I completely agree on the underwhelming nature of season 3. The characters were great, as in every season, but felt incomplete without the stages. So that underwhelmed, and it’s where it all started.
“It’s cool though, you can still pick your stage song!”
No. Still underwhelming, and unfortunately places IG on the defensive for the rest of the season. Now they have to show us what they spent their resources on instead.
Anything announced after, came with the idea that it was going to be big and amazing.
Shadow Lords! Best mode ever coming with TONS of unlockables! Even a new stage!
Stage gets leaked early, no dynamic anything. Underwhelming. Again, IG were not expecting the least work possible, were waiting for the reason we gave up stages. (And astral plane later revealed was thrown in last second).
Shadow Lords came out, almost none of the promised unlockables Came with it. Played through as aganos, no satisfying story, in fact only a handful of season 3 characters got to take advantage of this huge new mode. Underwhelming… Actually disappointing. This was THE big game changer that would add a ton of content and “make ki great again”. Instead its a neat, if a bit gimmicky, underrepresented let down. And the game time to earn a mimic skin is so high for a look that is so… Underwhelming (if not straight up ugly).
“Shadow Lords wasn’t meant for the hardcore, forum going crowd”
Sure, it was meant for the casual crowd, and i get that. That’s the target demographic that can be grown the most, and as a businessman i would cater to them too. However, colors costumes and accessories are a casual gamers bait, and so far, big whoop. They glow green sometimes purple… So?
Wheres the excitement? Wheres the passion? Wheres the hype? The jazzhands? The pinache?
Where’s the magic? Where’s the inspiration?
Where’s ig’s trademarks?
We see it when we saw new stages and characters from ig, but we haven’t really seen it anywhere else. It’s like everything else is an experiment that they are bludgeoning through in the dark.
Worst part? People are citing “time and resources” as the reason why we should be happy were getting anything. Problem is, no one expected anything this update. Most of us believed that was it. There was no hype up, no real noises from ig. Nothing, no one expected anything. Ig could have not said anything and blown us away with something they are truly proud of down the line, but felt compelled to sacrifice what could be been a truly great addition for some imaginary deadline no one knew about, for content no one expected.
Instead we get a “here, at least its something. Happy holidays”.
Wish we could be in those meetings. Wish we could see em. Who the wise guy is who’s philosophy is
“f*** everything else, shadow lords is where the money is at!”
“What about the stages?”
“Halo and whatever we can spare from shadow Lords!”
“Okay, what about the unlockable content?”
“but it takes time and resources to…”
“Release it without them! How far are we on skins??”
“We haven’t started, all our resources are assigned to balancing gaurdians”
“Well shadow lords is out Tuesday, so just upload whatever skins we have”
“We have the mimic skins from sl’s…”
“PERFECT. They can’t seek legal action if we deliver SOMETHING”
“What about the rest of the content we promised?”
“Omg seriously!? How doso they expect us to try to deliver anything AND add and balance gaurdians!?!?”
“We can slide the green shader to purple on the mimic skins…”
“Yass!! Does a line of cocaine That gives us time for MORE GAURDIANS! shadow lords is gonna get us SO F****** RICH! I’M TEN MILES TALL, I CAN DO ANYTHING WITH GAURDIANS! THEY SHALL WRITE OF US IN THE HISTORY BOOKS!!”
Jumps out of window into mustang gt convertible, burns rubber and drifts out of the parking lot
“… Who was that?”
“New Microsoft rep… He’s the guy who renamed internet explorer”
"… Whoa"