Soul Calibur 6

Personally heres the group I’d like to have return.

Yun seong

Those who I would add.

Heck they should give Aeon the two axes like he did an SCV he’s gained his own identify in recent years.

I question if these even a legit trailer for a re-release of all of their soul calibur games.

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They need to add Revenant from SC3, and make Arthur a unique character already. I’d also would love an Edge Master with multiple skins of the other “Edge Master” characters in previous games, including Charade.

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Oh man, I’d love a new Soul Calibur, that was one of the best weapon based fighters. I’d love to also see some new characters added to a SCVI! A Viking warrior, maybe some kind of Arabian sword fighter, a Celtic warrior?

What else could a new SC game add?

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Eyedol guest character

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Mongol warrior
Native American warrior
Indian warrior
Aztec/Maya/Incan warrior
Cossack warrior
Polynesian (including Maori) warrior

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That sounds amazing. Especially an Aztec :slight_smile:

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Beavis and Butt-Head as guest characters :laughing: :joy:

Well for what it’s worth, Rock and Bangoo (his son) we the quasi-native American characters, even though Bangoo didn’t become playable.

Has anyone here played SC3AE?

Prepare for the guest characters.

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I cannot wait! Bloodborne hunter for Sony exclusive guest character HYPE!

As much as I dislike guest characters and even more so platform exclusive ones, having a playable Bloodborne hunter with that big blade from the cover as a weapon would be kinda cool.

What about a female Native American?

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How about just spitting out character tropes and stereotypes, they add some interesting character concepts that are unique and original to the SC world?

Hmhmm, like a Templar knight? A Zulu warrior? A Spartan? What else can we add?

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-bangs head repeatedly into a brick wall-



How about a gladiator, an Egyptian Pharoah, a destreza swordsman, a musketeer, a Valkyre. So many possibilities :smile:

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Btw I don’t think a Native American would be considered much of a stereotype given the time period, like isn’t SC supposed to be set through ancient/feudal/midieval or colonial times? :confused:

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… It’s the 16th century. Rock’s real name is Nathaniel William Adams who shipwrecked on American soil and was raised by natives before returning to Europe. He adopted Bangoo, a Native American who was supposed to take over for him, but he never got an in-game appearance.

He could take that role.

Alot of those tropes you mentioned are already taken by the already existing characters. Rock also acts as a gladiator. Sophitia, though a Greek woman, has that whole angelic valkyrie thing about her. Raphael wield a rapier like a musketeer, though he’s Spanish.

That’s because the characters in SC have more aspects to them than just stereotypical tropes.

Ivy is a dominatrix with a whip-blade, however, she is also a world-travelling alchemist and exorcist. Taki is a Japanese ninja, however, she is also a demon hunter who has a demon sealed into one of her blades, a blade she’s made herself because she is also a blade-smith. Kilik is a monk with a bo-staff, however, he is also cursed by the evil seed (insert pervy joke here) which forced him to kill the other monks, amongst them his sister, and is thus carrying the Dvapara-Yuga (the crystal mirror he carries in the belt around his body) which has put the evil in him dormant.

These characters are deeper than the tropes they are based on. And that’s what makes them interesting and makes them unique as characters, than just “ninja girl” and “monk boy”…

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I loved viola & ivy is just forever a fave.

Their create a soul mode is still unmatched