PaulB's Killer Instinct Season 3 Tier List

Which characters do you think RAAM outright beats?

I agree, if none of these tiers means ā€œnot viable.ā€ Eyedol belongs in S tier, though, IMO.

Also, whatā€™s the ā€œnoā€ tier about? Iā€™ve fought against some god-tier Miras and Aganoses. However, really good play with characters in that tier is hard to find.

EDIT: I just read your explanation of the tier system in one of your comments. I understand ā€œno,ā€ now. Those folks definitely have no easy matchups. Maybe RAAM has an easy time with Tusk. I tend to beat Tusks pretty easily, but Iā€™m not top 32 or anything.

Riptor, Sadira, Aganos, Kim Wu, Spinal, Tusk, TJ and possibly Wulf I may be missing a few as well since he is relatively new and unmastered. He goes even with a lot of characters and loses to Kan Ra, Glacius, Aria, Fulgore, Omen and Probably Maya.
I could be wrong though but these are simply my observations.

I will say Raam is not braindead which means only skilled players can do quite well with him.

I think your reasons are why they are in ā€œnoā€ tier. He explains in a comment above somewhere that his ranking system is based on good vs. bad matchups. Those in the ā€œnoā€ tier probably do have the fewest good matchups. Certainly none of their matchups are anywhere close to free. A little surprised ARIA is so high, based on that system, though.

lol my two mains are in the ā€œNoā€ section. I live for the struggle.

On a side note, I think Glacius is at least a ā€œBā€. Season 3 gave him a lot of great tools.

Iā€™d argue that the No tier can definitely win tournaments though.

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Iā€™m of a mind similar to yours. Any matchup can be won (maybe except for RAAM v Gargos feelssaltyman), but some characters inherently have an easier time against other characters. So, for those of us who insist on specializing in General Bae, we have more non-intuitive matchups to figure out if weā€™re to make it to the top.

Sabrewulf, Sadira and Orchid on the bottom 'eh?
Oh ho the mighty have fallen.

Raam Gargos is 5-5 on paper but requires way more mentally from the Raam player than the gargos player. The thing about gargos is he does better the earlier he starts controlling the match, his design is extremely anti comeback for the opponent and is meant to smother foes (and to make him feel like a cheap boss) if you donā€™t play well in the beginning than you will probably lose since thatā€™s when gargos is garbos.

Iā€™ve heard the ā€œ5-5ā€ thing a bunch of times, but I donā€™t understand it. How do you figure? If Gargos starts the match quad jumping, RAAMā€™s never going to bring him down for a toss. RAAM has absolutely 0 tools to deal with the way Gargos plays in the air.

I respect your opinion, but definitely disagree. I donā€™t think RAAM beats any of those chars. MAYBE Aganos and definitely not Sadira.

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Walk him to the corner, force him to make a mistake, cr h or anti air Kryll if you must but slowly walking him to the corner is the best bet while he has no meter. Catch up to him at least twice and he should be dead due to bad wake up ( minus lucky guess breaks.). Itā€™s way harder mentally on the Raam player but tool wise itā€™s even.

Gargos can get out of the corner completely for free against Raam with quad jump into light reckoning. Raam canā€™t reach the height Gargos gets to and Raam isnā€™t fast enough to catch the full screen distance light reckoning creates.


Raam totally beats Tusk and TJ. Those match ups are kind of silly in Raamā€™s favor.


You will have to position yourself at medium range if you expect that gargos wants out that bad, Raam beats him in a footsies battle free.

You canā€™t really position yourself to try and catch it though because he spends so long in the air before actually doing the reckoning that if he sees you starting to back off to catch him he can just retreat safely with a flap of his wings. That wing flap pushback also keeps Raam from ever getting into his effective range so I donā€™t see how Raam wins the footsies battle free.

Do you mean that he needs an overall damage buff or just the damage buff in instinct? Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s the latter, but just wanted to make sure.

Personally, Iā€™d love it if he could manually tack fire bats (or some such projectile, as bats are kinda Miraā€™s thing now) on to the end of his enders while in instinct to do more damage. It gives him a fancier looking move, something cool for his instinct mode, but itā€™s also a nice compromise between a straight damage buff that the devs thought was too much, and the zero damage buff he has now.

Iā€™m not a huge fan of feral cancels. I understand their utility, but Iā€™d be surprised if a substantial majority of Wulf users really took full advantage of this mechanic and even then, compared to a majority of other instinct modes, itā€™s still a bit lacking in multiple areas. If he could tack bats on enders for increased damage as well as chip damageā€¦ That sounds like a much better instinct to me.

Gargos can just decide ā€œeh, I donā€™t wanna play footsies,ā€ and then there will simply be no footsies during that match. Portal punch spam to force RAAM to try and close distance. When RAAM is about 25% screen away, quad jump into reckoning. Then repeat with a minion this time. While RAAM blocks more portal punches, Gargos is saving meter for another minion. Absurdity ensues.

Also, itā€™s worth noting that jHK will push RAAM back even on block. Absurdity, I tell you.

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Gargos has a certain range were he really isnā€™t a good character, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a cakewalk to exploit this weakness but it is there and you can exploit through correct spacing and reads.

As a Sadira main, I do find it sad that she isnā€™t higher on the tier list, but honestly I donā€™t disagree with Paulā€™s views of her ranking. There are some match ups that are simply impossible for herā€¦ thatā€™s right impossible. Gargos destroys her as his normals force Sadira to play the ground game. The only option she has is Blade Demon. Add minions = Dead Sadira.

Eyedol destroys Sadira. He has too many anti-air options. I have an easier time against him versus Gargos, but still its an uphill battle.

Glacius now easily destroys Sadira. In S1 it was the complete opposite as Glacius only had a single hail and jumping HK to keep her at bay. Now with his multi-hail and Instinct Shenanigans, its incredibly difficult to get in.

I love Sadira, but I donā€™t find her very rewarding. You do a LOT of work for very little damage. She feels like Cinder, yet Cinder can out damage her if heā€™s played right.

S3 is a difficult time for a Sadira main.