human tier. I really was waiting/hoping for more comics to explain more about those abilities so that I could properly place them, but alas the comic seems to have been canceled. But yeah, it seems let that they become stronger than that mode (and they do get stronger) but rather they become immune to the god powers of characters like Shinnok. I can’t say for sure what happens, so I just went with what I know.

  3. Ermac is pretty strong. There really isn’t any way around that. Keep in mind though, that character placement with in each tier is only by alphabetical order, not in terms of power. On my list, Ermac isn’t more powerful than Liu Kang, they are on the same level. Liu can beat, and has beat, Ermac, but he is not on a different level at all.

  4. Same deal as #3. Kotal and Goro are on similar footing, and given the right circumstance a fight between them can go either way. Kotal beat Goro in the comic with a bit of prep, the sun at his back, and with the help of the Kamidogu’s blood magic. Some people don’t like/think Kotal is a good character or a strong character, but of the new characters in MKX I think he is one of the more interesting ones. That being said, Kung Jin beating him in the story mode was lame, suspect, horrible and covered in BS. :grin:

Number one rule in MK.

Everyone beats anyone regardless of who or what you are. At any point in time.

Just to skip over the discussion of who is power over 9000…

Am I the only one who is decidedly NOT excited by Akuma coming to SF V?

In other news remember when everything in this game was going to be unlockable within game currency? I went in through the god awful UI to see what costumes I could open up and despite my hefty balance about 2/3 of the costumes are purchase only and you have to go to Steam (you can’t even buy them in game with REAL money). I’m fine with the business model, I just don’t like the lying. Is there outrage over this that I’m just missing or does everyone shrug it off because it’s Capcom/Sony?


You are not the only one

Some characters that I would prefer over Akuma:

Q, Oro, Hugo, Gen, Gouken, Makoto, Hakan, Twelve, E. Honda, Ed(the boy from story mode), Azam(Rashid’s butler), practically any new character concept they released

So tired of shotos

I’d like Makoto :slight_smile:

And yes, I don’t think people are super happy about a lot of the costume prices. They’re not included in the season pass, and some of them are relatively expensive.

I can see why!

Slow walkspeed, axe kick/air on ryo zan, command grab into combo, fast and far reaching dash…

Yep, family for sure!

1 Like

Yep. Hisako confirmed long-lost relative of Makoto.

@TheNinjaOstrich - cue my Illuminati music :tada::rage::tada: