Season 3 Practice/Dojo Modes

The crying continues :cry:
I need this in my life
I’m kidding, I don’t have a life
But I still need it

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The thing that kills me is this thread only has 105 replies, but about 80% of the other threads in this forum would directly benefit if the people posting there had access to an online practice mode. This isn’t the kind of thing that is going to go headline the MS Christmas 2016 flyer, but it really would do a ton to improve the game, and the community along with it.


I tried to use the “random block” function to test hit confirms the other day, and I’m really convinced the entire implementation of it is broken. Some moves will always be blocked, while other moves will never be blocked. I was trying ot test Rash’s ability to single hit confirm st.HK into shadow battering ram (it’s IMO quite easy, by the way), but the dummy would block 15 st.HKs in a row before it got hit by one, then it would block 15 more in a row. From some spacings (ie, close range), it seemed impossible for the dummy to ever not block it.

Reporting this type of stuff in the bug thread never seems to get seen or fixed, so I’ve kind of given up. They still haven’t fixed the replay glitch where P2’s inputs are completely broken, which basically renders replays useless for studying stuff. This has been in the game for 3 years.

I dunno, I wish some of this stuff was fixed or better, but it seems the lowest of the low for priorities for the team.


Random block is definitely useless, so I just record the dummy alternating crouch blocking and crouching with no block. Annoying that you have to do that, but at least it works.

Definitely ki2 stage backdrops and music added to the current practice options

Bump for visibility, and because linked elsewhere.

I never know where or how to tag you, but this whole idea of improving the Training Mode I think is maybe worthy of a tag, in case you hadn’t noticed or it hadn’t occurred to you.

KI could have a mode inside Training mode which allows you to establish certain rules for a match against the CPU or another player ( totally support the idea of an Online Training mode ).

the types of rules are listed below:

light punches: on/off
light kicks: on/off
medium punches: on/off
medium kicks: on/off
heavy punches: on/off
heavy kicks*: on/off (the sweeps are included, too )
specials: on/off
throws: on/off
sweeps: on/off
jumping: on/off
CPU level: 1-9/off
Player 2: the person who is player 2 needs only press start on his/her controller to enter this mode.

This rules apply for both sides. For example, suppose you set the rules to allow only sweeps and throws, no jumping. You and the CPU/Player 2 can only do sweeps and throws.

This mode could facilitate the understanding about the different aspects of the game and reduce the learning curve for the begginers.

Inspiration for this article: Core-A Gaming video, Getting better at Fighting Games ( )

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bump bump bump please bump all the time thanks <3

Life has a way of making post-it’s irrelevant and promises hard to keep. I’m gonna try keeping this tab open, and moving the bookmark to the forefront of my browser.

Gosh I wish the devs could give any word on the possibility here, but at the same time I don’t wanna hear them say that they couldn’t find the time or funds for the single most important set of fixes and adjustments they could possibly make…


so much was already said but reversal , wake up and when recording setting the AI to block is really the main options training mode lacking.

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I’m going to bump this because this thread derserves a necro.

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Practicing Mira stuff, I realized how nice it would be if the positional reset feature was also or had a companion state reset wherein when you reset to default.

For example, as Mira, one drilling execution on EX.Bat>INSX>V.Mist>L.Bat, you must wait out the 15 secs of INSX every single repetition; you can only run this string once per INSX pop, and there is no way to forcibly de-activate INSX - you just have to wait it out.


I still tryin to figure out how to practice frame traps in training mode

The best way to practice frametraps would be to record the dummy:

Neutral Jump and hold db while in the air
On landing, slight delay and mash jab

Wait for your dummy to jump, then hit your plus move as it lands (the delay while holding db should block here) and go into the frametrap sequence. So long as you don’t delay too long in the recording, the dummy should block the first move and reversal mash jab, so the frametrap will hit.

It sucks, but it’s what we’ve got.

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I want an online training mode. I also want an option for a recording to occur right after leaving blockstun to test out frame traps and blockstrings. I would also like there to be multiple recordings that are played at random so I can practice against mixups.

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Haven’t been on the forums in a minute. Sad none of this has seen farther than our imaginations.


Super super late but if you go menu → restart, you will deactivate all instincts. It’s useful for the situation you describe, although you have to wait for “ready… fight” before you can do anything. Better than 15 seconds though.



I felt like such a dolt upon discovery. Thought I had come back and edited, but alas. Thank you, Infil, for the fact-check. (no snark intended)

I feel better knowing you found it months ago and weren’t suffering through 15 second delays this whole time, so it’s good for both of us.

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