Shago Color 11 Accessibility

Yeah, I have to agree here. When you bought the Limited figure, you were promised color 10, and that’s what you got. Nothing more. You’re in the same boat as the rest of us that want color 11. You want color 11, you have to buy the non-limited figure, just like the rest of us. Sell the figure or give it to a friend if you don’t want the extra.

If you say that’s not fair if you bought the figure for color 10 before color 11 was announced, how is that any more fair to those who didn’t buy the Limited figure, but actually would have when it was available if they would have told us we would be getting TWO exclusive colors. For many, like myself, that may have swayed my decision to actually purchase it. You could argue that’s not “fair” either.

Frankly the best solution for everyone is to eventually release all of these color 10s for purchase by anyone at a later date. Charge more than normal if you must, but at least make them available. It’s the only win-win for everyone.

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I agree with most of this, and I would be totally fine paying for them separately. However, I think if they’re going to make them available later, they wont announce it until everyone has already shelled out the cash for the figures. If I knew (today) they would all be available later, I would not buy any more figures, but would buy every costume color.

This was definitely some botched messaging regarding the Shadow Jago situation and affects people who already bought it or might have but can’t now.

So, alternatively what they could do is for those that bought the Limited version, give them the color 11 codes, but ALSO allow provide a short period of time, like a say a week or two, after this wave launches that if you buy the regular Shadow Jago figure, they also give you a color 10 code. This is for those who are frustrated that Limited edition buyers would now get two colors, and would have bought it if they had known you would end up with two. Keeping it a limited time offer is reasonable, so it doesn’t diminish the limited nature of color 10 that much at all. That seems reasonable to everyone, right?

I think Color 10 should stay exclusive to the limited edition run. I really didn’t complain much when color 11 was “announced,” and I’ve already placed my order for the non-limited edition of Shadow Jago. Although I will not be adding the 2nd figure to my collection, I figure it’ll make a great birthday present for one of my fellow KI fanatics and I will own all exclusive in game content.

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Larger than the OP

Thanks man! God he looks so freaking good! I’m so happy they changed his skin tone to complement his outfit.

11 colors will be the bonus for those who do the pre buy the ultimate version of the game coming out this week!

Actually, as far as I know…Shadow Jago is the only character that has a color 11, all the rest will have 10 if you buy the figure for the exclusive in game color. BnB gamers will only have the 9 that are already included in the game.


Wow. That really is High-Res. :open_mouth:

OMG!!! He’s beautiful :cry:

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Ohhhhh they better give me that color…

I bought the limited edition shadow jago with color 10, and personally I think that the color is 11 is ALOT better. I really do hope they find a way to get color 11 to us that have already purchased the limited edition one, without having to buy the same figure again. Especially seeing that wave 1 is out now, and that that money could be spent on having a new figure.


Patience… they will make it right for those with the LE edition. You might have to purchase it for a few dollars… but that’s better than nothing. We shall see soon.

I tested out Color 11 last night online… wrecked a few ppl with it and got wrecked as well. It really does look awesome in action!

But no one said anything over the mic…I was thinking someone might say something …but nope

It’s funny tho cuz I made an account to buy shago limited edition when it came out and when the new website launched it said I don’t have an account wit them n I had to make another account over again

Suck that most of the base colors for him aren’t even half as good as the two pay-only ones. lol

If you already have the figure they’re working on a way of getting you color 11, no need to buy it from someone on the forums.

No word on this