Mortal Kombat 11

I believe nothing other then the fact that Ash in MK11 is a good idea

It’s not clear what Ed was tweeting about. He had an earlier tweet about “Animality Krossing” (which is funny), and I think he might have been saying links suggesting animalities were wrong.

It all just seems like a lot of fuss and bother with little or no benefit. You will find out eventually anyway and you don’t get the content any sooner because you read a leak about it…


I’m not saying that it isn’t. I’m just syaing take leaks with a grain of salt.

i’ve been intrigued by it recently, but i think the blood is too much for me to handle.
also, yes, i do play doom. but the difference is that doom’s gore is faster and more practical while MK is, quite literally, smearing a mutilated corpse in your face.

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More intresting lore

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take with grain of salt

Considering the datamines and he might be under corporate orders to try to lead people astray so the “surprise” is in tact, I do not think that Ash is 100% de-confirmed, I just think he was delayed to a future pack. There are 8 spaces left on the character select screen, so I could easily see us get two more packs of four characters. The idea of which makes me extremly happy because it’s like they deliberatly made Aftermath only have 3 to even out the character count because of Shao Kahn. And I’m a stickler for my fighting games having multiple characters.

As for the clues, I think Havik is a pretty solid contender. And Ghostface… I can see the character happening but I don’t think that’s what the clue was for. Especially since the trademark for the Ghostface mask and the Scream movie franchise are actually two seperate trademarks (it’s why Dead by Daylight doesn’t have any overt references to the films), and because of that… I just think it would make Ghostface too much of a hastle. In order to actually make it Ghostface you’d have to buy two licences and I can’t see corporate approving that.

The Reptile clue… it’s not a clue. Ed has a history of tweeting pics of cosplayers he finds impressive. It’s never been a hint before and it isn’t now.

That one about Nitara would make sense. And I do agree with him that it won’t be Smoke. But I can see the concept of Tri-Borg being re-imagined and re-introduced in a similar way to the TMNT in Injustice. Sure, it’s a technicality, and maybe I just desperatly want my Ro-Baby back. But I do think something that helps my case is the fact that the Cyber Smoke and Cyber Sub-Zero art for the Kollector Items (which are 3D models I might add) is unique compared to either characters previous appearances, and that Cyrax and Sektor have identical builds and even armor plate patterns. The only difference between the two are the heads and color.

I don’t think Mileena or Reptile are coming in any capacity. They’ve just been done so many times in the series before and I think they want to focus on characters they haven’t given much focus too.

I also like the rumors of Bayonetta being added to the game. Especially since Bayonetta 3 has got to be inbound and Kamiya expressed interest in such a collaboration before. Which is typically how these east meets west collaborations work. The Japanese party is the one to initiate.

So just based on rumors, datamines, and my own instinct as an armchair developer with aspirations to the professional games industry, I see the two remaining Kombat Packs being something like this


  1. Havik
  2. Nitara
  3. Kurtis Stryker
  4. Bayonetta


  1. The Tekunin
  2. Ashrah
  3. Takeda
  4. Ash Williams

Datamines from the game itself (which I consider to be the most accurate and trustworthy source of info) have entries in the code relating to Sektor, Ash, Takeda, and Stryker. So as far as I am concerned, they’re locks.

General mod note to please use posts for discussion, and not just posting a video or link. Video with your thoughts on the contents are fine, but please try to avoid just dropping videos without any form of context or thoughts beyond “this is interesting” or “check this out”.

The forums don’t have a ton of traffic anymore, but for the folks still here let’s focus on actual conversations/discussion.


Okay after looking at this, I learned a few things.

1: apparently being DLC in the past does not stop you from being DLC in the future.
2: Mileena fans got their wish, which means any fans who didn’t want to play the game has a reason to now.
3: I hope that this isn’t all that was in pack 3.

So whats your thoughts.


I loved the previous pack characters, this one is less appealing to me, but I will get it anyway, love the game so far

Rambo could be super fun

Mileena and Rain have nice designs here. I think they played it safe a bit, but that’s fine. I’m glad Rain doesn’t have his Armageddon look, at least.

These three characters were leaked some time ago from dataminers, so I wasn’t surprised, but it’s still nice that fans of these characters got what they wanted after waiting all this time. I’d personally love to see more 3D era characters and also Takeda, but I’m assuming we have another five characters left, so I’m still holding out hope for some characters I’m a bit more interested in.

I think that’s all we’re getting on 11/17, but I don’t think that’s all that we’re getting. My guess is that there’s five DLC left and that we’ll be getting an announcement for them sometime in late first quarter 2021.

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Maybe but I’ll be waiting for further details before I make that decision.

Really cool to see Rain and Mileena, but Rambo?! Really? I had been hoping for Ash myself.

I thought I heard something about there being a rumored movie voice pack with Christopher Lambert, Robin Shou and Linden Ashby voicing the characters they played in the movie?

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As a Mileena main, I’m very excited that she’s coming to the game. We’ll see how she plays of course, but she looks great. My fav costume for her was her Mortal Kombat XL Tournament costume, and this skin looks very much like it.

I also like how she actually looks like a clone of Kitana this time, and the voice is spot on.

I wish they would have kept her mouth with lips, as with the new facial animation system in Mortal Kombat 11, they could have done some really cool stuff there. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with her “klassic” mouth in general, but I’d love to see the Mortal Kombat XL mouth as a “mask” Gear option.

Apparently this is past Mileena, so also from around the Outworld Tournament time of the reboot timeline, which means she’ll be immature, impulsive, and generally crazy. I have mixed feelings about that as I found in both the comics and Story Mode for Mortal Kombat X, she was one of the most developed and improved characters. It’ll be a shame that’ll all be gone.

I’m also glad to see they’re doing a free upgrade to next gen for current console owners. It’ll be great for them to have the PC features that have been there for well over a year.

  1. John Rambo is yet another action movie character from the 80s AND 90s who has now been officially added for Kombat Pack 2 and overall to the Mortal Kombat 11 roster now.
  2. Sylvester Stallone will be lending HIS own voice to the titular character by any chance?
  3. Actually this is the OFFICIAL Kombat Pack 2 as the Aftermath DLC Pack does NOT officially count, correct?

Just watch, the next character will be John McClane from “Die Hard”, Jack Burton from “Big Trouble In Little China” or Snake Plissken.

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Or John Wick even? :wink:

Yes, I believe that that is officially kombat pack 2. Sense it is also 3 of them they didn’t mention if there was more than 3.

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