Make Orchid the Face of KI Again!

I’ll never be able to get the nickname banana-■■■■■ out of my head from KI1’s orchid design, she literally looked like she had two bananas poking out, hidden under her shirt, probably one of the worst looking characters out of the original lot.

Certainly not the face of KI. lol

There I go lol lol

Hope you enjoy it canebeer!

The win quote though:-

Orchid defeats Aria,

“One step closer to flushing out Ultratech!”


So maybe she actually is paranoid and crazy to the point where she has no actual idea of what’s going on in reality, or she is just terrible at identifying targets…

Fun fact, Orchid used to stuff her bra with tissues back then, however, she had a bad habit of forgetting to take them out of the box first.


I’d prefer tusk and Maya over orchid. Tho I do love orchid.

why are there worms on her head


Orchid has been and should be again the T&A of KI.

No problem, comrade.

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That’s exactly what didn’t happen, because you were making an assumption on the OP’s bias. And as I said, I main Orchid, she’s my favourite KI character, and I made an arguement against OP’s post.

As for CrazyLCD’s reason to want Orchid to be the face of KI, I cannot say. I don’t know who he plays as or who he mains.

Don’t worry, you are not the only one to think he wrote this because he mains Orchid. This is like the Kim Wu face thing all over again.

Orchid has never been the face of KI. She was on the side to show people that the female character from the first KI was back. Fulgore will always be a better mascot than Orchid.

Before anyone makes a crack, I don’t main any of the 3 characters in question.

I like Orchid, was my original main in S2. So, I have no issues with this.

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Jeeze, she can poke an eye out with those things.

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I still consider Orchid one of the big three in KI’s poster children. I love the hell outta Fulgore though so that’s what I don’t mind that his face is on KI.

I think if they have to make Orchid the face of KI I don’t think they’ll have her pose sexually like she did in some art. Just make her bad-■■■ like in that arcade cabinet.

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I thought her and fulgore where both the face of KI and always has been.

The amount of Orchid hate in this thread sickens me. Just a bunch of sexist men who dont want woman to represent video games :confused:

Banna breasts Orchid was back in the 90s. Orchid is now a respectable young woman who looks fantastic.

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Get the ■■■■ out of here with that ■■■■.


I think there is room for both Fulgore and Orchid to be the faces of KI ala Ryu and Chun-Li.

Uh oh. Don’t think that was the right thing to say on a public forum.

Bueña Suerte, Mi Amigo.


Then why just her? Why not hisako, riptor, Maya,Kim, aria, Sadira or Mira?

Why must it be orchid?

Sorry man your sexist comment is grade A bull

I know you want to a considered a villain on the scene but plz…


[quote=“CrazyLCD, post:54, topic:18930”]
Just a bunch of sexist men who dont want woman to represent video games
[/quote]What? Now that’s an overreaction if I ever saw one. It has nothing to do with sexism, Orchid just isn’t the face of KI. You make yourself look like a complete fool by throwing around the “sexist” card when someone doesn’t agree with your obviously biased opinion about your favorite character. :\