Well, to be clear, I played a bunch of Spinal when I first got the game in June 2014; I bought his $5 solo pack and played with him, but was terrible because I didn’t understand ANYTHING about the game.
I played him a little later on after I had more knowledge, but I struggled to make him work. I think I’m reaching a point now where (with community assistance) I may be able to learn his deeper ins and outs. Maybe someone will be able to teach me how things like his run/skull cancel mechanics work.
So far, “cancel” mechanics in general elude my understanding.
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, though, because it’s possible that Spinal will still be on the bench if the vote doesn’t go his way.
The Watchman of the Gods has won the July Character Poll!
Thanks to everyone who voted! Look for the Tusk Challenge thread at the following link, and be sure to come back during the final week of July to help me decide who to play in August!
I’m a day late, but it’s time to start the discussion about the Challenge character for August!
Tusk has been very successful - reaching Killer in the fastest time and with the best win/loss ratio of any character I’ve played so far. I had some initial struggles but I am definitely enjoying having Tusk in my playable stable; Thunder/TJ/Tusk are currently the characters I’m most comfortable playing.
Eyedol is the newest character, and that obviously makes him an interesting choice even though he wasn’t what I wanted to get for #8. I love the visual look and the gameplay design IG came up with, but I had my heart set on Eagle. From a little bit of experimentation on Friday, his Warrior form feels pretty good and I think I should be able to work with it easily. Mage is a little bit outside my comfort zone, I’m used to combos and mixups, not zoning! I don’t think it will be a deal breaker, but managing the head swap mechanics will be a challenge.
Arbiter I told you, he is going to remain in this list until he wins. He is by far my favorite of the three guests in terms of playstyle, and I like the hypothetical chance to learn specific setups with his grenades and command grab. Haven’t put the time in yet, but I want to give it a try.
Orchid Orchid’s playstyle is what I would refer to as ‘hyper’. I like her high-low mixups between her crazy good slide and her cartwheel; she has an air-throw; firecat mixups in Instinct look fun; and I like the idea of learning a “rekka” as I have not played anyone who had that before. Plus I need her Achievements, so why not give her a try?
ARIA A lot of the reasons why I included ARIA in this month’s poll were related to the same “stance” stuff I mentioned about Eyedol, and I actually like some of her kick-based specials, particularly her slide. I also need essentially every Achievement for her.
Left Spinal out this time; I have really mixed emotions about playing him because I’m interested, but I have a really hard time seeing how I will make his playstyle work.
I wanted to pick Eyedol since he is the best of the list but I figured your gonna play some anyway since he is new so Aria seemed like a bigger challenge IMO
Maybe you can give me some Tusk pointers sometime, I loved him when he got released, but wasnt very effective, he has a whole different speed to his game and with all the new characters he fell to the wayside a bit…
By the way, picked Arbiter since you really seem tonwant to play him.