Shadow Jago release date?!

Vague post is vague. Too much vague.

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Whaaaaaaaat? At some point, something good will happen. How is that vague?


Yea definitely not expecting Shago before Thanksgiving, but maybe Thanksgiving accessories as an update before then? I can totally see that happening.

Every time somebody, and I mean anybody, uses “soon” as a time period, I want to punch something.

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This is what I mean by vague.

Lol. He makes it sound like Thanksgiving.

“So Good” & “Tasty” sound like Thanksgiving.

Unless it’s like Christmas Dinner or something. Lol

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Hahaha, I know what ya mean. Of course, if they can’t say, they can’t say. To me, it’s better to hear “soon” than complete radio silence. That probably drives me up a wall more. At least we know we’re getting closer, yeah?

 I’m kinda scared of that idea. You just know someone would end up in a turkey suit or something ridiculous like that. Maybe Maya gets some drumstick daggers lol. My guess is that if they were going to do that, they would’ve done it for Halloween, but who knows.

Yea actually you’re b probably right about that.

I completely agree

if shadow jago is really awesome
i hope they offer a way to buy him cuz i will


Nah, Thanksgiving is not really a decorative holiday. I thought they pushed it with Xmas accessories. Back on topic, at least we could confidently say Shadow Jago must be within the next 2 weeks, 3 tops.

But I can’t wait two weeks
 LOL The HYPE is killing me.

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Middle of next month. Always can count on @Dragonps’s Judgement!

Guys, he’s coming December 31st. We all know it.


December 31th

If he comes out Dec. 31 @ 11:59, I think I might die before then. Lol

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You guys don’t seriously think that IG is going to stay away from their family during the holidays just to release SJ do you? If it’s December, then the latest would be the 21st.

We never said that, we are just HYPE and poking fun at the release window.

It’s been almost 3 weeks since the 2.11 patch, so it may not be too far off. I’m guessing Shadow Jago will 9 colors, a few accessories, and a small number of achievements, and fight challenges. Perhaps some live gameplay and a trailer soon?

Oh yeah. Almost forgot you are in Australia. Lol. You are a day ahead of me. :slight_smile: