Mortal Kombat 11

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I feel that Sonya will have a Ronda Rousey skin.


I really just think this is an elaborate tease for Frost…


Heh. Yeah, aerospace engineer by education, interned at NASA, and brother works at NASA. So I’ve had that particular conversation a few times now, enough that I’m disinclined to have it again to be honest :sweat_smile:

I’m always game to nerd out about space and tech stuff more generally though. There’s a lot of cool stuff that most people don’t really realize about it (like how the weightlessness experienced on shuttles and the space station has almost nothing to do with gravity), and it’s always fun to explain that kinda stuff.

The base physics for orbital mechanics isn’t hard per se, though the equations are long and involved. So figuring out what’s needed to do something is often relatively easy - it’s making something that can actually pull it off that’s impressive. 3-dimensional maneuvering is weird and unintuitive, and because of the insane distances involved these machines can never be tweaked or repaired - you’ve gotta get it right the first time. It’s really cool stuff :slightly_smiling_face:

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i used to see that one astronaut guy’s videos on his experiences living on the international space station. speakin of which, did you read the story about how some wise guy was drilling holes into it causing leaks?

Basically because they are “falling” all the time as they circle the earth right? So it’s the same weightlessness you would experience inside an elevator as it fell or on an airplane nosing down. But gravity is still pulling on them. Or is there something else I’m missing?

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one of my friends told me when a tornado is about to make landfall it feels like youre in an elevator thats about to stop, when you get that weird feeling as the lift stops and you feel like youre kind of falling

edit off topic a bit i know, but since apparentlty zero G you’re still falling just thought id bring that up lol

I’ve lived in places with storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanos (yep, a volcano erupted while we lived in Alaska :joy:), and tornados are far and away the freakiest of the natural disasters I’ve experienced. The sky turns really weird colors, pressure drops enough that you can literally feel it on your skin…and seeing clouds funnel is just all-around really, really scary. :sweat:

Pretty much. They don’t have any sense of “falling” as there isn’t any external force pushing on them in any direction (the ship/station is falling the same way), but they are indeed being pulled to earth at some significant percent of what we have here on the surface. They’re basically just traveling so fast (17,500 mph for the ISS) that their fall trajectory matches the curvature of the earth, so even though they’re constantly falling they never actually get closer to the surface. It’s really trippy when you think about it :slightly_smiling_face:

For a fun bit of quick math, the force of gravity on you (your weight) is described by the equation

In English units the gravitational constant is 3.33 x10^-11. The weight of the earth is 1.31666x10^25 lb. Low orbit where the International Space Station sits is about 200 miles above the Earth, or r=2.2x10^7 ft. Plug all that in with your own mass (your weight in English units) and see what you actually weigh aboard the space station - because of how much “space is weightless” in popular imagination I think most of you will be surprised how much gravity you’ve still got affecting you in space! :grimacing:

For my friends in the rest of the world it’s a bit less fun because your mass is your mass, and no one ever talks about their weight in Newtons. But feel free to give it a shot anyway if you feel like it. The math is actually much easier…G is a pain in the butt to convert to English units :sweat_smile:

Apologies for the massive derail everyone! Please feel free to start talking about MK11 again :-p

EDIT: actually, a fun way for the SI-using folks on the board to take part is actually to solve for F above, and then use that to solve for the acceleration due to gravity commonly expressed in Newton’s 2nd Law (F=ma). We generally take “a” in this equation to be a constant, but it’s actually slightly different for someone in space. So just do F/m, and you’ll find out how fast you “fall” in space aboard the ISS. It’s not 9.8m/s^2, but again, I think you may be surprised by how close to that value it is :slightly_smiling_face:


Ed Boon stole my meme while I was typing a tweet, so I lost the opportunity within the opportunity :laughing:


Oh right, the thing is a lot of people I knew or encountered online would call her “Raiden’s Wife” instead. That explains why I didn’t understand your joke earlier.

Also, I really don’t want to step on any toes by mistake, but regarding this statement:

There are two things noted from the series over the years. Firstly it was possible to create a female Tarkatan in MK Armageddon (there was even a default template for one). Second is an off-hand confirmation of female Tarkatans in Baraka’s MK9 bio, which basically said “Like all male Tarkatans, Baraka joined the army once he came of age.” If no females existed in their race, there would be no reason to have that line in there at all.

Of course no company is a stranger to retcons, and if they wanted to say that female Tarkatans only exist because of sorcery (like how Quan Chi and other demons gave themselves humanoid forms, as MK Deception confirmed in it’s Konquest mode) then that can technically be a thing as well. Until official statements confirm otherwise however, there do seem to be naturally born female Tarkatans, even if they are never seen outside of Kreate-a-Fighter mode.

Again, not trying to step on any toes, but NRS has a habit of sneaking in lore to those who look past the violence of MK.

There are indeed female Tarkata.

They are just rarely fighting. Also, it’s easier to just copy/paste no-named NPC henchmen.

Oh. Oops. Didn’t know that.

Eh. No big deal. Like I said that was the path I liked the least.

Ashrah was one of my (relative) favorites among the 3D era MK newcomers because she wasn’t an insane bikini clad weirdo. Obviously the visual design would need to be completely redone and you would want something that wasn’t just “girl Raiden.” But she could certainly be brought into the modern era. Heck, a lot more easily than Tanya.


Ashrah, Frost, and Li Mei. Those are the three 3D girls I want back. Maybe Kira if I get super lucky.

Instead she was formerly Quan Chi’s assassin, like Sareena, who just so happened to come across a sword in the Netherrealm who possessed her to kill demonic entities so she could become “purified”, when in fact the sword just fed on dark souls™ and was originally created as a weapon against vampires. And so she decided to dress in all white and wear a big hat… where she got those clothes while in the Netherrealm, or could even keep her white clothes clean, I have no idea. XD


Frost is interesting but has a similar problem. “Girl sub zero” isn’t that compelling from a gameplay standpoint. Especially with so many variations etc. But certainly it could be done.

Lei Mei is less interesting to me. Her design was two giant chest balloons and a pair of Sai. Not very interesting to me - although again, it’s certainly possible they could update the character and improve her greatly. KI2 maya may be the worst character design in the history of fighting games, but they managed to make her incredible for the new KI. So anything is possible.

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If they use her design from the MKX cutscenes, I think they’ve got a good starting place.

That statement actually works for Li Mei AND Frost

Heh…I don’t know about that one. There’s a LOT of garbage out there :joy:

Fighters Destiny has a fighting cow in it.

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