My suggestions for KI updates in 2017

Stereotypical Killer Instinct Complaint: The Post



I mean, is it really that hard to talk to the devs in a constructive way and speak for yourself? Treat them like people and not your magical KI genie? This whole thread could’ve gone differently. It should’ve gone differently.

The whole “you can’t say anything anymore” thing really feels like one of those myths that become a truism by sheer repetition of the sentiment.

I tend to think that people can still say anything, but other people can and do respond in kind and actually challenge those people. In other words, saying “this is just my opinion” doesn’t absolve you from critique by those with different opinions, nor should it. Not on social media and certainly not on a message board where conversation is essentially the point.

But while some are disagreeing with OP’s opinion, the hostility largely clouding the thread up has more to do with the way he presented his opinion.

If everyone spoke that way to the devs, there’d be a wall the size of a small country between them and us and I personally feel it’s important to prevent that for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is simple human decency, even on this Wild West of an Internet, and respect for these people and what they do for us.

Also, please do me a favor and tell me in what day and age, demanding stuff from people this way was considered a good way to treat people.

I’ve noticed that in this day and age, people use “this day and age” as some vague attack on the present and harken back to a past that they were either not old enough to have actually experienced or to reference some bleary eyed nostalgia for a misty, water colored past that wasn’t nearly as good as we remember it, especially if you fall in to certain categories.

So how about we stop with the appeal to history and so called better times and actually try and treat the guys working long hours to make this entertainment for us with a little dignity and courtesy. If anything, that sounds more like a lost art than the good old days when we could tell people to take notes and speak for others and demand stuff, but maybe I’m misremembering too. :slight_smile:


This, this, so much this, There is nothing wrong with wanting any of these things. It’s how you convey the message.

@ShellShock520 This is the ddefinition.

“Social justice warrior” (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual promoting socially progressive views,[1] including feminism,[1][2] civil rights,[1] multiculturalism,[1] and identity politics.[3] The accusation of being an SJW carries implications of pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction,[4] and being engaged in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise personal reputation, also known as virtue signalling."

Basically, people who are given this name, are people who want to fight for thing slike Civil Rights but apparently tend to be hyporcitical or or going to far to the extreme to get it.

It’s warrior? Thought it was worker.

Yeah, I think possible hypocrisy or going to extremes is part of it. I’d be curious to know how much of that is people actually seeking a reputation boost or validation and how much of it is people simply assuming that about the person calling them out, when some of these so-called SJW’s just think it’d be nice if we all treated each other the way we’d want to be treated.

That’s not meant to be sarcastic or rhetorical either, I’m legitimately curious. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people sticking up for someone, only to be accused of “white knighting” for the social prestige, acceptance or perhaps favor of the person they’re supposedly sticking up for.

It’s odd to me because you usually see situations where people stick up for others as a good thing, but on the internet, it somehow gets people tagged for presumed ulterior motives. Just makes me wonder how many SJW / PC police have those ulterior motives or thrive on the satisfaction of protecting others for praise and/or putting others in their place and how much of it is just people thinking they’re doing what’s right, wanting to help others out, and wanting others to stop being terrible because terrible people suck.

Strange times, man. :slight_smile:

Well everyone is a hypocrite.

Take notes ? Lol

And we’re done.

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