About the upcoming new KI comic series:

  • Will it be a prequel or a sequel?

  • Will it possibly introduce or tease future characters?

  • What will the comic series storyline generally be about?

It’s ok if you don’t answer any of these questions to avoid spoiling surprises.

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Netcode. Netcode. Netcode.


Netcode? Really? Netcode implies online play. KI doesn’t have online play. What it does have is offline play with people in different locations.


Oh. Right. Silly me.

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*WARNING! Lore Spoilers ahead if you are playing through Shadow Lords for the first time.

Is there anything you can tell us about the upcoming comic book? Who is writing/drawing?

Are there any plans for a KI Novel? I certainly hope so…

@TempusChaoti mentioned the possibility of us one day seeing the “Light Lords” in the future, is there anything you can share about this? (Referring to the Light Lords mentioned by Adam Isgreen on the Definitive Edition Shadow Lords interview)

Has Gargos always looked like this? As in, do Shadow Lords and Ichorians look alike? Or did Gargos appearance change as he consumed other entities in the Astral Plane?

Is there any way we can see what an Ichorian looked/looks like?

Does Light Lord = Ichorian? Or perhaps, Light Lord = Uncorrupted Ichorian?

Would you consider another community fund in order to
introduce another lore-established character to the game? I would consider getting an extra job in order to fund the Tsar, for example.

Obviously, if Season 4 can happen, the above is a moot point.

Is there any other fighting game out there with a story even a little bit as awesome as KI? J/K, I already can confirm, there isn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have tons more but I’ve already been greedy. Thanks so much for putting all this wonderful stuff into the world, I am truly grateful. You guys are the best.

@franciscapra aka SE1Z3

Will arby(arbiter) and fractured ward make a cameo in the comics? And will there be more slots for character customization saves?

I am glad I could help.

Thank you for the compliment as well.

Hi from Argentina!
My name is diego, and i have 43 years old.
I come here to say: thanks for you hard work.
i be in Ki forums since 2013 (DH forums) to today.
God bless Ki team…
thanks for make real my dream: a new KI!
I wish to share this:

I love KI. :wink:
And of course, i have xbox one and KI in pc.


My questions:

  1. Are we going to get more stages?

1.a. Could some of those stages be of areas within the KI universe but not necessarily tied to a particular character (this would assume all characters have their own stages)

  1. This needs to become a reality. When will Riptor get a swimsuit like this:


@TempusChaoti Are there going to be more monster characters in the future? I would love to see a Medusa/Gorgon/Lamia-like character design introduced, and more unique chars to challenge the engine(but nothing crazy like Arby Grenade loops)and break the mold, because I thought Mira was unique and I would like to see more of that.


A lot of the characters are very unique with next to shadow bar and instinct bar, you get another special / unique ability.
Like Maya, Aganos, Hisako, Eyedol.
Q: when does a game like KI becomes to complicated for casual players? I mean every character has already their own instinct ability and some have another unique ability. Where do you guys draw the line?

Well that sucks :frowning: looks like all competetive matches will continue to take place in devils landing…sarcasm…

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Astral plane could fall in that same category too most people pick that stage in MP anyway

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Seeing as you probably won’t tell us anything about a season 4, KI4 or updated version of the existing KI to the scorpio I am going to ask you this instead, it has probably already been asked but…

Will you add a stage for Mira?

While I sympathize with them wanting to prevent that I do wish they’d address the issues many of the stages have for competition as far as visibility issues go. TJ’s tremor trails are very hard to see on some stages, and cinder has a bunch of color/stage combinations that cause serious visibility issues for his fired up state and burnouts.


I would fix it “firing up” the health bar if Cinder burned you, or “firing up” the shadow meter for Cinder if he is “fired up”.

So for example, his shadow meter would be always on fire during Instinct

That is precisely why the training stage is the go to option for serious competition. It makes no sense that some characters can have a competitive edge due to colors and stages.

This is a pretty fast and nutty game where a multitude of things happen fast. A good example of a stage distraction is arbiters. Theres an alien at one point shooting pew pew and nades into the screen and at times, if you have good reactions, you will react to them instead of arbys pew pews and nades.

warning!!! Notice!!!, my post has hyberbole, to get the point across.


From an aesthetic standpoint I think a thermometer that fills up would look best but I really don’t care how they do it as long as they address it in some way.

I believe that part of the charm is not knowing “exactly” when are you going to be fired up.

I mean, of course, is no random, it happens after X amount of time so you can time it if you are aware, but in most fights you just adapt on the fly. I actually like that, instead a grenade meter like Arbiter’s.