The trailer at the event only mentioned PlayStation because it’s a PlayStation event. The trailer they uploaded to YouTube has the Xbox and steam logos on it.
A couple of people have said that. It looked like Marvel to me. But this is a super early build. I’m increasingly inclined to predict this thing won’t drop until 2018 - unless they are going to have a much smaller than expected roster, which I expect may be true.
Yeah don’t get me wrong I’m excited but what I got to see looked bad, well not bad but certainly not on par with modern fighting games. At least MvC3 had the cell shaded comic thing to cover the rough edges, this just looks… boring. Nothing about the trailers that I saw got me excited.
Then I’m hearing about only 2 characters, no X-men (staple characters) and some weird infinity gem thing. It all just doesn’t settle well with me, doesn’t really look like the big “next-gen” MvC I was hoping for.
Pretty disappointed with what I’m hearing. No assists? Making it more accessible? Assists are THE most iconic and interesting part of marvel, and knowing capcom “more accessible” means “less fun.”
I’m still interested, but this really wasn’t what I wanted to hear.
The “no x-men” thing is a bit hard to pin down. Lots of twitter chat about it, but it seems to be fueled by rumor only and speculation about Disney not wanting to profit share with other movie production companies. But I wouldn’t believe that stuff until it gets demonstrated.
Two v Two is clearly a thing. The rumor is they are trying to lower the barrier to entry for newcomers, which, frankly I appreciate. But again, I think they could essentially re-work any and all ideas between now and release because there’s no way we see this thing for at least 12 months.
It looks like Tatsunoko vs Capcom. One of my favorites back on the Wii. That game was exceptionally well done but had a similar feeling to it when just looking at the game sometimes (the"washed out" graphics).
If it plays anything like TVC that would be awesome (but I do wish Ryu looked better…).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a graphics snob I love classic games as well but for this day and age and the stature of the series being revealed I expected a lot more especially with how gorgeous SFV can be at times.
me too, don’t get me wrong. I just go a TvC vibe from it…
Overall the characters they chose and the art style, it just wasn’t impressive. The cinematic was bland and it just didn’t do much for me. Hell, even Max was like “IT DOESN’T EVEN LOOK THAT GOOD! BUT DAMN!”
Pretty much, this is exactly what they’re talking about when they said “If its not broke, don’t fix it”. MvC has a wining formula, why change it so drastically? I get trying to keep it modern or change things for whatever reason, KI being a huge example of that but KI was brought back from over a decade of obscurity. MvC doesn’t need this.
At least have a mode with 3v3 because people are going to beg for it and hopefully assists will come back as well.
I was more let down by infinity stones announcement. More so from a visual point of view than gameplay.
I hated SFxT because I couldn’t enjoy characters’ visuals and their color palettes as every character was constantly flashing red/green/yellow. If I buy costume dlc I don’t want to look at a generic color for an entire match.
For example, look at Ryu and Kazuya below in SFxT. The shading, coloring on Kazuya is awesome, making him great to look at, imo. But, I cannot enjoy the constant red glow on Ryu on the other hand.
In the MvC Infinite trailer I noticed that characters have this blue glow a lot of the time. It’s ugly and it takes away from any cool costume design and color scheme if they flash blue constantly (sorry SL shadow skins…).
Does MvC have a winning formula? It’s popular with fighting game fans on the tournament circuit, but the game kind of tanked as a commercial endeavor. VGChartz (which sucks but is the closest thing to data I have) has the sales on PS3 and 360 at just under 2.5 million copies, and the Ultimate version not even 500,000. I’m a big fighting game fan and I bought vanilla but never bothered to upgrade, partly because online was complete ■■■■ and partly because I’m not that into Marvel Vs. Capcom.
WIth SFV floundering sales wise and Marvel being a hot property right now, I suspect they want to move units with this game. The rumors are that 2 v 2 is to make entry easier and I can see this definitely being a priority. This game is going to have to aim for more than a couple million units sold if it’s going to be a success.
EDIT: Just as a frame of reference, SF X Tekken, which is considered a flop by everyone, sold just over 1.5 Million units on PS3/360. and SF IV vanilla sold about 7 million on PS3/360.
The no xmen rumor came from the same source that said it’d be 2v2 and that it wouldn’t be called marvel vs capcom 4 but instead reboot the series. Both of those ended up being true and captain marvel was one of the first characters people were talking about when they heard the “promoting the mcu” part of the rumor so her inclusion in the reveal along with mcu poster boy iron man over mvc poster boy wolverine kind of cements it.
True enough, but I don’t think pissing off the people who DO love your game is the smartest way to ensure success.
Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. First, you can get a lot of things correct and still be wrong about other things. Also, promoting the MCU is a big no-brainer with the way those movies are printing money. It seems like I’m quibbling, but I wouldn’t call this a “reboot” either. Infinite is a great way to refer to the infinity stone element of the game (which harkens back to Marvel Super Heroes as well as tying in to the MCU), but I’m not sure I would call it a “reboot.” None of the vs games have any plot to speak of and certainly 1-3 don’t tell any kind of story together.
But I think more importantly, if the leaker actually just saw the trailer, it would explain all the rumors but still not confirm that there will be no Xmen in the game. I’m curious too, because putting Infinite in the title might be highly suggestive of a seasonal approach, meaning they might add characters for a long, long time.
I will be very surprised if this is the first ever MvC game not to have wolverine in it. It’s possible, but I would be surprised. Keep in mind that SFV didn’t have Akuma in the roster either. But now it does.
Since it is easy to say “maybe, maybe not” I will offer these concrete predictions:
- The game launches December 2017 (or later) with not more than 20 characters - ten Marvel ten Capcom.
- Follows the same seasonal model as KI and now SF V are with significant additional character releases in 2018 and continuing until they stop making money or Disney has another crazy mood swing and decides to shut the whole thing down. I just think calling it “infinite” is too convenient for them not to do this.
- Prices for new characters/season pass etc. are going to make people mad.
- Character balance is not even a thing and there are two characters that you MUST have on your team to be competitive (because its MvC).
- Blanka shows up in this game.
- Wolverine shows up in the first DLC
EDIT: I didn’t see this but don’t want to double post:
That’s a fair point. But I think the Marvel FGC community is going to be more forgiving than you might think. Especially if there is Capcom Cup support. I haven’t heard anyone - literally ANYONE in the FGC saying that SFV is such a terrific game. But they all bought it, play it, and are competing in it. Because it’s SFV.
X-Men are still a thing:
Creative Director of Marvel Entertainment Bill Rosemann didn’t tense up the way PR folks tend to when you ask them a difficult question. While Marvel wants to take a forward-thinking stance with the characters they include in the game, he wants to make sure fans of all of Marvel properties, including X-Men, are happy.
I am pretty stoked for the game Gameplay looks good and not chaotic (my main gripe about umvc3)
He’s supporting my view on X-men so I hate to point it out, but MvC2 only used four attack buttons and of course MvC was a two on two game while other Vs games (if that’s what he’s talking about) prior to that (Xmen vs and Marvel Heroes Vs) were as well. So change isn’t a radical thing for the series even back when they were churning them out once a year using the same sprites.
Well, since we already know the basics, let’s do the funny part:
I expect 4 buttons for attacks, one for the assist, and another one for the other character. This last button would have several porpuses: You can use it mid combo to switch character and expand your combo, you could use it to switch character out of a combo…
Characters gameplay:
I’m a bit dissapointed with Iron Man. I alrady saw the proton cannon, and although it’s some short of legacy move, I’m worried about some characters retaining their gameplay. Iron man(in previous MvC) feels really outdated for me in terms of gameplay, so I hope to see some short of rework on that characters. Of course, Ryu has not much to work with, but some characters like Iron Man or Cap. America could have a rework on their basic gameplay design.
Playable characters:
Of course, this is where the funny part. Who will make it? Who will return?
I’m going only by the Marvel side, because besides Wesker, Nemesis and Frank West, I always favored all Marvel characters over Capcom ones(Dante/Morrigan/Vergil hater here)
Sure bets: Characters that will make it
-Iron Man
-Captain Marvel
-Captain America(Two captains already!)
Probable: It would be very hard to imagine this characters out:
-At least one Guardian of the Galaxy. I would like to see Groot and Rocket as team, like Ferra/Torr. The less likely to happen seems Drax. Gamora could make to have more females
-Thanos(infinity gems without Thanos? Not going to happen)
-At least one between Black Widow and Hawkeye. Both would be great
Characters I would like to see:
-Loki(I can totally see Loki as a setup based character, with duplicates to confuse his opponent)
-Ant Man(with power ups to put himself tiny and hard to hit, or bigger and more powerful
-Doctor Doom(Legacy character, also one of the best Villains in Marvel universe)
-Deadpool(nuff said)
-Mr Fantastic(As a Dhalsim esque character)
-Scarlet Witch
-Dr Strange and Dormammu(I loved both on the previous game, and with the success of Dr. Strange movie, at least the Dr. seems a sure bet)
-Vision(Phasing would be nice as gameplay mechanic)
I don’t see Sentinel, Storm, Taskmaster, She-Hulk, Super Skrull, Nova or X-23 coming back. I liked Ghost Rider and Modok, but they seem to be a hard call too
Gameplay Trailer!
Idk, still need to see cast, since there’s no X-men, I would like Doom and Wesker back…