PaulB's Killer Instinct Season 3 Tier List

tiers are just one persons opinion based on the cast relative to the characters they play. i guarantee if u ask another player or pro player they will be completely different, so to me this tier list means nothing. so mira is a bad character really??? what a joke smh. different strokes for different folks i guess

I donā€™t knowā€¦

Having a S and NO tier makes this game look totally imba. While I agree that the top characters win most MUs they donā€™t win them free. The gab between S and NO tier is not thaaaat big.

Oh and I disagree with Mira and Glacius being that low. You canā€™t mix up Mira and Glacius is always a threat no matter where he is on the screen. Plus they both do a lot of damage.

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I donā€™t know if the opinion of an average joe like me counts, but Playing RAAM, the only matches i usually do not have many troubles (if the player is at the same skill lvl as me) are against mira, aganos, tusk, TJ, omen and rash. The ones that gives me lots of troubles are gargos, shago, fulgore, kan-ra, eyedol and riptor. All the others i may win or may loose depending on who makes more mistakes but there are 2 exceptions: Aria and Cinder.
With these two or the player is a pro and ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  me up hard, or he donā€™t now a thing about the char and i win.

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Paul B is high as a MF kite.

Im no pro, but most of his choices confuse me.

I like the graphics on the list. Itā€™s a nice presentation. Iā€™m not really much of a tier list person. Overall I donā€™t think KI really has more than three tiers - great, really good and just good. I donā€™t disagree with much of the relative placement but I might collapse a into B and No Into C.

Since you made the list based on matchups maybe you could give us some more information. The whole matrix might be too wordy, but maybe one or two characters giving us their full scoring would give people something more substantial.

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Paulā€™s a really good player, but I donā€™t think heā€™s trying to say that his list is gospel by any stretch.

As for Mira, her self-inflicting damage level, as it is currently, makes a lot of matchups more difficult for her. It doesnā€™t make her a ā€œbadā€ character. The tier list is all about matchups and who has the most favorable ones. Thatā€™s all.

FWIW, I say this as someone who absolutely loves Mira. Sheā€™s easily one of my favorite characters in the whole game.

there is a huge difference between a difficult to use and a bad character.anyone with a history in fighting games should know that. its hard for me to take serious anyone that says mira sucks smh

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the more i look at the tier the more i see how fundamentally flawed they are imo, shadow jago has no business being near jago or spinal in any competent tier list. damage is way too low and his risk is way too high compared to characters in that tier. negative on everything puniishable on all his openers and poor dp with or without meter is not a definition of top tier

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Whereā€™s Eyedolā€¦

Couldnā€™t agree with you more on this. Also PaulBā€™s list is on point imo. ARIA is a beast and people are sleeping on her. She deserves the S. Now as for Sadira vs Gargos. It is imo the least fun match ive experienced in 3 seasons and damn near impossible for our lil spider-girl. Itā€™smade even worse by the absurd amount of Gargos that tea bag n taunt.

Maybe thatā€™s why i keep fighting shagos after shagos from bronze to killer everyday, some times 3 in a row. They keep coming because, you knowā€¦ the flawsā€¦

Iā€™d say bump Omen up to A Tier. Other than that, seems about right.

Eyedol should be in S Tier of A Tier.

Iā€™d personally lower ARIA to A-/B+, bring Aganos up to about a B, take Mira a bit higher, and maybe move Shago and Gargos down a hair. Otherwise Iā€™m pretty okay with this. My personal ā€œtier listā€ is a lot more fluid, and I base a lot of it on moment-to-moment things and/or my own personal skill, but I think a lot of this works out okay.

well i understand why u feel that way, but at high level play his gimicks get blocked and heavily punished. his gimmicks are not nearly as effective at high level play.

Let me preface this by clarifying that I am hell and gone from pro or high-level. Maybe high-level understanding, but def not my play. Lower-mid, if Iā€™m being honest.

I also like to think that KI is not remotely as lopsided per-capita in the MU tallies. Donā€™t think thereā€™s SF levels of 7-3/8-2. Lots of 5-5 & 6-4, nowadays some a little more tilted (like Sadira v. Gargos, poor spider ladyā€¦).

That said, this spread doesnā€™t seem too far off to me. On the one hand, I want to agree with those that have suggested consolidating S-A and C-No. On the other hand, I cannot honestly foresee a Mira or Aganos ever taking a major (if/when a Mira does though, itā€™ll be one of hypest moments in all the FGC). In Aggyā€™s case, heā€™s just too abusable. There are some real beasts with the Golem, no doubt, but with money on the line? That Aggy is gonna need to bring his Daigo-game, and hope no one else did. Mira, I think we can generally agree is just a mite too prone to human error for tourney comfort. In her case I think itā€™s less about her bad matchups, and more about her worst matchup being nerves and high-pressure environs.

As for the S tier, I assume this largely has to do with the effectiveness and variability of thier vortexes (and in Fulgoreā€™s case, his every-tool making up for where his vortex is lacking)?

Gargosā€™ defense is so bad that nobody can stress it enough, bit that 2-goon pressure is kinda the other side of that coin. I donā€™t agree with Gargosā€™ flat placement in A, but agree that 2-Goon Gargos is definitely A. No goons? No victory (except against Sadira). Averaging the two, Iā€™d say B is fair. He needs those minions, and if he canā€™t get them, he gets nothing, you lose, good day sir!

I do think RAAM and Kim could win, but itā€™s not likely. Iā€™d move them up to C, but maybe itā€™d be more like (C-?). Especially RAAM, if he can lay hands once and his operator makes the reads (correct guesses), he can forego how bad some of his MUs are with stupid momentum. But, he does still have to get that touch, and that can be work.

I also think Omen and Thunder are a mite low. Iā€™d think Omen would be up with his tiger homies, in spite of his damage. Neutral, pressure, extra resources and resource denial? I think those are all A grade, for sure.

And lastly, if my assertion that S is tilted toward vortex power with account of neutral tools, I would think Thunder would be sitting pretty up there. Heā€™s slow, yeah, but does he really lose more MUs than his near-Fulgore kit and bazillion option vortex can make up for? (Thatā€™s a real question, Iā€™m not familiar enough to thought-experiment that one out).

Those are my thoughts on it, any way. Kudos, neat discussion piece. Good presentation too.


Itā€™s not that theyā€™re difficult to use though. Itā€™s specific matchups versus the other characters. A character can have great tools, but if the specific matchup against certain characters doesnā€™t favor their toolset over the opponents, and it could be as small as 51-49, then thatā€™s a matchup that doesnā€™t favor them.

It doesnā€™t make them a ā€œbadā€ character though. Itā€™s not like the people in the bottom tier are scrubs or unusable, they just have the most unfavorable matchups, according to one guy.

Iā€™m more of the opinion that KIā€™s a very balanced game, but obviously thereā€™s still matchup differential between characters. Miraā€™s a good character. I just think that she takes it a little too hard while dealing it out. A small adjustment to that, and I think sheā€™d be up among the better characters in terms of matchups. In terms of tools, I still think sheā€™s one of the better characters in the game, but again, the list isnā€™t ranking best character to worst.

What do you think would help Sadira out? Would you add something to her move set? Iā€™d personally like to see her get something that helps her control the air even more. Itā€™s supposed to be her space, yet there are a few other characters that seem to be able to do a lot in the air while doing way more on the ground (at least in my opinion).

Curious what might help her in the air, or just in general.

Does anyone else notice how @llPaulBll never seems to give an answer to my replies in his threads? I gave him a direct question, which he has yet to answer, as far as I can tell, AND gave him a counter-point that he has yet to argue against. Why do you suppose that is? Is it because he doesnā€™t want to answer? That he canā€™t answer? Or is it something more sinister, like that Iā€™m not even worth answering?

Paul, I happen to exist too, ya knowā€¦ Itā€™s rather rude to ignore people.

Now, please give an answer my previous reply.

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lol bro after months u undertood finaly that she died in S3 . ahhahahaha when i was sayin it u said she was ok.lomfao.

im almost ok with everything. but sadira must be in No range and tusk in B range and tunder in A range
@llPaulBll i love u :kissing_heart: ( btw : no gay ) lol lol i just like all ur streams u are so freakin real.

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No man, Iā€™m just incredibly busy, and posting here isnā€™t a top priority.

If I didnā€™t respond itā€™s because your post seemed ā€œtrollyā€ or I simply didnā€™t see it. My apologies.