Looks like you’re in luck, I have nothing better to do like always and I found the stream and watched it for you to find the quote. In fact you were in the room when he said it!
This is great! Looking forward to more content. Haven’t seen anything about the Tiger guardian yet, so I’ll be curious to see what it is. Also looking forward to seeing more Terror Skins. Will every character have one?
Also, and this is going to sound pointed and I don’t mean it that way at all, I swear, but will there be skins on the horizon that aren’t recolors of existing skins?
Either way, can’t wait to see more of what’s to come!
Awesome to have news on the skins (and apparently the Tiger Guardian, too!). Can’t wait till that first Terror pack comes out! Terror Riptor AWESOME! And Mira and Fulgore are both pretty high on my list!
Really weird how Beam doesn’t have the stream archived so we can’t go back and pull any more direct quotes from it… Thank god there are people who archive these things for us.
Anyways, thanks for these skins, guys. I hope that these packs will eventually give the entire cast a collection of these skins. Golden Fulgore and Terror Sabrewulf would be instant buys for me.
If a new character who happens to be a Babylonian king named Midas comes to fruition, I’m going to freak!
Or perhaps they’re leading into another KI Gold? That’d be cool too.
Feel the burn ah haha
Definitely hoping for more “proper” skins, sold in packs, than just gold-plated or mimic/shadow skins that often look tacky. I really want “designed” skins that are guaranteed to look good on a character. Things like Fulgore color 10 and Jago color 11 look great, and I’m super puzzled as to why they haven’t just made giant swaths of these and sold them for a reasonable price.
Guess I will wait and see what they have in store there, but my expectations are more than just a little tempered.
I also think kits kinda strange to lump these new colors in with the “skins” when they could easily just be character colors. The mimics and shadow shaders make sense in their own menu because of their particle effects but come on, we don’t need 100 “skins”.
They are cool “side” ideas (because on the off-occasion when they don’t look tacky, they can look cool). Something you throw in for fun because maybe it’s not too tough to implement. But I really hope it is not their primary idea for expanding character customization. Like… I really hope.
I agree, I’m honestly just hoping for a Mimic/Shadow skin update to make their clothes the same color as the skins just like the gold ones because they look tacky as hell as-is. Or give us the option to choose default colors 1-9 to color their clothing.
I agree with you though, I hope there is more to this than what we’re seeing. A slow timed release of gold skins and color 9 recolors isn’t very hype and isn’t at all what we’ve been begging for. We want cool looking new ways to customize, not recolors.
That being said I love that they’re doing this and I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, its a step in the right direction.
Ah - time for me to do my job. 99.9999999999999999999% sure Adam was referring to Mimic skins and Shadow skins…though he still said the word accessories. Time to slap some wrists.
I’m sorry for this, I must sound like a dumbass but I must be honest that the feel of having a exclusive skin which actually isn’t exclusive because it was not made to be exclusive but a bug made it exclusive, so it’s exclusively exclusive for a few days is so… so cool. XD
Really, please, I’m so sorry for this rediculous thinking.
I’m definitely tempering my expectations in terms of pricing, because as much as I want new colors, $5 for a pack of 3 straight up recolors is a bad value. By comparison, MKX has completely remodeled skin packs of 3 for $4. Please don’t gouge on these. People want to support the game, just not feel like they’re getting taken advantage of with the pricing/value. It doesn’t bode well for pricing on potential new accessories/costumes either.
At the very least, I think one big discounted bundle would be reasonable, even if that came last.
I’m hoping more details can be provided soon.
Could this mean no omen/shago accessories…tear.
Yeah my heart sank, if that’s true and Adam was mistaken I kinda wish they would have nipped this in the bud sooner because as it is now its been so long everyone is expecting it patiently as fact. :\
I know right I’ve been waiting for months now waiting for when they’d release them only to find out that it was a slip of the tongue. Mark this day for this is the day my dreams were crushed.
Absolutely agree.
I have been very careful to always add “at a reasonable price” in all the posts where I ask for color and accessory packs, and this is pretty high over the reasonable price threshold for me.
I’m going to have to report this post because.
This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines.
Yeah I and any reasonable person would find this both offensive and abusive. BAN @rukizzel Kappa
Everyone report it anyway for the lels. Can mods even be flagged?
See that’s the thing - there’s often no clue as to where these things pop up. You were the first to ever give me when and where this came from, which prompted the quick a brutal response.
There’s often times people hear what they want to hear, or read in to things more than they should that causes the hype machine to go overload (not saying this was the case since Adam did say this) but there’s always a balance of trying to let people speculate and believe (looking at you Joanna) or just coming straight out with a clear “we didn’t say this.”
I try to always keep a record of official statements, Keits caught me up one time and didn’t believe me when I said he made a statement that I’m positive he did but I couldn’t back it up with proof. So now I don’t make that mistake.
I hope that you can still find the time to give Omen and Shago some accessory sets and colors to fill out their wardrobe to at least match those of the other characters because people really, really want it. If you guys are looking for things to sell that people will buy, more stuff like this and less recolors I think would do the job.
Thanks for the clarification though, still hoping Adam was correct with that 0.00000000001% chance.