Shadow Jago's Trailer & Release Date

Wow!!! Simply amazing!

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So that’s how ultimate combo shall work. As soon as you do the ultimate the screen goes black. But in reality its the shadow tiger lair in black. Way to go on giving everyone a finisher. AWESOME! I don’t care about this stage trick or screen going black. Just give everyone an ultimate / no mercy / finisher whatever! This is dope. OMG im going insane !!! help!


I’m glad to see that overkill vocal used in the boss version come back after all this time. I, like probably most if not all who purchased the community bundle for Shago, am glad to see this come to fruition. However, I’m disappointed to remember that Shago’s skin for Jago won’t be available now (no more interesting Jago vs virtually Jago matches using the skin for accessibility purposes rather than anything else).

Moreover, for those who saw me say I don’t usually win anything, I finally managed to win something, so that’s at least a rather good way to have things turn out for the best in the short term.

Question is, how long do the codes last for? I’d guess they’ll be permanent (they won’t expire or anything)?

I look forward to re-learning Shago now. Wonder if the ultimate will be a different combination or something?

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No words… :clap:


I feel like if IG and MS just allow Shajo to be bought at limited times during the games run like during EVO, the games anniversary, PC Release, etc. Just to give him that exclusiveness it would be great.
but saying get him during these dates cause we might not release him again is dumb.

now on to the trailer…
its sooo gorgous i almost cried… almost

That was awesome. From the opening, right up through that badass KI logo form at the end. Shago looks amazing! Can’t wait to use him, and he’s going to be here Friday!? Cannot freaking wait!

Seriously, top notch work, guys. That was perfect. Hoping we’ll get accessories and colors, but guessing that might be a ways off, if at all. Either way, really psyched to use Shago 2.0. Thank you!


You have from Dec. 18th to Jan. 15th to get a hold of him :wink: Also there is no promise he will come back, he may… or may not, who knows. Plus, “exclusivity” wouldn’t be credible if it wasn’t, you know, exclusive.

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Amazing job, MS/IG! That moveset is ridiculous!

I don’t have Xbone, but… Scre(w) it! I will purchase him.

Can’t wait for the PC/S3 release :smiley:


got my fix


I wonder if Max will upload the trailer too, not to steal the views IG rightfully deserves but he’d certainly help to give the trailer (and by extension Shago) more notoriety.

Did you guys modify his ultimate? There’s an added strike at the end, and the fade to black makes me think this can be done on every stage.

Also, I can’t even describe my hype levels right now. LET’S GOOOOOO

This is more of a side-step. A one off, ya know? Nothing to do with the progression of Season 3. Finishing out what we said we would do when we introduced the Community Fund Bundle.

ROFL. That’s…interesting.

Show you tomorrow (or maybe Thursday). We’re setting up a stream for this as we speak.



You forgot to announce the double XP weekend. All of us, devs included, have worked so hard over the past few months. Do you realize how hard complaining on a forum can be? The typing, aw man, the typing…for days and weeks… :smile:


Awesome, now I can tell people I have actual plans this weekend! Can’t wait to get my hands on him this Friday. Him and that DARK RED COLOR. :sweat_smile:

OMG that qwas amazing!! My mouth was wide open the whole time is AWW! lol


That sounds pretty accessorish (totally a word) to me!


the code is a 1 time deal…you enter it and you own Shago forever

Mah heart

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■■■■ you IG, you made him too awesome, STFU and take my money!


The game award show is Thursday.