I will give you the important part, copy paste from the article:
When I asked them about the rumor that the game’s roster would not include as many (or any) characters from the X-Men or Fantastic Four series due film rights issues (the current film series for those franchises are owned by Fox and not Marvel Studios) and would instead favor characters already in the Marvel cinematic universe, Creative Director of Marvel Entertainment Bill Rosemann didn’t tense up the way PR folks tend to when you ask them a difficult question. While Marvel wants to take a forward-thinking stance with the characters they include in the game, he wants to make sure fans of all of Marvel properties, including X-Men, are happy. “That heritage is not lost,” he told me. Not the straight answer I was looking for, but it left me hopeful about my chances of Berserker Barraging people as Wolverine next year.
Jeez, Andy don’t bite my head off. I was just questioning where it came from on the source, I wanted to know all the facts before I started talking about it. I’m not trying to create a hysteria or anything.
Appreciate it, and I also looked up the Marvel twitter account to confirm it too. Thanks for the clarification guys.
From the looks of the tease we are getting Vision/Sigma so i am pretty hyped about that.
As for Characters that i hope make it:
Capcom side i would like to see Scrooge McDuck, his voice actor Alan Young passed away this year and it would be a nice in memory of thing. Also Nero, i think his moveset is perfect for this sort of thing.
Marvel side i would like to see anyone from the Netflix shows, just to bridge the gap with the MCU.
Because of my experience with MVC3 I think I’m gonna avoid this game like the plauge. Wrong to assume since we haven’t seen gameplay yet I know, but after that game; I don’t want anything to do with the Devil May Cry series, or Megaman Legends (Especially if Tron-Bonne is in it)
My brother might get it, though for his sake, I hope infinities will be taken out or at least have some way to break those damn things.
2 v 2 with no assists make me want to try this one. MVC3 looked too insane and chaotic, so ill probably try this one. I need Dante, Vergil, Wesker, Morrigan, Akuma, and Carnage lol
I got the original marvel vs capcom 3 on disc and got rid of it because I missed a lot of characters I would have liked to play from the marvel side (Nova, Dr. Strange, etc…). They got released in the Ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 version, but could not find it anywhere in stores and didnt buy digital at the time yet. Now this would have been a great game for xbox’s backward compatible games system, but Capcom is royally ******* it up by having xbox owners wait for a re-release that wont be released till march…
I really feel Capcom is going the way of Sega and ending up in irrelevance…they really need to step it up with the new MvC Infinite and the new Resident Evil needs to be a hit aswell…