So, Is The New Shadow Move Effect Optional?

Hey Guys!

Everyone’s talking about these shadows! Bellow I’ve added what they used to be like vs what they are like now…

Shockingly previously they were VERY over the top… not that they ever distracted me while playing or that I even noticed them much.

Now you can see the shadows are toned back they don’t reflect player movement within the shadows and they are purple… that’s right bright purple.

Spoiler alert! This new shadow probably has allot to do with the work they are doing on gargous so I’m sure it makes sense.

#Do you like it? Let’s vote!


    1. No they show less detail and solid purple
    1. Yes they are less distracting more fitting.

0 voters

I actually like the new shadow FX but I just wish we could have at least a little bit of character reflection. I always though that was really cool. So, new particle effects but with reflections is my opinion


I do like the new shadows. Like said in the poll, it’s just less distracting. With some moves, you could barely see what happened on screen when doing shadow moves.


I totally get this on reflection… looking at the images. But the OTT is ki right?

I voted NO :blush: here why:

  1. Purple I hate purple. Dark black purple maybe but IG have an obsession with purple every costume set has some in it. It’s an OK colour but the shade used isn’t very mystirious and is allot less “shadow” than what we had. It also outlines the action way to much with a bright flash of colour right behind the character.

  2. Character reflection is gone. As you can see above spinal sword looks awsome. It’s much more cutting and savage with the old shadows and the detail inside are nice. I think we’ve cut a whole lot of movement out of our moves by removing it all together? Why wouldn’t we want to see the frames?

My Fix;

Darken the shadow by adding character reflection in black or deep purple inside the new shadows. Attach the shadow to a few more important frames to give it a bit more fluidity and drama.


So a mix of the two, basically… I could see that being cool.

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Yeah… like I’ve added a pic of aganos shadow… on light stages it looks worse… on dark stages it looks better but for me the worse is way to bright.

That flash on pink purple om the end of his fist for me is way too much. Maybe it needs to react with the space in witch it’s in.

I like them both. But you really shouldn’t put reasons in the voting poll. Just put yes or no.

Why not? They are both true reasons?

Yes but people may have different reasons.

Then they can still vote yes or no can’t they?

The fact that one shows less details and the other is less distracting are both fair facts and pretty much plain to see :blush:

The rest other people will form their views on darling.

Some people also don’t have a direct opnion and it’s on suggestion that makes them think twice about a design choice.


ALSO EDIT; If you have other reasons SHARE THEM come on let’s hear what you all have to say. But the answer above is still clear YES or NO

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it is the color i do not like the color

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I voted against the new shadows. I know that the new theme with Season 3 is purple and green, but I think the shadows could have stayed the same. If they really wanted to change the color of the shadow then I think it would have been best to use a less saturated version of the primary color of that character’s costume. Like Glacius could have a less saturated and darker blue on his color 1 but then have a light gray shadow on his color 2.

That, or make the shadow a complementary color of the primary color of the character. Sabrewulf’s shadow could be a muted and dark red to complement his light blue fur.


no shadow rainbow

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I’m willing to wait and see what IG comes up with for the final effect before I vote on it, because it is growing on me a little bit; I just need to see more examples of the cast doing purple shadow moves & for them to next-gen it up a bit.

Note: The purple shadows would have been a perfect effect to distinguish Ultimate moves from normal Shadow moves… :sob:

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I don’t know how to feel about this yet. I never had an issue with the old effect but in those pictures above it looks really messy due to the trail the character leaves behind.
The new purple one looks good on Spinal’s stage but sticks out like a sore thumb on the brighter levels. I don’t think the color is the problem though. I feel the outline is too harsh and therefore not a good transition between the shadow area and the rest of the stage. This might explain why it looks more natural on darker stages. Also the fading looked better on the old effect imo.
But they said they are still working on it so we’ll see how it turns out.

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if I’m not mistaken they said they would tweak it some more…and its not the finished product.they said it on tender moments arbiter stream

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I voted no not because I don’t like the change but because it still needs work. Now I know they said it’s not finished. So my final verdict will wait until then.

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Don’t mind the color of the shadows - just don’t like the (currently unfinished) effect. I really liked the old shadow effect. The new one still needs to have that trailing, vaporous thing going on.

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The first thing that stood out to me is that the new shadow effects aren’t good. They went from really sleek looking to cartoony and ugly. But IG decided to change something that wasn’t broken so it stays I presume…

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I’m honestly torn. On one hand, it’s called a “shadow” move, so there should be some shadow of the character’s movement and not just a puff of purple effect. On the other hand, the old shadow moves were rather busy and filled such a large part of the screen. Some might like that, but I do think that the more smoothly animated, minimalist approach has it’s merits.

If there were a third option that said “I prefer more of a mix of the two,” then that’s what I’d vote for. There should be more of an actual shadow of the movement along with a bit more of a trail, but it doesn’t need to be seven garbled copies of the character mixed with black.

I also don’t care that it’s purple. That’s fine with me. Just more of an affect on it that replicates the movement once, but in a more concise, less chaotic manner. I think that’d be the best of both worlds IMO.