Soul Calibur 6

Oooh who is this guy? I’m a sucker for weapons that are similar to scythes

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That’s my boy, Zasalamel. Very fun character.

So long as they’re willing to forget SC5 happened, and Maxi gets to stay in the roster, I AM TOO HYPE!!!

But seriously, between the Pierrot character and the emo Pokemon trainer, let’s keep SC5 in the past. That’s coming from a fan classical French theater, and a fan of Pokemon, by the way.

I love scythes. <3
Also whips, sickles, kusarigamas and tonfas. :3

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So where’s the info coming from that SC’s back? Didn’t quite get it from the original post. Really hope it’s back and that they learned a bit from SCV.

That said, can wait to see my guy Cervantes return!! Really hoping for an epic (coherent) story that leans a bit more on swords, curses, legends and an overall epic vibe with maybe some cool twists and turns thrown in as well. :slight_smile:

My favorite in the series will always be SC1. I still remember opening that game on the day I got my DC and being really, truly blown away by next gen graphics for the first time. That and the fact that the game played so well and was so fun had me coming back for years after.

Really hope SC VI happens and that it’s a much deserved return to form for a great series that I miss a ton these days.

So far, we only have the tease. Nothing more.


I think they will reveal SC6 trailer on December because Soul Edge were released on December 1996… Right? It’s make sense?

Not really. XD
If they had record of being consistent with doing something on that date, then yes, it would make sense. But otherwise, no.

This picture forgets to point out that Viola and Raphael have special dialogue with each other.

This guy is the reason why i play Soul Calibur


I’m pretty sure he will be return in SC6 because he’s part of main characters… : P


Wow am I ever late to the discussion! I am really hype for SC VI!


Have anybody played SC arcade at restaurant, mall or theater movie? I played SC3 at theater movie few month ago!

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I so wish SC went into a remake. We’d see real world history connected to the characters.

Like the time of King Arthur, Napoleon, Nobunaga, Edison, Newton, Brothers Grimm, etc.

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Mall and movie theater as well as local arcade for me here :smile:

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@anon39655210 You?

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Me what?
