So, Is The New Shadow Move Effect Optional?

I hope

I like the purple, I do think they need more detail like the old ones though. They feel small compared to the originals.

I like the new shadows as well, much cleaner look.

The more I see it, the more it grows on me, but I’m not a fan of the whole cast getting this purple haze thing. I feel like each character should have a different color, according to the colors of their attacks or themes.

SabreWulf’s shadow effect should be the same color as the trails that follow his claws on Eclipse and Ragged edge
Spinal’s shadow effect should be the color of his skulls
Thunders should be the black of his instinct or the white from the lightning
Orchid’s should be the green of her color 1 or the color of her firecat
Jago’s should be the blue from his color 1 or the color of the trail on Laser Sword and Tigers Fury
Glacius should be a light blue
Sadira’s should be a really deep red
Fulgore’s should be the color of his Devastation Beam
TJ’s should be the blue of his implants
Maya’s should be the gold from her leap kick
Kan-Ra’s should be a sandy brown
Riptor’s could either be the purple or the blue of her cybernetic parts
Omen’s a difficult one to think of, mainly because he is shadow energy, but I feel like his should remain the same black as it was in S2
Aganos’ should be the color of the lights of his eyes in instinct
Hisako’s should be the color of the trails on On Ryo Zon
Aria’s should be the color of her projectiles
Cinder’s should be the color that you’re using, I.E. blue for the blue Cinder, pink for the pink Cinder, etc
Rash’s should be green
Kim’s should either stay the purple haze or go with the blue/gold mix of her dragons
Arbiter works perfectly with the purple
Tusk’s should be the red of his tattoos in Instinct


I just want the after images back. It was cool that you got a freeze frame of every hit.


Let’s vote guys

Comparisons are attached xxxx

old shadow , no rainbow shadow

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+100 i am ok with this thing

if I’m not mistaken,they said that this wasn’t the finished product…and they need to polish it some more…but I think the purple is in to stay…would be nice if the shadow…was the main color of the costume the character was wearing

If I had to guess, the new shadow uses less resources which can be allocated to something else.

.,…please don’t make this a meme…-_-

Old effect way better, new one is crap

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why waste time voting? they’re just going to ignore us and do as they wish anyways. community forums are more of a Q and A. not some voting forum. when they have but things to a vote it’s very specific and narrow that there’s really no choice at all.

I like the new Shadow Move effect better, but it still has room to improve (and they did say on stream that it wasn’t final). Right no the characters are more visible which is nice, and it’s really clear when a Shadow Move is being initiated. The purple effect behind characters is a little to flat I feel though, I’d like it if it was mixed with some dark blue to be a little more mixed and as uniform.

Making the new effect optional would be nice, but I’m okay with it if it isn’t. It sounds like it fits in with the story anyways.

I think it is better to have uniformity between the characters in terms of the Shadow effects. Remember too that Kiets said that there will be a lore purpose for this change as well.

The characters lose a bit of flavor to me with a uniform thing across the entire cast. The old shadow, while everyone had the same black color, the after images of the character were enough to give every character flavor.

Now they all look the same, and it’s boring

I do not know why changed, I was actually really like it was before! Maybe leave a little darker, a little more “shadow” and would be perfect.

But honestly, I do not know why they changed. There are so many details that needed to be touched up, and they stir precisely what does not need

Hey Guys!

Everyone’s talking about these shadows! Bellow I’ve added what they used to be like vs what they are like now…

Shockingly previously they were VERY over the top… not that they ever distracted me while playing or that I even noticed them much.

Now you can see the shadows are toned back they don’t reflect player movement within the shadows and they are purple… that’s right bright purple.

Spoiler alert! This new shadow probably has allot to do with the work they are doing on gargous so I’m sure it makes sense.

#Do you like it? Let’s vote!


    1. No they show less detail and solid purple
    1. Yes they are less distracting more fitting.

0 voters

I actually like the new shadow FX but I just wish we could have at least a little bit of character reflection. I always though that was really cool. So, new particle effects but with reflections is my opinion


I do like the new shadows. Like said in the poll, it’s just less distracting. With some moves, you could barely see what happened on screen when doing shadow moves.