S3 is good but could have been better

I’ve given up hope of ever seeing another community fund after being teased with one and never seeing it happen.

The other way around actually. But still rather costly.

When are season one characters getting season two endings?

Oh wait that never happened . I won’t hold my breath waiting for all characters to be treated equally.

I still love the game but it could be so much better

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I’m 37 and have some great memories of ki from my youth. I didn’t start playing the current ki until s2.

Fanboi alert: i think s3 is perfect tbh. I’ve only got a few things left on my wishlist. I need a tagteam multiplayer mode. I’d like to see player’s shadows take ownership of an area ala pokemon go. I’d like to see more from this current ki. There must be a season 4!

I dont think we will ever get a tagteam mode…I think the technology of the engine wont allow it, otherwise we wouldnt have to load between multiple player matches in SL.

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When people say tag team, do they mean like what MK9 had or like SFxT?

Probably like KoF

The game is a buggy mess with a lack of consistancy or polish, but it’s still loads of fun and all things considered well balanced. I really hope they start fresh with a new engine next year and set a more consistent polished standard going forward.

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I feel the same way. I am having a lot of fun but some of the bugs are brutal sometimes. It’s probably one of my favorite patches with loads of content but has sadly also brought new issues. I hope a new engine is a possibility for the future.


yo I’m just kinda upset they announced Rash as the first character and then just left him as if they didn’t give a damn about him…

  • No stage, but Arbiter gets one
  • Arbiter is advertised much more than him
  • Usually takes a backseat on certain things despite being the first character of season 3, for example, he’s the fourth on the S3 list instead of the first like Jago and TJ, and like on the mimic skins page on SL it shows Arbiter, General RAAM, and… Mira. I’d have more examples of this if I could remember them…

Just a general gripe I have. But it doesn’t ruin S3 for me. Least we still got a theme for him.

lol, the flagging going on here is bizarre.

That’s what happens when people don’t like you. After the first 5 times you just shrug at it and carry on as if nothing happened.

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To be fair, 343 Industries played a big part on those regards. Combined with the fact that Halo is MS’s biggest franchise.

If no one else I honestly feel like Mira suffers the most from not having a stage of her own. From what Adam Isgreen described how her stage was supposed to be designed it would have made the direction on her music make much more sense. The stage was supposed to be the vampire coven and was going to be a mix of an older classical design mixed with modern decoration as well. Her music, being half Russian opera and half dance club dubstep would have made a ton more sense, but as is it’s a confusing mix of being Saberwulf-esque with a damned electric horsefly buzzing around.

In all honesty I hope they do eventually add stages for the homeless characters. Honestly I feel like KI really needs a really good coat of polish. There are so many things that feel like they got them working and fun, but they couldn’t or didn’t go the extra mile to make it feel complete, for whatever reason. Having 84% of the characters have their own unique stage is one of those things that just stands out quite heavily.

Also @BigBadAndy, I believe this is the quote you’re looking for:

Not exactly the quote I was asking for (which doesn’t exist), but you come the closest by far.

I do think Mira is the character missing a stage the most, but frankly I love her music. Personally, instead of “all new stages” I would be very happy for them to simply modify the existing stages to accommodate the new characters. Change the lighting and a few background objects and there you go. Mira can easily inhabit Sabrewulf’s stage, and they even put her there in the novella. But they could add a daytime or a darker theme. Something. Rash actually could take a re-colored Astral plane, which looks enough like Battletoads anyway and Raam could take a modified Sadira’s stage - re-skin the spider to look like the spider monster from the original Gears (the one featured in the “Mad World” trailer). This kind of things split the difference and could make some people happy.

I have no idea how much that would cost, or what we would trade for it. It will be interesting to see what they do as the game goes forward. Clearly any new characters won’t have a 1:1 ratio with stages. But maybe they will include more generic stages that serve multiple characters.


Of characters with nice music, who need their own stage, Gargos and Eyedol are probably the best. But you could argue that Astral Plane is their stage.
I mean it is, isnt it?

Personally, I’ve always thought if they were going to go cheap & reuse stages Rash would fit better on Cinder’s level. It looks somewhat similar to the volcano stage of Battlemaniacs. Battletoads are all about tons of tech and extreme environments, & Cinder’s stage fits that very well.