Honestly I’m hoping Glacius’ medium puddle punch becomes a relaunch because it’s kind of useless right now and that could make it fun.

Anyway, let’s not go further off topic and get back to questions.

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  • If a time machine took you back to pre-launch 2013 with 100% hindsight of how KI turned out, what are some things that you would do differently (release format, combat/character design, etc.)? This is assuming an alternate timeline where IG was the developer from the beginning.

  • What are some things that the KI team has learned from other contemporary fighting games?

  • Are there things about KI that you wish other fighting games would adopt?


Could we possibly get some “Non-Canon” guest character events in Shadow Lords, maybe with some special items from their games (Theron Bow, Gravity Hammer, Beat-Em-Stick maybe)? If RAAM and Rash ever get stages, along with Arbiter’s current ones, they’ll never be used in SL, as well as getting the Mimic skins for these characters takes forever if you actually want to play the game instead of just mashing “Next Round” over and over. Sorry for the rant, I really want that to be a thing.

That’s all I can think of. That’s all I really want.

Great idea! Ha!

Which season 3 character/s you guys had the most fun creating?

Will Joanna Dark have a teaser trailer?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Your should check out the novella. All will be revealed

HEADS UP: I’ll probably close the question thread around 6-7p tomorrow to give me time to write answers.


Thanks for letting us do this! Though I would suggest also putting this in the OP thread, so that anyone new asking questions before the deadline ends sees it also. :slight_smile:


2 part question:

Has the team considered creating levels for the 4 that don’t have one since season 3’s release? If not, was altering stages considered? (Example: Altering Wulf’s stage a little to make it suit Mira. Make it a little darker with bats flying around outside and/or Sadira’s stage being altered for RAAM but instead of spiders it’s a bunch of locusts.)

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I just have one question. Will IG consider increasing the drop rate of the character dossiers?

The idea of all the character dossiers unlocking when you unlock that character’s mimmic would be a nice change, and make it more possible for more people to unlock and enjoy the KI lore.

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I have a question. Will IG consider making a few changes to Eyedol (specifically Mage Eyedol)?
Nothing ground breaking, but a couple quality of life issues feel like a hamper on him. I know that these have a low chance of making it into the game, but I would love to see these changes:

  1. Increase damage on shadow meteor strike. The damage nerf makes it balanced during instinct mode but useless as mage Eyedol. Maybe keep the damage during instinct the way it is but buff it for plain ol’ mage Eyedol.
  2. Make his linkers different in some way. Right now Stomp Strike and Bolt Strike linkers are identical in terms of damage, timing, manual window and meter gain. I would like to see there be a reason to use one or the other based on the situation.
  3. Alter Bolt strike ender in some way. It does minuscule damage and builds half the meter of a standard battery ender. I believe that it should get a damage boost, a meter boost, or change in function.
  4. Make Medium stomp strike not -6. I don’t know if this was intentional or not but it just seems odd that all the other versions are plus and the medium version is so unsafe.
  5. Perhaps Make Eyedol go into a random head after instinct. This is mostly just to make it so the player is not warrior Eyedol quite as often. Although, this would likely be very difficult to implement

If these could be considered I believe he could be changed for the better. Mage Eyedol already feels like more of an accessory to Warrior Eyedol and I believe this would help him a bit.

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  1. Is there a possibility that new features would be added to online matchmaking in the future, like filters for matchmaking, ping/connection strength bar, rooms, etc. As of now we can only filter by rank, and rank is quite inaccurate as we all know since many people are below or above their stated rank. We also have no way of telling how laggy the match will be and we have no options to avoid said laggy connections. These are pretty basic online features most fighters have, and with the netcode this game has it would only add to the positive experience.

  2. How does the team feel about a puppet archetype in the KI universe. Something along the lines of Carl from BB, although gargos is kinda assisty puppety (is that even a word)

  3. Will we ever get the option of having the training stage be available for non training use?

  4. Will we ever get the option of selecting classic tracks from the training stage for non training use?

  5. Is a Friendly gesture (the anti taunt) something the team has considered? how would it work, dunno, something like Rash where holding a directional input would perform the friendly gesture. Or maybe an announcer callout that says something friendly when triggered with the assigned input, this would allow the team to avoid having to animate more things for existing characters. This would also help ease tension with newcomers that get discouraged by KI’s agro nature.

I forgot about having the training stage as an actual stage to fight valid fights on.

That could be a great way to implement the KI/ ki2 stage background stills as well.

Would anyone accept that as an alternative to receiving a stage for Mira ? That’d be awesome almost 20 new ‘stages’ without having to work on new ones !!!

Do it!!!
(Screams at thought of playing on training stage with Kim wu’s Ki2 snow mountain dojo background!!!)

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The Devs have already said no to this multiple times. They’ve put too much work into the regular stages to have people just defaulting to the training stage like they do in SF and MvC. Not gonna happen.


Thank you for reposting the reponses.

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Thank you for having such a glorious username, Ebullient Sea Cow. I learned a new word today because of you.

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Will there be a discounted bundle available containing the gold and terror skins for every character?

Will we ever get a toggle option for Cinders mask?

Finals? Ah yes I can understand for online fights and championship duels

Maybe that rules out the ability for home solo use that’s sad

But still there’s the option of adding ki2 practice stills to add to the ones we have now.

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