Mortal Kombat 11

I’ve been watching the show. While the depraved violence and mental instability of the characters fits in with MK, I don’t think the property is popular enough to warrant a guest in MK11.

As for the show, it’s depraved but not as depraved as the source material. In addition the “deconstruction” of the superhero genre is the same as every other with a pile on of Hollywood tropes. Companies bad, pharmaceutical companies the worst, America bad, religion bad, criminals good etc. etc. It’s one thing to step outside the 1960s comic book norms but that doesn’t make it original or compelling. Nuanced stories are nuanced - not white and black instead of black and white.

True. I wouldn’t call the criminals “good”, though. I mean, Billy Butcher was a miserable git who’s just slightly better than Homelander. I think the show does a good job sketching the characters.

“In addition the “deconstruction” of the superhero genre is the same as every other with a pile on of Hollywood tropes. Companies bad, pharmaceutical companies the worst, America bad, religion bad, criminals good etc.”

True, but some of these are a little closer to home in the modern context in “The Boys’” case, especially when Stormfront enters the scene.

The next guest character should be Kung Fury. Someone tweet Ed Boon please.

The next guest character should be either Ash Williams or Bayonetta

Hell yes to this!

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Looked it up. It’s a crowd funded movie. Meaning it’s probably pretentious indie trash. Like all indie projects are, so far up their own ■■■ that they can’t have any fun with it. Too focused on meaning and art style to actually do anything interesting. A: I would not want to see a cheesy 80’s action movie filtered through that kind of lens. B: It does not belong in MK.

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“Meaning it’s probably pretentious indie trash. Like all indie projects are, so far up their own ■■■ that they can’t have any fun with it.”

I think that’s kind of unfair to say. Not ALL indie projects are like that. You might get the occasional pretentious work or piece of garbage, but there are some really good indie works.

“A: I would not want to see a cheesy 80’s action movie filtered through that kind of lens. B: It does not belong in MK.”

To be fair, though, KF makes more sense to me than, say, Rambo.

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Oh please. My entire media education was comprised of people sucking the ■■■■■ of the independent film and games markets for how much more “artful” and “meaningful” they were. If their ideas weren’t like that, then they wouldn’t need to be indie now would they.

How? Rambo is from a pretty violent and over the top 80s action movie. Basically, if your source material has gore, you fit in MK pretty much. Unless you’re a pretentious gob of cack.

“My entire media education was comprised of people sucking the ■■■■■ of the independent film and games markets for how much more “artful” and “meaningful” they were. If their ideas weren’t like that, then they wouldn’t need to be indie now would they.”

Not all indie projects are the same. Some are more artful than others, some even downright pretentious and irritating. Some are just plain bad and are hiding behind the indie label.

“How? Rambo is from a pretty violent and over the top 80s action movie. Basically, if your source material has gore, you fit in MK pretty much. Unless you’re a pretentious gob of cack.”

Except Rambo is a little more rooted in the real world. I mean, granted, he’s part of a violent action series, but by the same token none of his films featured either science fiction, fantasy or horror (at least, the kind we typically associate). Kung Fury is pretty ultraviolent and revels in the fantastical, even going so far as to do some MK-type stuff, including Sub-Zero’s head-rip.


It’s a satire of '80’s cop movies, and it does it excellently. I’m not big on indie stuff myself, but nothing is absolute and Kung Fury was great.

It is sad to see how aggressively dismissive and verbally hostile you get over such little things.

He’d fit perfectly into Mortal Kombat.

Significantly so.

Kung Fury is from a pretty violent and over the top parody 80’s action movie.

^This is Kung Fury.

“You don’t need your spine. It’s holding your back.”

Not sure if any of you have your own thought son it. But this looks like it might make some intresting gameplay for Rain.

You’re going on a lengthy bender about something you don’t know anything about again. You’re honestly going to sit here and argue that Kung Fury is pretentious indie trash? You’re not helping your own case here…

No. How does this follow any logic at all? You think all ideas and creators that aren’t pretentious get giant studio contracts? What?

Rocky was essentially an independent film, with an unknown writer director using family members as extras and crew to keep the budget low. Is Rocky pretentious? The original Rambo movie - First Blood - is as different in tone from its sequels as Rocky is from
Rocky IV. John Rambo started out as a PTSD disabled vet who just wants to be left alone. Eventually Hollywood turned him into a cheesy action character. But I have a hard time seeing this as somehow a more natural fit for MK than a parody martial artist.

You can disagree without flaming someone’s idea to hell and salting the earth behind you.


As someone who enjoys looking at the wonderful effort in animation. The water effects are stunning. Very impressive use of it too.


That looks really freaking cool. I love the water effects and tidal waves that he creates - that’s really neat!


I have always hated Rain, including his visual design and his move set. But putting that aside they’ve done a great job of realizing him in this game. We will see if his juggle potential satisfies some of the people who feel this game doesn’t have enough combo (which I admit I don’t understand).

Well… he certainly looks like Rain… this is like… the Honda, Poison, Lucia pack for SFV. I mean, I LOVE Poison, but… you can’t deny that the pack felt underwhelming. And so does this.

prediction. The final Kombat Pack, containing 5/6 characters, will be revealed the day KP2 launches. Just a hunch.

Yes I know you and some folks feel the pick is undwehelming. Rain may be one of my favorites but is still not enough to get me back into MK11, Still, I know some rain fans are happy to have their purple edenian ninja again.

Heck I felt that way when the guest characters got to the amount where it is now. But that’s just how I feel. I didn’t really care what guest character got in personally and I don’t really care who they have chosen next. Assuming we are getting more.

I mean. The game has been selling well and Aftermath proved that new physical editions don’t mean “no more” any more. Especially with next gen opening up the market, I really think more will be coming. Potentially much more.

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As someone who was quite firmly in the camp of “leave her out just to spite the a-holes screaming loudly for her”, this is probably the wrong take. While the people most visibly asking for her were indeed tools, Mileena is and has been a very popular character, so her inclusion is probably much more about pleasing those fans than appeasing the loud and annoying segment we see on Twitter.

Mileena doesn’t do anything for me personally, but I think between her and Rain the pack is actually quite strong. Both of them are pretty iconic and popular members of the cast, and Rain in particular seems very interesting visually and gameplay wise. Rambo is weirdly novel in the way most NRS guests are, so while I don’t particularly care I definitely don’t think he’s a “bad” inclusion :man_shrugging:t5:

I suspect this particular subset of consumer simply doesn’t exist. No one who hasn’t bought the game already was sitting waiting with bated breath thinking "when Mileena drops, I’m in. Fans will likely pick the game back up to try her out and see if the game agrees with them more now though.

Was that ever really stated anywhere? And to be honest, between Frost, Skarlet, Fujin, Sheeva, Kabal, Baraka, and Sindel, I kind of feel like they’ve actually done a good job of going with a different-ish roster. We got a fair number of characters that haven’t been seen in a pretty long time I think.

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