Only 15 characters get ultimates

So… like when exactly are we getting these ultimates? Where is the list? Why isn’t this info pinned? Oivey!

The first pack is coming out on Valentine’s day, there is an article in the news section.

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Jago, Maya, Thunder, TJ Combo, and Tusk Those are the first 5 getting Ultimates on Valentines day as xCrimsonLegendx said…

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maybe they are working in something else and a handfull of employees are on the ulitmates, so times + couple employees can make 15 ultimates so far, maybe later we can have the rest… or with the las 2 characters if we purchase alot for sure we can make that budget to them to make the remaining Ultimtes, thats what i think. idont know what MS/IG Gave in mind but … honestly i never see i gave with that support so far KI is great and 4 years of support in arow … is amazing

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You want more ultimates? Then everyone buy Kilgore and show it’s worth it for them to put money into this game still.

Stop. Just…stop.


I agree most of the childish behavior needs to stop. These awesome developers deserve more than gimme tantrums.


I think some people are just worried that their main is not going to be part of the 15. Look at it this way. Of Mira was one of the 15 and Fulgore was not, then you would see a thread explode on how come Mira was picked and Fulgore was not.

I would bet that most people who are ok with the 15 play someone who has a high chance of making the list. For example Fulgore has a lot better chance of making it than Eyedol. Then you have characters like Cinder who could be one or not.

This thread most likely not wouldn’t even be here if they would have said “starting with 15, with the rest in the future” I get that they might not have been able to say that, and that is why you have several people worried. I know they said they “outgrew” the seasonal thing, but this wondering what update is the last one sucks.

When i read the OP

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Never cared about them in the first place. Still 15 is a LOT when you consider they are all free so I don’t mind. They should only rally focus on the legacy characters with them anyway… The new ones and guests are hardly missing out what they’ve never had in the first place.

Quoting @rukizzel’s original post:

Will every character get Ultimates?

At this time, only a handful of characters will be receiving Ultimates. How many exactly? 15 characters. This does not include Shadow Jago who already has an Ultimate.

Am I the only one who read “At this time” around here and understood that means there will be 15 characters receiving Ultimates AT THIS TIME, as in “FOR THE TIME BEING”, as opposed to “FOREVER”?

For me it was clear as water we’d be getting 15 now (read “in the upcoming months”) and the rest on a later date (maybe by the end of the year or next year, who knows). They didn’t confirm it but didn’t state the opposite either. They didn’t say “never”. If they did, the answer would be something like this:

Will every character get Ultimates?

Only a handful of characters will be receiving Ultimates. How many exactly? 15 characters. This does not include Shadow Jago who already has an Ultimate.

See the difference?


People need to be careful though. They’ve made it very clear that Ultimates for the remaining characters are not “in process” “on the table” or “planned for the future.” They’ve been crystal clear. There’s 15 Ultimates in the pipeline.

It’s not clear what, if anything, we can do at this point to encourage them to make more. We will just have to wait and see.

And yes, @SadisticRage76 I fully expect to see a dozen threads title “how come my character doesn’t get an ultimate!!!” But to suggest that anyone not losing their ■■■■ over this must just be playing a character who is getting one is more than a bit unfair. They haven’t told us what the criteria are for who gets one - whether it’s the returning characters or just the best ones they could think of, or alphabetical order or what.

I have hope that they will give all characters Ultimates but they want to spread them for longer time to maintain attention around KI.

Every character will get them eventually, this is simply a test period seeing how they are received and bugs that come with them etc. Time and money are also a factor, I think they decided to have some and then update later as opposed to none and a long wait.

I have been an adamant supporter of “all or nothing” my whole life when it comes to videogame entertainment. However (just in case people bring it up) I’m in my Autumn years so to speak and just can’t be dealing with/don’t have the energy for angry rants.

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I read it to. All we can do is wait.

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crowd of riptors and fulgores applaud

I think people need to consider that there are people (such as myself) who have stuck with this game for 3 years and 3 months now.

I mean that’s a considerable amount of time guys. in fact I’ve never spent so much of my time and money supporting an entertainment medium such as KI.

it’s ok to be fatigued. it’s ok to be disappointed. it’s ok to think the games perfect.

my personal opinion is that KI is starting to look as if it has attention deficit disorder (ADD). and that’s ok too I guess. is it better to spread yourself thin and disappoint some people and not all? I’m not sure.

all I know or think I know😜 is that this game is all over the place. the devs say this is a game where the experimental aspects are high and I agree to a point. that however isn’t a license to not see things through to 100% completion.

To clarify - kills hopes and dreams - spark other hopes and dreams:

15 characters are in the works, and will be distributed over the coming months. (Through the summer.) Are we planning on doing more? If you asked me right now the answer would be “no.” But we’ve investigated it. We know what it would take.Could that change in a week? Sure, and we are open to that. So when we are able to revisit (and we will revisit) a decision will be made. Now the question is undoubtedly “when will you all revisit this?” There’s no definitely timeline. We even have to stay tuned ourselves.

Thus the ambiguous wording that you were met with. There is hope. As of right now there is no definitive answer. All we say to you is enjoy, and play KI.



The “At this time” neither confirms or denies a “never” or “forever”. It’s simply leaving to door open to the possibility but also makes no guarantees. However, it does implies that there is currently something preventing the rest of the cast from getting ultimates, so it’s not as simple as the “we’ll get the rest later for sure!” stance some people seem to be taking.

(Damn, ninja’d by rukari himself.)