Shin Hisako character reveal

Man, not only is the pettiness astonishing the hypocrisy is too! :smirk:

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A character donning another outfit with another colour is not cloning. However, if both Grayson Robin AND Grayson Nightwing were in a game, taking up two slots of the rosterā€¦ thatā€™s what Iā€™d like to avoid.

Is this what it has come to? Bullying me into shutting up? How disappointing.

I guess this is what to be expected. Itā€™s normal that people donā€™t like when someone speaks bad about something they like. But to be so overzealous that no one can utter a negative word without you guys flailing them for doing so. Itā€™s good to be a fan, not to be a fanboy.

Iā€™m not trying to hurt anyone by disliking these kind of characters. Yet youā€™re being so defensive about it. Iā€™ve tried explaining myself many times, and even more times back when Kilgore was announced.

And Iā€™ll say this againā€¦ Iā€™m not trying to make anyone change their views. Iā€™m not trying to bully people into sharing my perspective. Iā€™m not trying to shut anyone up.

I am simply sharing my dislike, explaining why, and telling people what I would like instead. Feedback. Constructive criticism. Yet people are fighting me and trying to hold me back, because they donā€™t like what I have to say.


Wellā€¦ itā€™s not happening though. Iā€™m not gonna be quiet.

I mean, Shin Hisako evolved too. Hisako was an incarnation of vengeance, bent only on getting revenge against Ultratech in Season 2. Then in Shadow Lords she became a Gatekeeper against the forces of evil, and now that sheā€™s reunited with her father she let go of her hatred to become a pure spirit.

Kinda like how Shadow Jago was the culmination of the Jago vs Gargos subplot that started in KI2/Gold. He took power from his faith in the tiger spirit, but then it turns out he was being manipulated and accepting Gargosā€™s corruption into his own body. After wrestling with Omen, pieces of his and Omenā€™s spirit split off to create a dark reflection of Jago, a gruesome glimpse of what could have been had Omen taken total control.

And Kilgore is a perfect look at the opposite. Fulgore units are weapons as well as major corporate money makers for Ultratech (not to mention an advanced artificial intelligence). Every weapon has prototypes, and just because a model has been superseded does not mean that the test models will cease to exist. In fact, vintage weaponry is a very popular collectors trade.


Guys, I have to admit, weā€™ve gotten a bit far off topic.

@anon39655210 Is entitled to believe what he wants without anything from us. I was trying to understand his viewpoint, but I canā€™t so I moved on.

But weā€™ve gone from Shin Hisako speculation to DC Comics talk. Letā€™s get the Shin Hisako party back in gear.

For the record real quick, Jason Todd is pretty interesting now that heā€™s the Red Hood.

Now back to our originally scheduled program.


If this new Hisako was the result of her appearance in the NEXT game, then Iā€™d agree with it. I would be disappointed she left her naginata behind though and instead picked up a katanaā€¦ another swordwielder in the gameā€¦ but if thatā€™s how her story evolves, then thatā€™s cool!

But now we are getting two of the same character in the same game, where we instead couldā€™ve gotten another original character with something unique added to the game.

Iā€™m not sure why people have so much trouble seeing why some people, like me, wouldnā€™t want that. That you and others think its alright, thatā€™s fine! I get that! I can see it from your perspective! You are getting more of what you like and thatā€™s perfectly a good reason to want it. And I am in no way condemning anyone for wanting this.

Yet people seem to condemn me for not wanting itā€¦ howā€™s that fair?

He kinda did a Nightwing, taking on a formerly existing name and made it his own. Iā€™m personally not too fond of him though, but he BECAME a good and more original character AFTER having been just another Robin.

Originality and uniquity.
I canā€™t explain it better than this.

I wonder what her price will be. 10 or just 5?

Iā€™m perfectly fine with you not wanting clone or remix characters. I mean, frankly I tend to agree that I much prefer completely original characters. Iā€™m also not a fan of guest characters, much like you. That said, I think the remixes we have are fun to play and have interesting enough lore bits to overlook them, and as long as they donā€™t add more than one new guest Iā€™ll be content with the inclusion of what we have.

It just seemed really weird to see you so adamantly against the idea while simultaneously defending something that -for all intents and purposes- appeared to fit that same mold. I know Iā€™ve been doing some of the same thing, and it only felt fair to see why you stood where you did.

Iā€™m more than happy to agree to disagree on this subject so we can move on, both with (somewhat) civil forum discussion and this thread. This thread is about Shinsakoā€™s big day.

Edit: Real quick though. This is a statement form the KI Twitter.

ā€œ@GargosFury This character, Shin Hisako, is a separate entity from Hisako.ā€

Not actually the same character. Seems like to split off from her or vice versa.

@Blade4693 Since the KI Twitter said sheā€™s not attached to a community fund, Iā€™m inclined to believe sheā€™ll be $5.

Now for release date, all we know is sheā€™s coming this month (March).
I have a feeling sheā€™ll be out probably around the week after World Cup. Either on that Tuesday or the next weekend. Though I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we waited will the end of the month.

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But thatā€™s the thing though, its not the same mold. And I explained to you why.

Then why call her by the same name of an already existing character on the roster? Why use her likeness? Why not make a new character?

I already know why, but these are the things I donā€™t want. Again, I understand why they are doing these thingsā€¦ but they can keep calling it something else, and it will still be a clone character.

I know, I knowā€¦ itā€™s not exactly the correct term, but itā€™s the one I use as a collective term for all those kinds of charactersā€¦ clones, palette-swaps, shadow versions, remixes etcā€¦

Iā€™m glad youā€™re at least trying to understand me and see things from my point of viewā€¦ but just earlier from the post above, it just seemed like you were like the rest of those who just canā€™t take it when someone doesnā€™t like everything they do, and so tries to make them feel lesser by mocking them.

One of Kolinā€™s alternate costume is 90% Cammy, and nobody complains on capcom.sys about that.


Iā€™m not on that forum, but I made a mention of it on reddit. Yeah, I donā€™t agree with Kolinā€™s designā€¦

Can we just be happy that IG/MS is still making content for this game?


Why would I be happy about some content I donā€™t want?

Thatā€™s like asking a Megaman fan to be happy that Capcom is still making gamesā€¦ when none of them are Megaman games.

Because it means the game is still being supported and has life? I dunno.

I mean if youā€™re not interested and wonā€™t buy it thatā€™s fine. But Iā€™d say wait to see her gameplay before you call out the devs for not having creativity. And even if you still donā€™t like her, how about we not insult developers for things they didnā€™t have to make for us, hmm?


In IGā€™s case, I guess it is not as much as lack of creativity as lack of funds to make something original. Because they have indeed shown how creative they can be with the season 2 characters.

That doesnā€™t change the fact that taking an already existing character and altering it to be something different is less creative than coming up with something completely new.

Weā€™ve seen what IG can produce. And thatā€™s why this makes me so disappointedā€¦ because it is so much less than what I know they CAN do.

IG doesnā€™t make the decisions as far as what characters they make. Thatā€™s MS.

And, look, I dunno whatā€™s going on with the budget of this game, but if they can make anything out of what we have Iā€™m all for it.

Do you have a source to back this up with?
Because as far as I know, the developers create the characters, they make the game and its content. And the MS have to approve of it before it comes out. And MS are the ones who handles the funds, they are the guys with the money, and they are the ones who hired IG to work on the game. However, all the ideas, the concepts, the charactersā€¦ thatā€™s IG, not MS.

@TempusChaoti mentioned somewhere a while back what the character process was, and it wasnā€™t all IGā€™s work. Hisakoā€™s concept stuff was actually mostly done on the MS side from what I recall, with IG then turning that character concept into a consistent/coherent moveset and archetype.

Iā€™m fine with someone liking or not liking a character for whatever reason. I just donā€™t think we need to hear it in every single thread involving the character. I wasnā€™t a fan of Kilgore and didnā€™t buy him - I said why and then moved on. I didnā€™t argue about it or keep harping on why I wasnā€™t a fan. Thereā€™s no point in finding every thread discussing the character just so that you (generic you, by the way) can repeat the same position youā€™ve posted in 3 other threads. If you like it, great. If you donā€™t, say why once or twice and then keep it moving.

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The initial disappointment is strong and itā€™s what is projected in my posts. This is my outlet.
Iā€™m passionate, and this is my way of getting it out. Might seem like much, but negativity is often more noticable than positivity, and people seem to make it a big deal to tell me I should simply shut up and stay in the corner than say anything bad about anything in the game. And I respond back by not doing that and instead talking more about it. And so it spreads.

Good on you for keeping it short though.

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I wonder whyā€¦


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