Rate The Last Video Game You Purchased!

Ghost Recon Wildlands - ton of fun…even solo. I know technically it’s not out yet, but I spent more time playing it this weekend than I expected. Thought I’d be all about nothing but Zelda, but GR took my time!

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I’ll be playing this tonight at midnight. I’ll probably be terrible since the last 2 weeks has had me playing pretty much nothing but For Honor. I’m anxious to play something different though so midnight can’t get here soon enough. lol

Fun fact: I downloaded AM2R and kinda played 20 minutes of it, thought it was cool, then stopped. As soon as Nintendo issued the takedown notice, I resolved to play the rest of it out of spite. And it’s a really good game! So thanks Nintendo for reminding me that other people make better games with your neglected IP!

On topic, despite my dislike for most Nintendo products these days, my last game purchase was Zelda: Breath of the Wild based on the strength of the reviews alone (after the disappointing Skyward Sword, I was ready to take a break from mainstream Zelda for a while). And I have to admit, it’s incredibly brilliant and quickly vaulting up the list of best games I’ve ever played despite only being about 10% of the way through. They really hit on something special with this game, and I think a lot of it has to do with the many, many “non-Nintendo” decisions they made.

Hopefully Breath of the Wild sets a new precedent not only for Zelda, but AAA Nintendo games in general. It’s about time they moved away with the overly simplified, hand-holdy, super-easy game design they’ve been resting on for years.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (in it’s current state).
Beautiful animation and graphics with great gameplay. However the it’s a tad on the short and easy side (especially near the end). Though I’m sure the dlc will fix that.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
:star: :star: :star: :star:

Yeah, It’s nice to see some challenge, but good lord it seems like every enemy in the game can just obliterate you in 1-2 good blows. I dunno, maybe I just got in too deep for only having 4 hearts…

BTW: Zelda: :star::star::star::star:&3/4 :star: so far
The 1/4 drop is for the weapon breaking system…waaay too easy to break stuff.

Zelda - 4.5 stars/5, same reason as wrath, no weapon repair system. could make more useage of the ore you find by repairing weapons to maybe give different attributes to the weapon. a very small gripe in the grand scale of things, the game is overall master class work. nintendo delivered a beast without telling anybody much of anything outside the trailers.

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Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom
:star: :star: :star: :star:

Flower PS4

I liked it but way too short for my taste. But those are two well deserved stars lol.

Need to get back into it but too caught up in life atm.

Final fantasy xv 5 stars

yeah i gave it a rest because i was raging. 90% to hit = miss GRRRRRRRRRR

The last game I remember buying that wasn’t free or a PS2 port was Gravity Rush Remastered. Haven’t played 2 yet.



  • Great movement system (basically made the game)
  • DLC quests had good variety, or at least I thought
  • Story is simple enough
  • Good length I believe
  • Getting experience is set up in a way that has you utilizing the amazing movement system
  • Nice open world


  • Some trope characters
  • Some parts were frustrating to me
  • Side quests can get repetitive
  • Clearly builds up for a sequel that’s out now lol
  • Some abilities are better than others

Zelda Breath of the Wild - 5/5

Only negative things I found were the frame rate drops and the weapon repair system.

You can repair the special weapons (A spoiler if I mentioned what) while I have yet to find one for Commons. They’re easy enough to farm anyways.

As for the FPS, the drops didn’t effect me at all or my enjoyment of the game so I’ll give it a pass.

Super Bomberman R - 4/5

LOVING the return of a favorite franchise and they did it right! Well… for the fans of the classic Bomberman that is. If you enjoyed the free roam 3D games like Bomberman Hero (N64), you won’t find the same joy in this title.

Story mode is fun with the cutscenes. Wish it was a real cartoon! Gotta adore Green Bomber!

Last game I bought was Ori and the Blind Forest for my wife. Have yet to play it much myself except parts she struggled too much and finally said “f* this you do it you ■■■■■■■”. In her defense she’s relatively new to gaming so doesn’t have the years of frustrating Nintendo platformers under her belt. She only asked for help twice but she made the game look alot harder than it probably is, lol.

Entertainment of her cursing value? At least 4 stars.

Last game I bought and played extensively? KI:DE which is easily 4 stars. A couple of things bug me know and then about it and there are a few things I wish were better/different but overall VERY glad I finally bought the XboxOne for this game to compliment my PS4 for damn near everything else I play, lol.

I don’t understand why you guys are bummed about Zelda’s lack of a weapon repair system. It seems like a pretty clear design choice that promotes a carefree attitude about your weapons, and forces you to try cool things you probably wouldn’t care about if you could just get a strong weapon and use it for the whole game. They dump tons and tons of good weapons at you anyway. This Zelda is clearly about bucking trends from past Zeldas and they do this one to really good effect I think.

I can see your point there. It’s just that there are weapons that look so cool and yet they’re hard to come by. If I didn’t know about the respawning Royal Claymore on top of a certain tower, I’d have no clue what to do for more. I’m certain there’s more than what I know.

Maybe I’m just too used to having invincible weapons in other games. I will say that my battle tactics have drastically changed because of that decision.

Heck, sometimes I save my near to broken weapons for that 2x damage bonus!

There are cool moments that happen because of weapon breaking too, like your weapon breaking and knocking a guy down, then you pick up his weapon and kill him with it. That stuff can’t happen if you just get a good sword and use it forever until you find the next sword with a higher number, then use that forever. I’ve tried a bunch of weapons I would have never used because of this and I think it’s cool.

It also really adds to the atmosphere of the world, that you aren’t any more special than any other person. You have to live off the land like they do. Plus, considering the world is so open, it would be pretty easy to just go get an amazing weapon and then use it to beat the game without challenge. The fact that your amazing weapon isn’t gonna get you through the game plays well to the open world exploring, and lets them do a bunch of stuff I don’t think they’d be able to get away with otherwise. In many ways, this system lets them give you cooler weapons much more often, instead of knowing that as soon as they give you a cool weapon, you’d be set for life.

The one “downside” is that yeah, if you are going into a big fight you have to prep up a bit, and then you have to go find weapons after your big fight, but like… I dunno. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.


Reminds me of the lacking feature in the current iteration of Fallout. Where a gun would jam if the condition was low enough, drastically effecting its performance.

I would be in situations where it would jam and I had to immediately find cover before unjamming. Or in a similar case, break my weapon, beat someone with a bat and take their pistol to kill the other guy.

I haven’t played Zelda, or any Zelda for that matter. But, it seems similar in context and usually always adds to the experience. So long as the condition of a weapon isn’t substantially decreasing per hit and there are absolutely no means to upgrade durability. In which case, I may understand the frustration.

For Zelda, the main thing you have to understand is that this is not a traditional game. You don’t work hard to get weapons and then care for them and try to buff their stats and whatever else. You find a weapon, you use it for a bit, it breaks, then you find another one. “Upgrading durability” is kind of defeating the point of the system, I think, which is to make sure you can’t have weapons will last you for any substantial part of the game.

The frustration I could see is if you find this amazing sword somewhere and it breaks after 1 swing and then you never get a weapon that good again. But that’s not what Zelda is, you can and will find multiple amazing weapons very often, and it makes you want to save your couple (current) good weapons for hard enemies, rather than just waste the little dudes with them all the time. This also means you tend to keep a couple weak-ish weapons around on purpose to deal with weak enemies, just so you don’t waste durability on your high weapons. That’s kinda cool I think.