So what skins DO you want MS to make?

ah yeah… Human Ben Ferris… Just like human Scorpion, human Sektor…

Eyedol needs a composite santa outfit:


I’ve remembered a hot button issue from a while ago that could serve as the catalyst for some new skins
There are accessory sets for certain characters ( Sadira and Fulgore are especially noticeable) that don’t coordinate very well with any of their current colors.

Perhaps if would be a worthwhile project to add skins that retroactively fit with these accessories! :wink:


YES please! Agree 100%.

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Thinking about it, there may actually be at least one accessory set that’s mismatched with character colors for the entire cast. So this might be a REALLY good place to start!


Kim Wus purple coat and retros and the pink bridal brawl skirt should change colors with outfits yes

They could just delete the pink leg warmer/ cowgirl cheerleader retro orchid sets

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I choose animal skins or animal masks and cyborg/mech skins.

They can’t get rid of cowgirl Orchid! How else are we supposed to know she used to sweat like a pony!?

Omg wtf whaaa

So here are my ideas. Personally, and this is just me, but I tend to use the word “skins” interchangeably with “costumes” more than I do with “colors.” So when I think of new skin ideas, I try to think of stuff that I feel could enhance a character’s background or maybe gives us something new to consider, or ya know, something that sounds slightly less pretentious. :slight_smile:

He’s a monk, and his outfit looks kinda monk-ish… But I’d kinda like to see full on monk attire and, I’m not sure how doable this is, but I’d like to see an unmasked version (that’s not the weird glitch version floating around).

The easiest idea here is to go with the metal arms again. Granted, that’s not so much a part of him right now, but I feel like it could be worked in. However, if that’s asking a bit much…

How about this? I think an aristocratic look for him, as has been suggested, would be interesting. Perhaps as a feral looking human ala Necali from SF, or simply for his regular form.

We’ve been told that Glacius forms his body almost like a suit of armor, and since crashing where he crashed, we have our ice guy. What if we could get a transparent body, where we actually get to see the alien inside? I think that’d be pretty awesome.

I actually really like this one. Traditional look for a female muay thai boxer. We know that this is how she was trained before joining the Red Eyes of Rylai. I’d love to see her get this kind of look as well.

Or perhaps something like this, where she’s more of an underling, which I’m sure she was at some point. I honestly just think this looks like a cool design, so it’d be cool if she could have it.

I’ve always wanted a cool, Lara Croft-esque spy version of Orchid. I think that this can be a part of her personality as far as what she does in the Disavowed, so I think that this could be a pretty cool, stylish look for her.

But I also like the idea of Orchid as a resistance fighter / underground revolutionary. Granted, using Che for this picture might not convey things all that well, but you get the general idea (hopefully).

Whether it’s a full human version, which I’d love, or just a more complete pirate look with more detailed clothes and what not, I feel like there was more of a “complete” Spinal look at some point in the past that goes beyond what he’s more or less attached to himself now (which I also like). I’d like to see that look.

I’m not sure how close they can get to this without infringing on some copyrights, but I’d love to see them try. Whether they do this as a sort of Cyborg Eagle or as a newer model Fulgore or something else entirely, I could see something like this being a cool look for our gy.

I’d love to see the complete boxer look for him. We seem to have parts of it here and there, but just the straight gloves, the trunks, the hooded coat, etc. I think that could be a cool look for him and a nice nod to his story past.

I’d love to see here get a sort of upgrade in terms of her nightguard attire. I think that Valkyrie type influences could be really cool.

Or perhaps assassin armor, complete with a hood.

I’d really love to have a human Babylonian version of him. I want to see what he looked like when he was alive…

…and what kind of interesting clothing he would’ve worn back then.

In addition to the fans and the nose piece, I just like the overall color palette and wonder if something like that would be possible. Perhaps this could be a different kind of stalker unit?

I’d really kind of like to see Omen get a physical form that’s more solid/mist based as opposed to the more light based version we have. I also think a cooler mask, complete with some type of hair or plume could be interesting.

Similar example, though a bit more human looking. Might be too human for some. Just thought it was an interesting idea. He could still be masked, of course, or not.

I know that Ent Aganos lost out in the polls, but I’d love to see him realized in a smaller way. He already has a solid amount of foliage on him, so I wonder how easy it would be to replace the rocks with wood. Not overly story relevant, of course, but still.

I’d really like to see her in some sort of familial armor or armor from her time. I think that could be an interesting way to portray her. Maybe they can’t cover her face but at least give her the the rest of the outfit and the helmet perhaps?

Again, not overly story relevant, but I think that this could be an insanely cool look for her if done right.

Doesn’t have to be just like Deathstroke, obviously, but some sort of armor that actually encapsulates most of his body and also gives him a more menacing mask could be a pretty cool alternative if they decide not to give us Ben Farris, or even if they did, I still think this could be great.

I know he’s not a ninja. I get that. But if Jago is the closest thing to a ninja in the game, then maybe giving his evil version a ninja outfit might not be out of the question?

Kind of a simple idea, but she seems to be a warrior in training, so why not give her an outfit that reflects her training a bit more? Obviously it could be more detailed, but I just thought the concept was nice.

Just another variation on barbarian clothes that I thought was kinda cool looking.

Or they could maybe do something that pays homage to a certain developer’s other big fighting game hmmm?? :slight_smile:

I like her current armor, but I’d love to see it sort of taken to the next level.

Or perhaps she gets a full on Nightguard outfit to mirror Maya’s? Maybe her hair is changed to brown and her skin tone is darkened a bit to reflect what she looked like when she was alive?

I know the face is kinda messed up here, but it’s more the rest of the idea that I thought would fit him. Something more bat-like.

Given his size now, I feel like a version of Grendel could fit him pretty well. Maybe this could be a sort of “fully restored” version of him?

Kinda feel like he should have a Zits or Pimple version that’s a full on reskin.

Seems like there are several ideas that could work for him. Just pick a class of Locust.

Honestly not a ton of good options. People would probably hate this, but I think it’d be cool to have some sort of wrecked Chief armor, with our without the helmet, like he’s wearing it for a specific purpose.


Tusk should definitely get a berserk inspired outfit like guts sword with hood and cape.


A Godzilla Resurgence inspired skin for Riptor and a cyborg inspired one for Sabrewulf


Oh hell yeah, gimme both of them

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Cyborwulf is awesome!!


YES! YES! YES! Please MS and IG. Give us this!