RASH is gone so what do we think? REVIEW

the dp is pretty fast, the medium mk cross up is godlike, good walk speed, solid jump, 8-way movement…also judging from the trailer I theorize his final grab can be delayed and he can hold the opponent high in the air and walk a bit (like in 8bit games) so he can throw him wherever he likes (corner for example)

I thought Rash was a very well done character. While he still wasn’t complete, he brought something new and unique to KI and it all worked IMO. His Battletoads aspects were incorperated to perfection and I feel that it fit well with the system. I can’t wait to see what people come up with for him in March.



They did a great job modifying his look to fit into KI; however, they didn’t and couldn’t go the extra mile for the sake of maintaining the wackiness and, thus, cartooness that makes Battletoads, well, Battletoads.

His general look and moveset are just too cartoony for a thematically-realistic game like KI, at least as far as character design goes.

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To explain my mentality.

Rashes moves are cartoon and toon ish.

Everyone else in ki is mostly scifi realness.

For me it makes him seem silly and jokey.


Scifi is a bit too far. Only ones really scifi are Glacius, Aira, and Fulgore. Sabre, Omen, Kan Ra, and several others are more horror based.

Lol the point was that its not cartoon ish.


Like Omen was work in progress and “not finished yet” and then when his final form revealed, Omen was actually very close to the “beta”.
I expect that this will be the same for Rash. I don’t expect drastic changes in his cartoonish movement or anything.

But he is very fun to play with. Anyway, no matter what, I will not stop playing KI.


The difference is that Omen came out within two or three weeks of his reveal and Rash won’t be released for six months. I think you’re right that they won’t fundamentally alter him or his animations, but it’s possible they will do a lot with him between now and then.

No matter what they do with Rash, he doesn’t belong. They can make him look un-cartoon like (let’s say what we saw was his retro) but the moves never change among character and their retro design so if we get a real looking bipedal frog, he will still have those cartoon boot, sheep horns, and cartoon wrecking ball so he will remain simply put a cartoon…Ex. Retro Jago doesn’t have different moves.



Well, it’s true. But Retro Jago has a keytar instead of a sword. Also, Orchid morphs into a jaguar - which to the best of my knowledge can’t happen outside of a cartoon. But I guess Rash’s big boot is just a little too far…

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The retro costumes with their accessories are all in a joking sense. That is fine I don’t use them either way. But if those were how these characters were presented, there would’ve been a big backlash to KI since the fans would’ve seen the tone, an example would be if we were presented Riptor in her cheerleader outfit. I can say with a high degree of confidence there would’ve been a massive backlash if that was the Riptor we were getting as her core design. That applies here as well the only differentiating thing is that the cartoony and cartoony sound effects won’t be changed because it is the core of what Rash is- that is why he doesn’t fit, you can’t make him not stick out like a sore thumb even if a legit bipedal humanoid toad is what they present for his official look

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No, BigBadAndy,

Orchid’s ability to morph into a jaguar can’t happen outside of a ‘fantasy’, not necessarily outside of a cartoon. KI3 is a fantasy, sci-fi-realistic game and definitely not a cartoon.

Battletoads, on the other hand, is a fantasy, sci-fi cartoon game.

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I agree with you 100%. Everyone video games have goofy.

Amen to this. ^^

Orchid doesn’t turn into a tiger she is engulfed in her laseken power. If you pause it you can see her in there her.

Again this is scifi not cartoon. Its explained by her powers and her technology.

What powers does a toad have to turn into an actual wrecking ball? Even if he was a shape shifter why would his true form be a toad and why a wrecking ball?

Glacius could turn into a huge hammer but that would be silly

I love rash as rash but we all slated ki2’s story because it was “too far fetched” so involving cartoon characters should be greeted with the same feed back. Its too silly, too cartoon, too far fetched to fit in our reality.

Once more the question stands:

We have 9 slots to fill 5 are going to be brand new did we really want a battle toad?

I sure as hell didnt. As much FUN as he is, he will be the most unused player in this game.

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And i dont buy this KI has always been goofy.

Yes we know that @M00NLightNinja im sure most of us have put a good 100s of hours into the original too. :wink:


Dh and Ig changed the tempo not us. That tempo and feel has been established for two whole seasons now and we are told constantly this is a reboot its a new feel its not the goofy old game.

Yes accessories are silly in places but thet are extra they dont represents the main game. Overall they aren’t used often either (from my experience)

Did anyone see them used in the story or promotional material. Its a quite nod to what the game “was” like. Its different to taking up a whole space in season 3.

What ki was has no relivance to what KI is now. Ki on the xbox one is established. It has its own look and style we cant just jump from one to the other when it suits us.

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Am I the only one who doesn’t think 2013 KI is all that serious or edgy? Doesn’t having an ice-person named Glacius, an animated skeleton named Spinal, a cocky boxer named TJ Combo, a drug-addicted werewolf, etc not strike us as even a little goofy?

I digress. This thread is careening off the rails.

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IG didn’t want to steer into what happened with KI when Rare did KI2 and used time travel as a tool to explain certain things. IG stated many times they don’t want to use lazy excuses for explanations such as “because you know-time travel”. Well here we are and now the excuse is “you know because-portals man”, that is how we got a Battletoad in KI? It is a stupid excuse to make another goofy cameo appearance since MS doesn’t know how to revitalize Battletoads and if they finally decide to drop it, it is like saying hey guys you still got Rash, he is in KI and the Battletoads show up in Shovel Knight.

Pure marketing and as I said earlier, it is clickbait for their announcement of Season 3 and instead of presenting someone we’d expect like Kim Wu, Tusk, Gargos or a really cool and fitting new character, we got a Battletoad to get attention back on KI. If a Battletoad is going to bring someone to KI that isn’t already playing KI, I don’t think they want this game, they want a new Battletoads game.

This is as dumb as getting a machine that can make a rainbow come out of my ■■■, they can probably make it happen with water and a lighting apparatus, doesn’t mean it serves a good purpose. Rash cheapens the game since it is a marketing ploy as well as not fitting in with the rest of the roster.


No marble. :wink:

We are rating how we feel rash fits in and plays in KI. Of course people who love rash will defend him, people who are in different will say nothing and people who dislike him in ki are going to try to explain why.

This is exactly what feedback we want to give back to IG and MS.

Personally i take KI3 quite seriously. I think its been done really well and its much more edgier than before.

The story is pretty solid in terms of serious lore in balance with comedy (witch there is none ) I defiently dont think aria trying to uplift humanity kicking and screaming to fight against unnaturally and alien abominations is goofy at all.

Yes the names came from the 90s yes that game was in part a bit silly and no this game isnt the most serious lore ever but its still adlut scifi not a cartoon.

I think all we are saying is; yes ki does have scope for diversity but maybe a toad is a little too far.

So far his average is defiently lower and he has split the community… that’s not the best start to season 3 imo.

Rash its certainly a choice that could have been more considered he seems to be a; “hate him” or “dont mind him” kinda guy.

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